Variant Picks of the Week for August 4th, 2021

It’s a pretty good week for variants. Lots to list that make the cut of awesomeness based on cover art, rarity (HTF) or gonna potentially heat up.

Batman chilling in the Batcave. Not sure why I really like this cover but Dell Otto is great. Who’d think he could just have ‘ol Bats sitting in his chair and it’s appealing.

Batman #111 Variant B Dell ‘Otto

Joker Presents a Puzzlebox #1 (of 7) by Christopher Mooneyham is pretty cool. Different and yet simplistic. I like it.

This is a very cool Transformers King Grimlock #1 variant by Agustin Padilla. Already sold out at some of the bigger online retailers. If the first is this good, Transformers King Grimlock #3 (of 5) (Cover B – Padilla) once the cover art is released might be equally as good. Actually most of the covers I’ve seen for this new title look pretty awesome. Buy them all if you’re a Transformers fan.

Stray Dogs #5 1:10 is gonna be a winner if you can snag it and snag it at the actual 1:10 normal average price range. It’s for any Crow fan for sure. Already being listed at the $50 price point on the secondary.

The Me You Love In The Dark #1 1:25 by Young is just fantastic. Love the rough sketched look.


Silk #5 by Judy Jong is just awesome. Love the Japanese Anime look she’s given Silk for this cover. This one was likely under ordered and might be hard to find at a decent price.

Superlog does fantastic covers. This one for Star Wars War Of The Bounty Hunters 4-LOM & Zuckuss #1 should not go unnoticed if you ask me. Just good stuff.

It’s been done many times but I still like it when TMNT #1 gets another homage. Red Room #3 by Jim Rugg gives us a pretty cool variant this week.

Love it. Simple yet appealing. Those always win me over.

Suicide Squad Get Joker #1 by Jorge Fornes.


Spirits Of Vengeance Spirit Rider #1 by Sienkiewicz is one of those I think most shops didn’t even order enough to qualify for. Going to be a ghost variant I think. It’s a worthy snag if you can find for cheap I think and particularly if this character continues to appear and hopefully take off. Who doesn’t like a Demon Rider?

Simply love this homage for Not All Robots #1. I’m hoping this is a great read. I don’t care if it heats up. I’m buying this one though cause I like paintings too. It’s not all about just flipping comics for me.