Variant Envy: We Can Never Go Home Bad Brains Homage

One thing I like as much as my comic books is my old Punk Rock. That is why the We Can Never Go Home #1 Bad Brains Homage Phantom Variant stuck out so much to me. bad  brains
The We Can Never Go Home #1 Bad Brains Homage features art that is a throw back to the 1982 self titled Bad Brains album. Bad Brains is a DC area punk band, who I have seen several times as well as lead singer H.R. perform solo.
bad  brains

2 thoughts on “Variant Envy: We Can Never Go Home Bad Brains Homage”

  1. I was introduced to the Bad Brains on the Foo Fighters Sonic Highways series on HBO. I dug ’em!

    1. Great band and positive messages. I need to see the DC episode. Dave Grohl grew up in the DC punk scene as did I. I was just a little after him. Still love Bad Brains and Fugazi.
      Sent from my iPhone

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