Peter Parker Cameo in Captain America Civil War only part of Spider-Man appearances

Some of us have been waiting for the integration of Spider-Man into the Marvel Cinematic Universe for a while. Not necessarily for speculation purposes, even though Spider-man Civil War speculation is there, but out of fondness for the character and for him to be done right. Hopefully, allowing Marvel Studios to handle the character will mean he will be done correctly. Continue reading “Peter Parker Cameo in Captain America Civil War only part of Spider-Man appearances”

Death in Captain America 3 Civil War leaks

It has leaked out that one of the characters dies in the movie. We noted the funeral scene the other day. So we do know at least one character will pass on.
Do not read if you do not want a spoiler for the movie.
Seriously, spoiler ahead.
Last warning, do not go forward if you do not want the spoiler: Continue reading “Death in Captain America 3 Civil War leaks”

Crossbones in Costume for Captain America 3

cb2 and Scareen Crush had run gallerys of Captain America 3 Civil War photos. The highlight of them is the pictures of Frank Grillo in Crossbones costume. Check them out after the bump. Continue reading “Crossbones in Costume for Captain America 3”

Captain America 3: Civil War Spec

Patrick Hood, aka PHood, sent over another awesome list, this time for Captain America 3 Civil War. As more and more rumors come out about the movie, the list is constantly changing. Check it out below: Continue reading “Captain America 3: Civil War Spec”


Thanks to Patrick Hood aka Phood for the spec.
For the next Captain America film there are two main series to pick up to get the gist of what is coming and which books will be key to flip or collect. The Civil War storyline is the obvious go-to and the other is the Brubaker Captain America run which goes from #1-50 then jumps into Captain America #600. The following issues are additional key issues that will/could play a part in the next movie, some are speculation and some are proven key issues. Continue reading “CAPTAIN AMERICA 3: CIVIL WAR SPEC”