Comics Picks of the Week for 3/19/14

Each week hundreds of new books are released, some heat up, most don’t. We go through the weeks releases and pick the ones we feel have the best shot of heating up. Here is our picks of the week for 3/19/14:

The small press gem:
Anne Bonnie #1 This one is the book with the most pre-release buzz all over the message boards. From Blue Juice comics, this one will not have a huge print run. If this picks up, you may also want to look at getting the Anne Bonnie #1 Preview. This one was released earlier in the year and already selling for $12+
The one with the big name tie in:
Rush Clockwork Angels Rush is a huge rock band that has a massive following. One that may not know comic books, but one that may want to get them when they find out. I love crossover books. They can be marketed to so many different types of buyers. Worth picking up.
The Comicflipper loves Image #1 books, book:
Sovereign #1Lot’s of pre-release buzz on this one.

An epic fantasy in the tradition of Game of Thrones, SOVEREIGN is set in a world which once knew gods, demons, and magic, and to which all three are returning. New York Times bestselling author CHRIS ROBERSON (credits TBA) joins artist PAUL MAYBURY (credits TBA) to tell the story of masked undertakers facing the undead with swords, of civil wars and cultures in collision, of ancient threats emerging from the ashes of history to menace the future..

The one that keeps selling out:
Sex Criminals #5 This book keeps getting better. With that, more and more people are going to jump on. Getting in before the print runs jump up is key.
The one with the video game tie in:
Witcher #1 In the vein of Hellboy is this pulpy horror story.
That’s it for us. Let us know what you are spec-ing this week.

21 thoughts on “Comics Picks of the Week for 3/19/14”

    1. I think it still has a solid fan base. Look at how long it took for the latest Tomb Raider and that still sold millions of copies. Granted the comics aren’t worth anything but having a built in fan base helps a lot.

      1. yea anthony im starting to do a complete about-face on this one. looking at the solicits for 2 and 3 this sounds like the kind of long running story that Geralt deserves. Do we know if it’s an ongoing or mini-series?

      1. Yeah, for me, the interest is still there unlike Umbral which died quickly with issue #2. Hopefully Fuse #2 doesn’t end up the same.

        1. I stuck with Umbral until 3 and dropped it. Just wasn’t interesting enough. I thought 1 started out good but slid from there. Also the writers rant turned me off towards the book. Will pick up Fuse #2.
          I need to start selling books I drop and have no interest in. But then again I hate selling something early on for cheap and finding out later it heated up. That’s why I have so many comics.

      2. If you aren’t hurting for physical space, I say hold on for them a little longer. If you only got 1 or 2 and didn’t buy them to flip only, then holding if they do heat up only benefits you by likely making more money. 🙂

      3. I’m right behind you. Although I only started back up about 1 1/2 years ago, I am accumulating a lot of comics myself. I’m averaging at least $200 a month for just my personal collection each month.
        When you have 10s of thousands, sounds to me that you just need to keep at it for a few more years, then open up your own shop. 🙂

        1. I have a stores worth of inventory. Tons of books. Never did open the store I wanted to though. I have been collecting for nearly 30+ years. My mom and dad got me into it way back when. Needless to say I have picked up about a thousand issues a year (on average) bit have slowed way down in my Back issue collecting. I really do have about 30-40 thousand books over three separate storage locations (my brothers house, my moms house, my house). One day I plan on unifying the collection and sorting it by alpha and number. I could have all the hot books (I know I have two Iron Man 55’s some where and cannot locate them) in my collection.

      4. Yeah, my plans with mine are, keep collecting but primarily read them. Then one day hand them off to my kids to let them enjoy, sell, etc. If I end up with any worth a lot, I’ll sell to help the kids go through college, etc.

    1. Not yet myself, I always read whatever ongoing series I can first before any new additions. Without spoiling, yay or nay on being good?

    1. Finally read it. I agree, it wasn’t bad but yeah, nothing innovative or really new. I’ll probably skip #2 next month, my reading list is already huge so a comic has to really “wow” me to continue picking up to read most of the time.

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