Spread Black and White Convention Art book up for auction

I love rare comics, I also love the spread. I have been lucky enough to get copies of two of the rarest editions of the Spread comic.
Justin Jordan was nice enough to give me copies of the Blue Convention Teaser, limited to 200 copies. Then Kyle Strahm was generous in presenting me with a Yellow Convention Teaser, limited to 50 copies. But one book has eluded me, the super rare Black and White Art Book, which was limited to 30 copies. These mostly went to friends, family, and others close to the creative team.
Kyle Strahm shot me an e-mail letting me know that a Black and White Convention Art Book has hit the market. The Spread Black and White Convention Art Book is sitting at $22.50, extremely cheap. (No this is not my copy for sale.) I know a few people have contacted me asking about where to find one. Well, here it is. It will be interesting to see how this one ends. One copy has sold, it ended up at $320.

5 thoughts on “Spread Black and White Convention Art book up for auction”

  1. It’s up to $325 and the reserve has not been met. I am guessing now that this is the same one that sold for $350 a while ago and the buyer is trying to sell it for more. Bet the reserve is probably $350 or $375

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