One Week Later Report for May 26th, 2021

Welcome to the 17th One Week Later Report for 2021.

This week we’ll cover the books released on 05/19/2021, which was last week.

These can be books that were simply overlooked or we anticipated getting hot, total surprise winners and perhaps books that got hyped, ending up as complete duds. Also could be a good list to use when out picking up this weeks books for you Wednesday Warriors..

We skipped last week as it just wasn’t that eventful of a week. Here’s the highlights for this week though that cover last weeks books, since you know, this is the One Week Later report. Not a lot of huge winners but still some money to be made for a few if you were able to score at cover or lower price.

Batman Fortnite Zero Point #3 hit stands last week. It’s not as hot as the first issue but it’s an easy $10 book on average reaching the $15 range on the high peak.


If you were able to snag for cover or cheap, the Joker #2 1:25 Ratio 2nd printing of the new Vengeance Bane Daughter is seeing sales as high as $80 (some listings are higher but none sold as of yet). Most shops probably listed these around the $40 to $50 range. So if you got at that price or lower, flip potential is there to make profit.

Radiant Black #1 and #2 had some 1:10 ratio 3rd prints that some shops might of sold around the $15 to $20 mark and these seem to be a solid $30 book for each on both.


Nottingham #3 is a solid $15 to $20 sale currently. One turd managed to sell a copy for $120 but I’m sure that was a shill buy.


Red Room #1 is seeing some love for some of the ratio and exclusives out there. Prices all over though depending on the variant. The Momoko seems to be selling quite well if you were able to snag at a low price.

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