Dirty D’s F.O.C. (9/3/23)

Hey CHU Nation, I was flirting with the idea of not writing an FOC article this week. It’s one of those weird holiday FOC weekends where there’s not much to pick from. And it’s pretty much covers.

But….given it’s just a few books on my short list, it’s not that time consuming. So here is what stood out to me this week.


Judge These Books By Their Covers



Not offered by TFAW. Some pre-FOC buzz in this cover. It’s definitely the best of all variants for this book, IMO.




Star Wars Darth Vader #39 (Hondo Clone Wars 15th Ann Variant)

Hondo, the pirate, is a favorite amongst Rebels fans. He’s a fun, dynamic entertaining character, for sure. There are covers in the IDW adventure series, but this may be his first on a marvel cover.

Hondo and Ezra Bridger formed A friendship in Rebels, such that Hondo has been known to put aside his pirate persona (sort of) and gone out of his way to help the Rebels when Ezra has been in trouble. We’ve seen Hondo’s species before in live action, but not yet Hondo. It would be great to see Hondo take a small roll in the Ashoka series. In fact, given the importance of this show in finding Ezra I’ll actually be disappointed if they don’t throw us an Easter Egg.





Another book I can’t find on TFAW. Either way, can’t deny the math on this one:

Hughes + She-Hulk x Foil = Cover of the Week.

Note: This book comes to shops on 10/18, two weeks after most books on FOC this week.


Flying Under the Radar?



Fantastic Four #12

The Fantastic Four swap places with their counterparts in another world and find themselves battling for survival in the universe where everyone is a dinosaur, and not anthropomorphic ones, but literal full-scale dinosaurs with all their super-powers, wearing amazing super-hero costumes! Can Sue Storm defeat Brachiosaurus Iron Man? Can the Human Torch take down Lambeosaurus Captain Marvel, her head frill mimicking her human counterpart’s spiked hair? Can Reed Richards ever stop Quetzalcoatlus Black Widow, the deadly assassin of the skies? Beyond the dinosaurs and chaos and two universes merging, this issue also features emotional and heartfelt reunions with some missing members of the Fantastic Four family!

Remember how ultimate FF introduced us to the Marvel Zombies? This book has that sort of vibe. Yeah, we’re all tired of variants and mashups….but, but….Dinosaurs!!! You have to think even if these new Dino Heros and Villains don’t end up being good for spec, This could be fun read.

And check out the cover of issue 13? Doom riding a Dino-variant of himself?! Come on, how cool is that?! Well, maybe it’s lame, but Ross sure makes it look cool! Hold on tight, Victor!



Dirty D’s Pick of the Week



Star Wars High Republic Shadows of Starlight #1

ANSWERS TO THE GREATEST CATASTROPHE OF THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE JEDI! Little has been revealed about the year following the fall of STARLIGHT BEACON and the ultimate triumph of THE NIHIL…until now! THE JEDI COUNCIL, reeling from its losses, has recalled its JEDI KNIGHTS from across the galaxy and instituted the emergency measures. MASTER YODA has a plan to save the Order and the galaxy, but he must touch the dark side to achieve it…and the consequences will be grave indeed.

High Republic has been on a bit of a hiatus, but it’s back with this new series. Dark Side (tempted) Yoda sounds worth the read in its own, but expect new characters in this series like the last two. Cover A is the better of the two given it has Yoda with his Jedi’s. Pretty cool.


Wrap Up

That’s it for this week. Short and sweet. And for those in the States, enjoy this fine Labor Day Weekend!

7 thoughts on “Dirty D’s F.O.C. (9/3/23)”

  1. That’s Cover D on the turtle book which you can see in the image, top right corner.

    We’re still boycotting all Marvel Foils until they get their heads out of their rears and price them correctly like DC and everybody else seems to be able to.

    Dinosaur mash-up spec never amounted to anything last year when DC did it.

  2. Hondo had two covers in the Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge series by Marvel (both for issue 3, a variant and a second print cover). One of the poses looks very much like the cover on your list.

    Thank you for doing the article even for this light week. We appreciate it.

  3. Hondo had two covers in Marvel’s Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge series. Both covers were for issue 3. One was a variant cover and one was a second print. One of the poses looks just like the cover on your list. Thank you for doing the article even for a light, holiday weekend. We appreciate it.

    1. My first time posting on this site. I thought I did something wrong and ended up making the same post twice….

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