Welcome to this weeks spec. This is where we pick the winners each week we (or shall I say myself) think will be spec worthy, a great read or just cool looking art on the cover.
Marvel Picks
Kaare Andrews makes this first pick an easy one with Amazing Fantasy #3 (of 5). Absolutely fantastic cover art that brings out the feel of those old retro magazines.
Amazing Fantasy #3 (of 5) (Andrews Variant)
Amazing Fantasy #3 (of 5) Gist Variant
It’s the big legacy #875 for Amazing Spider-Man to end Spencer’s run on this title. Here’s to hoping something actually exciting and or interesting happens within the issue (cause I’m not feeling so great with that regular cover by Gleason), especially with that big ‘ol jacked up price tag they slapped on this one with the bazillion covers.
Amazing Spider-Man #74
Amazing Spider-Man #74 (Ferreira Variant)
Amazing Spider-Man #74 (Pichelli Miles Morales 10th Anniv Variant)
Amazing Spider-Man #74 (Momoko Variant)
Amazing Spider-Man #74 (Checchetto Variant)
Amazing Spider-Man #74 (Yu Variant)
Amazing Spider-Man #74 (Frenz Variant)
Amazing Spider-Man #74 (Gomez Variant)
Amazing Spider-Man #74 (Foreshadow Variant)
Amazing Spider-Man #74 (Bagley Variant)
Doesn’t seem like it’s only been 10 years as it seems longer for me. But Miles Morales celebrates 10 years and Miles Morales Spider-Man #30 celebrates such anniversary.
There’s also a ratio design variant. How does everyone feel about the new suit? I’m not feeling that baggy looking throw over. Kind of defeats the purpose of being aerodynamic and seems like it would just snag on too much stuff. If I was a villain, just gives me something to grab onto while I pound him with my fist..
Miles Morales Spider-Man #30 (Pichelli Variant)
Miles Morales Spider-Man #30 (Miles Morales 10th Anniv Variant)
Miles Morales Spider-Man #30 Chase Conley Design Variant
Once upon a time, it just wasn’t cool to only have the 2nd, 3rd or beyond print of a comic, you had to have the first printing. Times have changed and most seem to seek these out due to smaller quantities printed which leads to smaller availability. With any type of demand, these tend to go up in value.
So here’s the list of additional prints hitting shelves this week from Marvel:
Star Wars War Of The Bounty Hunters #3 2nd Printing (You can still find most of the first prints available at TFAW, including the Shalvey Variant).
Kang the Conqueror #1 (of 5) (2nd Ptg)
Moon Knight #2 2nd Printing Variant – Seems to be a ghost on eBay and other outlets from quick check. Midtown has them limited to 1 per. Awesome new cover art though.
Star Wars High Republic #8 (2nd Ptg)
DC Picks
Pretty light week for DC for me. Here’s a few that stand out, mostly for the read and cover art.
Batman vs Bigby a Wolf in Gotham #1 (of 6) (Cover A – Yanick Paquette)
Wonder Woman Black & Gold #4 (of 6) (Cover B – Joshua Middleton Variant) cover art just kicks ass I think.
Indie and Small Publisher Picks
Children of the Plague One-Shot could be a good read. It’s a one-shot so it’s gonna have to really be spot on though story wise to stand out.
TMNT The Last Ronin #1 gets a 4th Printing. The first prints are still doing okay, while the other printings are fair so it’ll be hard to judge this last printing spec wise. But for anyone who missed out and wants to read, now is your chance once again.
Geiger #6 gets a second printing. You can still find the first prints available online. This tells us, some shops likely didn’t bother if they’re still trying to offload the first prints so if anything ever comes out of this issue and title, could result in a winner since supplies will be limited.
10 Years To Death One-Shot from AfterShock had me at Shawshank Redemption in the solicitation. One of my favorite movies of all time.
Corset #1 comes off as possibly interesting but it’s definitely a skim before I buy book. If it heats up, it’s gonna be brief I think. So if you miss out, don’t buy at premium, it’ll drop back down like most Scout books tend to do after release.
It’s already announced with a media option and deal. But the Hughes variant for Gun Honey #1 (of 4) (Adam Hughes FOC Cover) is pretty awesome.. I do believe Anthony said this is the way he’d want to be taken out, I’m guessing if murdered.
Human Remains #1 is a new Vault book written by Peter Milligan. Might be worthy of checking out. It’s got the word “sex” in it so you know some are buying just because of that.
Just what we need, another Vampire story. Seems some can’t get enough though so they’re always on the radar watch for potential.
Night of the Cadillacs #1 (of 2) (Cover A – Prior)
I wasn’t going to bother with this next book until I saw Turbo Kid Apples Lost Adventure #1 (of 2) (Cover D – Rodriguez) which reminded me of those old Sega Genesis and Master System Cartridge holders. I love it.
Unborn #1 is a new Source Point Press title coming out from Frank Gogol. Might be a decent read but honestly, sounds like it’s just another Walking Dead plot that takes place in space and instead of zombies, it’s alien monsters, but the real threat is humans.
“On a strange world, five explorers mine for super fuels in a last-ditch effort to save a collapsing Earth, but the mission goes to hell when they are overrun by a hostile alien species. With humanity’s survival hanging in the balance, the crew must eradicate the deadly horde and salvage the mission. But what if the monsters aren’t the only things they have to worry about? What if the most dangerous threat facing the crew is each other?”
It’s ASM 875 (not 750).
And you’re missing the best variant of them all. Will post what that is in the forums. It’s a 1:10 ratio.
Ughh.. fixed!
I love the Dekal variant for Inferno. Non-Stop Spider-Man also has a great looking ratio variant.
Yeah, I’m hoping to do a Variants pick post for this week.
Actually love the Spider man 74 cover, it just makes me FEEL happy. The MM costume design 1:10 makes the costume look way better than the standard cover, might be a pick up. Going big on Gun Honey this week but mostly the 1:10, 1:25 variants as I think those will be the covers to own, I’ve also preordered a foil version limited to 500.
One last thing, any thoughts of Echoland? I see it wasn’t included in this weeks list, haven’t got round to reading issue 1 yet but the potential looks limitless especially with J H WIlliams on art.
I picked/spec’d the first issue as well for Echolands. I have both but have yet a chance to read it myself.
Please share your thoughts as and when you get round to it, the cover art on the 2nd issue is so dope I picked up both the main cover and raw semi black and white one