Since came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay
sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow, and, these results are for auction that closed last week. )
#1 THOR #5 JUNGGEUN YOON VARIANT (Marvel, 2020) This Marvel Zombies variant was a surprise #1. However, it had the highest growth while still moving copies like the other covers. It sold 41 copies, had a 7-day trend of 311% and had a high raw sale of $23.
#2 THOR #5 ESAD RIBIC VARIANT (Marvel, 2020) The 1:25 of the first full Black Winter was expected to do well, and that’s JUST what it’s doing. It sold 42 copies, had a 7-day trend of 257% and had a high raw sale of $110. It’ll be interesting to see what the future of the Black Winter holds. Will people care one year later?
#4 SILVER SURFER BLACK #4 (Marvel, 2019) In this issue, there is a reference to THE BLACK WINTER, leading many to ask Donnie Cates directly if he appears in this issue… he VERY clearly said no… multiple times. Collectors still can’t get past that reference and continued to buy up copies with 32 copies sold, a 7-day trend of 216% and a high raw sale of $18.
#5 THE UNCANNY X-MEN #193 (Marvel, 1985) Like Alpha Flight, rumors of Firestar joining the MCU via Disney+ lit up her first appearances, including her first in-continuity appearance in this X-Men issue. It sold 32 copies, had a 7-day trend of 205% and had a high raw sale of $160.
#6 ALPHA FLIGHT #1 (Marvel, 1983) Rumors of Alpha Flight joining the MCU, while unconfirmed, still helped move 37 copies, have a 7-day trend of 167% and a high sale of $125 for a CGC 9.8.
#7 THOR #4 (Marvel, 2020) The first cameo appearance of Donnie Cates’ new creation: THE BLACK WINTER moved 51 copies, had a 7-day trend of 103% and had a high sale of $40 for a CGC 9.8.
#8 SPIDER-GWEN #1 HUMBERTO RAMOS HIP HOP (Marvel, 2015) The Miles Morales NAS Hop Hop variant is hitting crazy high prices, which lit a massive fire across all hip hop variants. MANY have jumped in price, however, it was this Spider-Gwen Slick Rick Homage that sold the most at 24 copies, a 7-day trend of 223% and a high raw sale of $44.
#9 THE NEW MUTANTS #1 (Marvel, 1983) As we get closer to this film’s FINAL release date of August 28th, copies are selling more. This week, 22 copies sold, had a 7-day trend of 224% and had a high raw sale of $105 on My Comic Shop.
#10 DAREDEVIL #9 (Marvel, 1999) As mentioned last week, a casting notice fitting the look of Maya Lopez, aka Echo, spiked speculation that she will appear in the MCU via Disney+. This news continued to move 28 copies, had a 7-day trend of 146% and had a high sale of $250 for a CGC 9.8.
Well, this happened, today: Thor #169 went for $725+.