Rumor of another comic coming to tv.

There is an IDW book out there that might be worth picking up on the sly. Now it is not official and is unconfirmed at this time, but have heard that this was said.
Not trying to be cryptic, but wanted to make sure you read it after the bump. Again, this is unconfirmed at the time, but it was mentioned to me twice now by two seperate people, that Justin Ortega was at a comic con this weekend and was talking about the book “The Other Dead” He had mentioned that the book has been picked up for development as a TV show. No further details have come to light, but this is a good zombie book that is worth finding on the cheap and holding until an announcement comes out.
The Other Dead was originally written as a screen play, so it is not much of a stretch that this would be scooped up for a media deal.
The Other Dead can be found cheaply on eBay as well

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