Since came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay
sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow, and, these results are for auction that closed last week. )
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#10 STAR WARS THE HIGH REPUBLIC #1 SWAY VARIANT (1:25) (MARVEL, 2021) Buckle in, how many High Republics does it take to make a TOP 10 list? This new Star Wars series features the 1st appearance of Keeve Trennis, 1st full appearance of Avar Kriss and the 1st appearance of Sskeer. This Sway 1:25 was instantly hot, selling 54 copies, had a 7-day trend of 96% and had a high sale of $199.99 for a CGC 9.8 (pre-sale) and recently $132 raw.
#9 STAR WARS #1 (MARVEL, 1977) It ALL comes back to this. Star Wars #1 has always been a “must have” for collectors. It just took the Mandalorian heat to shine a giant spotlight on it. This week, it sold 30 copies, had a 7-day trend of 187% and had a high sale of $1,199.99 for a CGC 9.6.
#8 IRON MAN #5 FRANK CHO VARIANT (MARVEL, 2021) Frank Cho’s Hellcat 1:25 variant was one of the hottest variants of last week. It sold 40 copies, had a 7-day trend of 144% and had a high sale of $80 and recent highs of $99 for a raw copy.
#7 STAR WARS #10 TERRY DODSON (1:25) (MARVEL, 2021) This issue features the first appearance of the Starlight Squadron. And these days, “firsts” in Star Wars are now instantly hot. It sold 30 copies, had a 7-day trend of 201% and had a high sale of $96 for a raw copy.
#6 STAR WARS THE HIGH REPUBLIC #1 PASCAL BLANCHE & GONZALO KENNY CONCEPT ART (1:10) (MARVEL, 2021) Alright, now back to the HIGH REPUBLIC. Normally, design variants are hit or miss. However, with such a hot title… this was definitely a hit. It sold 68 copies, had a 7-day trend of 112% and had a high sale of $27.50 for a raw copy.
#5 STAR WARS THE HIGH REPUBLIC #1 ARIO ANINDITO (MARVEL, 2021) And with that said, even this B variant is moving. It sold 77 copies, had a 7-day trend of 120% and had a high sale of $99.99 for a CGC 9.8 (pre-sale).
#4 DARK NIGHTS DEATH METAL #7 (DC, 2021) On the last page, it features the 1st cameo of Yara Flores (and the new Batman). Even though they were released the same week. Still, it sold 108 copies, had a 7-day trend of 176% and had a high sale of $23.62 for a raw copy.
#3 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #55 (MARVEL, 2021) Patrick Gleeson’s scorching hot cover continues to stay on the list. Many expect a wave of color variations to keep this book trending. It sold 180 copies, had a 7-day trend of 141% and had a high sale of $199.99 for a CGC 9.8 (pre-sale).
#2 STAR WARS THE HIGH REPUBLIC #1 (MARVEL, 2021) Wow, did this book move. We all knew it was going to be hot… but still. It sold 260 copies, had a 7-day trend of 123% and had a high sale of $89.99 for a CGC 9.8 (pre-sale).
#1 STAR WARS THE HIGH REPUBLIC #1 STEPHANIE HANS (MARVEL, 2021) And the winner of the week! This Hans variant sold 235 copies, had a 7-day trend of 161% and had a high sale of $139.99 for a CGC 9.8 (pre-sale) and currently $39 raw. This was the cover that started trending first, inspiring many retailers to rush in before FOC to meet demand. It obviously couldn’t and sent collectors scrambling to sites like eBay on release day to find a copy. Where will this book go? Honestly, up. It has a bright future… as long as SW content stays the course… which it will.