Winner! MegaCon Orlando Prize Pack

Thanks again to Fan Expo Store and Mega Con Orlando for sponsoring this massive contest. One winner tonight. If you didn’t win, do not worry, we are doing it all over again this week!

This massive prize pack is sponsored by the Fan Expo Store and Mega Con Orlando. (Seriously, check out Fan Expo Store to grab these Batman Adventures #12, have you seen what they are Pre-Selling for?)
In this set was:
-Civil War #0 (color & b/w)
-Batman Adventures #12 (color & holofoil)
-DKIII: Master Race #4
-Spider-Man Deapool #3
Now for the winner:
JT Rogers
JT send me an email at and I will get your address over to the guys at Fan Expo Store who will be shipping out the books. They will send me an email with the tracking number which I will forward to you.

16 thoughts on “Winner! MegaCon Orlando Prize Pack”

  1. Congrats! I just went to MegaCon yesterday. I tried to get the Batman Adventures 12 holofoil. It was completely sold out. I was told it didn’t make it past Thursday. 🙁 I had to settle for the regular cover.

    1. I keep hearing people say that it happened at Orlando. There was a feeding frenzy and each of the shops for the con had long lines for them.
      Sent from my iPhone

  2. I have been to Mega Con a handful of times. I was less than impressed this time around. It seems like I am in the minority, though. The main reason I went was to bring my youngest to meet Stan Lee. The last time I saw Mr. Lee, my daughter was 10 (now she is 14) and my son was a year and a half. He is five now, so it was the perfect time. My son was so excited to tell Mr. Lee all about his love of Spider-Man, Cap, and Cyclops and ask him why the Hulk is always so angry. There were so many rules in place, though, that we weren’t even allowed to spend more than 30 seconds with them. All for the value price of $100 a picture and $100 a signature. Really? We weren’t looking for the world, I just wanted to give my son something special. Even though we were told that we couldn’t touch Mr. Lee, Stan did shake my son’s hand (Stan initiated the handshake). That was really special and my son was so happy.
    When we got home, I helped my son write Stan Lee a letter telling him everything he wanted to say and we will mail it to him.

    1. Sorry you had that experience. But that seems to be Stan Lee’s handlers more so than Stan Lee or the con. I am also hearing about signature verification guys who are not allowed to approach the tables and instead the handlers are roughly handling the books and they are coming out horrible, smudged, or bent/messed up.
      Sent from my iPhone

      1. You have nothing to be sorry about. Luckily, the handlers with my books were very careful. The signatures have come out very nice and now I am waiting on the grades. We shall see!
        I know Mr. Lee is a great guy. His face lit up when he saw my five year old burst in and we took pictures, we just didn’t have time to talk and my son was disappointed he didn’t get the chance to visit. I know that we couldn’t have had a lengthy conversation, but a minute to say a simple “Thank you” wouldn’t have hurt anybody.
        Oh well. There are worst things going on in the world and this is a small problem. I am just happy my son got to meet him.

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