X-Men Apocalypse After Credit Scene Revealed: The Wolverine 80 Vial, X-23, and Sinister

Our own Alana mentioned Wolverine #80 this past weekend in her Weekend Spec’s. She also couldn’t mention why it would be so important but would play a part in X-Men Age of Apocalypse. Now the info she held back has come to light as the After Credit Scene has leaked.  Continue reading “X-Men Apocalypse After Credit Scene Revealed: The Wolverine 80 Vial, X-23, and Sinister”

X-23 in Wolverine 3?

Seems a casting call went out for a “female of Caucasian, Hispanic or Asian decent over the age of 21” which got people thinking that X-23 could be in the third and final Hugh Jackman Wolverine film. Continue reading “X-23 in Wolverine 3?”