A look ahead to Wednesday 3/19/14

This past Wednesday was a great week for books. I was very excited for not one, but two Stray Bullets books. If you have not read Stray Bullets you can find many of the first series issues cheap on eBay. It is an over the top crime drama book, done really well, very seedy, which was self published by Dave Lapham.
Needless to say the long awaited Stray Bullets #41 and Stray Bullets Killers #1 came out. In addition to Stray Bullets, the over the top The Walking Dead #123 was released. Bad things for Rick, which could set up for a very collectible nest few issues,
But anyway, this is about next Wednesday, which looks to be another great week.
There are a couple of new #1’s
Sovereign #1– describes as “An epic fantasy in the tradition of Game of Thrones, SOVEREIGN is set in a world which once knew gods, demons, and magic, and to which all three are returning.”
The Witcher #1– Paul Tobin’s new book that is a video game tie-in. I have read the preview and it is good and works well as a stand alone book.

Traveling near the edge of the Black Forest, monster hunter Geralt meets a widowed fisherman whose dead and murderous wife resides in an eerie mansion known as the House of Glass-which seems to have endless rooms, nothing to fill them with, and horror around every corner.

Needless to say this might really be worth picking up since, The Witcher video games have collectively won over 250 awards and sold more then 5.5 million copies worldwide. Also, there are currently two games available across multiple platforms, and a third is slated for release in 2014.
The Next Chapter of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comes out from Alan Moore in the form of Nemo Roses Of Berlin HC.
There are a couple of #2 issues worth picking up this coming Wednesday as well.
White Suits #2 drops this week. The book was a good read and the art was hyper-kinetic, not to everyone’s liking though. I do like Frank Barbiere though.
Under Tow #2Image’s new merman series started off strong. Want to see where it is going and I hate missing out on Image books that end up heating up.
Fuse #2 is also coming out this week. The first issue grabbed attention with its interesting story of murder on a space station.
There are many favorite books coming out this week.
Sex Criminals #5 delivers this week. Each issue has sold out, I am now getting multiple copies of first prints as they are being gobbled up as quickly as they come out.
Voice in the Dark #5 Larime Taylor’s awesome noir-ish college murder drama continues. This book does have a low print run so the issues can be hard to find (as reported by some readers). I really want this book to continue. Larime Taylor stops by here occasionally and I always wish him well. I wonder if I say Larime Taylor 3 times (like a Candy Man / Bloody Mary thing) in the same post I can get him to say “hi” in the comments. Seriously though, support this book.
The Other Dead ends this week with issue 6.
Also available this coming up week are Riley Rossmo’s Cursed #3, Charles Soule’s Letter 44 #5, and Ales Kot’s Zero #6. (We offered signed copies of Letter 44 #1 Phantom Variants two weeks ago, and this week we have a signing with Ales Kot (yikes the signing is tomorrow) and have copies of the Paul Pope Phantom Variant for signing.
Well that’s it. let us know what books you are excited for next Wednesday.

27 thoughts on “A look ahead to Wednesday 3/19/14”

  1. Just a heads up for everybody. Discount Comic Book Service is going to have exclusive DCBS Variant for Amazing Spider-Man #1 by Samnee and also a sketch variant for $5.99 each. They emailed to let me know to add to my pre-order.

  2. Yup, poor Rick but my theory so far is Dwight was stumbling to switch his baited arrow out with a clean one. πŸ˜‰

      1. We’ll see. Remember, Kirkman loves to tease people with the covers being released ahead of time. All I know is, in issue 100, Rick says he’s going to kill Negan, not today, probably not tomorrow but will.. Kirkman better at least give him that satisfaction if he takes Rick out. Just take a look at issue 126 cover, Negan on his knees with a shadow holding Lucille? Might be rick holding Lucille. πŸ™‚

      2. Nah, Carl got his chance. He even had an automatic weapon and couldn’t hit Negan. I still say, kill off Carl. If he does emerge as a hero, at least give him a super large eye patch, I can’t stand looking at that hole on his face for another 100 issues or what not! πŸ˜‰

      3. Heh, Carl is keeping Rick too moral in the story. If there’s no Carl, Rick would be a bigger bad ass IMHO.

      4. And I agree with Drew that it looks like Rick holding Lucille in the shadows on the cover of 126. Maybe he went crazy and turned on everyone?

  3. I’m interested in Anne Bonnie from Blue Juice comics this coming week. The art looks cool from what I can tell but I hope the story is good. It’s the same writer as Accelerators from Blue Juice which sadly let me down, seemed like a cool story but fell flat quickly with me.

    1. Was Accelorators the Scion tie in comic? I own a first gen Scion xB and got the first three issues in the mail. I am not a big fan of “commercial comics” I know a lot of people are spec-ing on Anne Bonnie. If it turns out to be a hit the Pre release version will be sought after.

  4. Comic sales across the board have sank the past few months but Walking Dead bi-weekly is rising to new sales heights. Stray Bullets is a classic series I used to buy 19 years ago when it was a HOT book.

  5. any speculation on the original run of stray bullets heating up after Image picked up the title? I often see very early issues going for right around cover

  6. any idea what the print run was on the original issues? I usually use ComiChron to look up print runs but for that period they were using “Order index” numbers and I’m not in the mood right now to figure it out.

    1. Print run numbers were growing each issue for about the first 6 which is why the title became a hot one and went to 4th printings of #1. Earliest Diamond numbers are 18,000 for #11 in 1996.Capital city had 2,300 for #4 in 1995 but that would have been a small amount of market.So I will just a guess that #1 print run might have been around 25,000-30,000that sounds high nowbut that was really quite low back then
      swanson6676 commented: “any idea what the print run was on the original issues? I usually use ComiChron to look up print runs but for that period they were using “Order index” numbers and I’m not in the mood right now to figure it out.”

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