Mel’s Variant Picks of the Week

Hey CHU, Mel V. here, welcome back to Wednesday. And thanks again for checking out my posts. I am glad to be here and glad for the warm reception. Variants can be hit or miss. Some are turn and burn, some appreciate over time, and some drop like a rock in a pond. So always buy what you like. But here is what I am feeling for variants this week.

This weeks variants are all low risk, low cost.

First up, I gotta go with Star Wars #7 Action Figure Variant. Man, it is a Storm Trooper. Storm Troopers are one of those characters everyone knows what they are just by looking at them. Besides Boba Fett and Darth Vader, nothing says Star Wars like Storm Troopers.

Ok. I have been LOVING the IDW EC homage variants. Got two new covers coming up this week.
Ghostbusters Get Real #2 EC Homage. Just fun classic design.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #48 EC homage variant. Again, fun fantasy cover. And both should be cover price.
