SDCC: Next Green Lantern Movie Titles “Green Lantern Corps”


This should be a good one to spec on if the movie turns out well. The next Green Lantern movie will be entitled Green Lantern Corps.

The Green Lantern Corps first appeared in Green Lantern #6 from 1961, which copies range from $67 to $150 on eBay (all two copies up) except the one without a cover for $25, however there are a ton of possible characters that could pop.


Straight from the Warner Bros. Hall H panel at San Diego Comic-Con comes the news that the upcoming “Green Lantern” reboot will be officially titled Green Lantern Corps. It’s unclear who will be the primary protagonist or protagonists of the film, but between Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, John Stewart and Kyle Rayner, plus thousands of alien Lanterns, the possibilities are endless.

Alan Scott and Hal Jordan’s first appearances are probably priced out of most peoples spec range, however the following should still be looked at:
John Stewart
Guy Gardener
Kyle Raynor
Simon Baz

and non-humans:
Abin Sur
Soranik Natu
Tomar Re
Sodam Yat
Arisia Rrab
Katma Tui

4 thoughts on “SDCC: Next Green Lantern Movie Titles “Green Lantern Corps””

  1. I mean, given how incredibly limited the presence of Kyle and Simon is in the DCU it seems safe to bet against them. Kilowog, and Salaak however have always had crucial roles in the Corps and seems like safe bets. A Lantern Corps movie without Kilowog would lead to nerd riots.

  2. Good thing I bought copies of kilowog first appearance same as guy garnere. I will most likely flip them as the movie characters come to be. It sounds like it will be a good green lantern movie.

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