SDCC: Maxwell Lord Cast on CBS’ Supergirl

The CBS’ Suoper-girl TV show is starting to shape up nicely. Casting rumors yesterday of Livewire, and now, Maxwell Lord, are making the show interesting sounding.
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SDCC: Livewire to appear on CBS’ Supergirl


Why oh why did I sell all the copies of Superman Adventures #5 that I found?

Bleeding Cool mentioned that Livewire will appear on CBS’ Supergirl.

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Supergirl's first villain on CBS show

CBS will be releasing a Supergirl TV show. The first villain to show up will be a character called “The Lumberjack.” The show will star Melissa Benoist. MV5BMjE2MzA2NTYxOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTcyODM5Ng@@._V1_SY1200_CR83,0,630,1200_AL_ Continue reading “Supergirl's first villain on CBS show”