Devilers #1 Sells out, plus print run

You are going to start seeing some new faces around here, or at least start reading some of their writing. Trying to be a one man show can be daunting, so I am glad a couple of people have jumped on board to help out. Zip is one of them.

Devilers 1
I was looking for information about Sam Wilson as the new Captain America. What do I see? Devilers. Sold out!
The print run of Devilers was mentioned…14,700. CEO Nick Barucci was asked about a 2nd printing…He said they aren’t planning on it! (Editors note: This book was printed to order and fully returnable. Now that it is sold out it is doubtful copies will be returned.)
That’s right. If you haven’t grabbed a copy, you should. It was a great read. Now an investment.
Until next time.~Zip.

33 thoughts on “Devilers #1 Sells out, plus print run”

  1. Got one! LCS didn’t order them. They usually don’t get the small print stuff, which is unfortunate for me.

      1. I agree, but it’s a newer comic shop, so I think they are trying to figure out the local market. The comic shop in Charlottesville, VA did an awesome job or ordering small print stuff, but I don’t travel that far anymore.

    1. Do what I do and buy everything! Seriously I said I was not buying any comics This week until I got my read stack under two feet tall. I failed. I am a comic addict I admit it.
      Sent from my iPhone

    2. Yeah, I like this writer and The Bunker. The Woods might get dropped soon, it’s not meeting my expectations, it’s too jumpy too, it needs to be slowed down for more character build up, etc.
      I passed on this one though. I’m trying to cut the number of comics I buy each week and seeing that this was a mini-series, that was the reason it was definitely passed up. Hopefully it stays affordable, something to pick up later.

        1. I’m the same, I’m trying to be stronger. This past week I won and the comics lost. I am in control.. I am in control.. I actually kept my usual pickups to under $50 (I’ not counting the Archie’s which I plan to sell). 😉

  2. I know this has nothing to do with this topic. But, The Outliers #2 from Erik T Johnson is coming out March 2015. So might want to keep those Outliers #1.

    1. I really liked it I got 2 copies & the 1 in 50 cover but couldn’t find the 1 in 100 varaint. The devilers is right up my alley & I’ve never been a dynamite fan. This series could go somewhere if its done right. Im thinking w a small print rub be worth holding on to.
      The archies were a nice flip but couldn’t find the staples variant. Was there really a printing error witb that variant or just made up?

      1. I heard the same thing but can’t find anything about the Staples supposed print error. Hmmm.

      2. Yea I’m hitting up a shop for Devilers and maybe so more Archies if he has them. I sold my graveyard variants for $8 45 minutes after I posted them on Wednesday.

  3. Off topic as well – any articles coming for speculation on the SDCC variants coming out next week? Already seeing a lot of them popping up on eBay.

    1. The walking Dead and Manifest Destiny variants are amazing. The Nailbiter is pretty cool as well. Anyone know if they’re doing a Rat Queens?

  4. totally off topic, but curious to hear your guys thoughts. If Outcast and Rocket Raccoon both had massive print runs, if #2’s are much smaller, these could be the ones to buy if readership for these series is big.

    1. Outcast wasn’t huge. it was not small though. Under 90k
      I hear rumors outcast 2 might be bigger than number 1s run. Which i find very hard to believe, but we will see.
      Rocket racoon, now thats a huge print run. even with a reduced #2 it will still be large large.
      Of the two, Outcast is the winner by far. A few months, a few years, a decade. I always see outcast being a winner over RR.
      Since most always #2 are ordered less, you can say to speculate. But as always #1 will be the king unless something happens in a #2 to make it a key issue.
      I noticed lately image has been using sex imagery on their #2 covers. Like c.o.w.l. #2 and low #2. I think it is an effort to bump number 2 sales, because this is the struggle all comics go through. Except the rare ones that find increased viewership through their budding stories and experience an increase of print run over time. (walking dead, saga, and now even manifest destiny)
      Just going off of if a book had a big print run and then trying for #2 is an ok strategy. But I wouldn’t bank big on it. I’d rather do that after a #1 with a low print run than big.
      (spread #2)

      1. Here’s what I think are some definitive driving factors for #1 print runs compared to #2 and every issue thereafter:
        1. Issue 1 is in most cases the most collectible issue if a comic becomes popular with followed readers or they get a media deal.
        2. Some people will collect #1 and not bother with issues beyond it.
        3. #2 drops in print run due to the collectors only aspect mentioned in the above and the other reason where the collector/readers pick up a #1, read it and decide to not continue with the series, thus a drop off orders.
        I myself will pick up most #1s I find appealing and interesting. Sometimes I last just one issue, other times I drop it after 4 or 5.
        But I agree about #2 not becoming highly speculated comics, in most cases they’re not, in other cases it has to be an introduction of a character, print error, small print run (where it’s gone wildly popular down the road — example, The Strain #2 is a good one), a particular cover artist popularity, etc.
        One thing to remember though about comics (applies to most collectibles as well), print runs mean nothing about their value. Demand is the driving factor. Print runs only play their part when they’re smaller making the availability more limited (since everyone already holding onto a copy might not be selling it).
        The only way I see Outcast #2 becoming valuable is a) print run is smaller, b) it attracts more readers to increase demand. It’s too soon to tell though, we’ve only been given issue #1, issue #2 likely won’t be a speculated comic until more issues come out.
        RR is in the same boat and for the most part, Marvel comics are so easy to obtain, most LCS stock up on these especially something like RR since he’s about to debut in a new movie next month, etc. I don’t see RR #2 even if it’s print run is half of it’s #1 moving anywhere anytime soon.

          1. Thanks. I use to be a big coin collector (not so much nowadays) so speculation on demand and prices (especially when you’re dealing with the daily fluctuations of precious metals — which only complicate it more) I try to take the same approach with comics or anything collectible.

  5. Thanks for the spec’s Zip, really liking what I’m reading. If anyone else is going to SDCC it may be a complete long shot but here ya go. If you spend $20 at the Boom Studios booth they are throwing in a eight page black and white preview of Teen Dog. Now, it may have a larger print run to accommodate for all the traffic expected but may not and move quick. As we’ve seen how bonkers the previews are selling lately it may be worth to snag one for free with a $20 purchase. You never know what may come of it, could easily see it being a cartoon one day from what I’ve seen. Hey, spend $20 on goods and I’d pay that for a 9.8 lock of the Teen Dog preview shipped!

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