One to Watch: Haunted Mansion #1 (2016)

Here is one that has been quietly heating up on the secondary market, and a book you may be able to still find on the stands. Haunted Mansion #1 is a book you want to watch. Marvel has a new hit on her hands. 
I do believe Me, Mel, and Poyo all had this one as a pick of the week.
The Haunted Mansion #1 is going for $12-14 plus.
The action figure variant is going for $14+.
The 1:10 variant is going for $30 while the 1:10 Crosby variant is going for $17 each.
The book has sold out and is going back for a second printing. I picked up a couple today off the shelves. This is something you should be on the look out for

13 thoughts on “One to Watch: Haunted Mansion #1 (2016)”

  1. I picked up a couple at cover last week, and sort of regret leaving 3 on the shelf. I was looking at the previous series Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and they seem pretty cheap on ebay. Is this a quick flip or long spec? Were the Thunder Mountain’s a higher print?

      1. Ok. I knew this had a low print run, and yeah, its one of my favorite attractions at Disney. Right up there with Pirates. Annnnd I’ll be probably be kicking myself for not buying out the rest of the copies at my LCS (it was only five including the two I bought). I wish I had snatched up that Crosby #1 variant, but the $20 I saw it going for on ebay made me balk. After reading your site daily I should’ve known better and just grabbed it. Lol!

    1. Does anyone know exactly where these are sold in Disneyland? I have an annual pass, but there really isn’t a Haunted Mansion shop like there is a Pirates shop…

      1. I am thinking gift shop near haunted mansion. They had a ton of regular Big Thunder Mountain #1 at all the gift shops in Disney. That was the regular cover too.

      2. You in Florida or California. I know the Florida park has one right outside and to the right of where you line up for the ride.

      3. Anthony, I’m in California, my wife is gonna swing by on Wednesday, see if she can find where they might be sold. I know theres also a #2 Parks Variant

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