Wednesday open forum

Each week we open it up for you to give us your weekly pick ups. Join in and let us know what you got at your local comic shop.

Also, I have been having a blast with these five aways. I have a huge one coming up this weekend so keep an eye out.

70 thoughts on “Wednesday open forum”

  1. Inhuman. Finally a title people are jumping on. Am I the only one who got 5 copies of #1?
    Spiderwoman Manara variant, which I hope will pay off
    All image #1’s
    Saga Book One Hardcover
    Elektra 8. Been in since issue one, this has some of the best art out there right now. Truly amazing work.
    Daredevil 10
    ASM 10 .
    This is a big week.

    1. I think I picked up Inhuman #1 x 3. I liked the cover and thought the story looked good. Picked up every issue since then. Into the story and art style.

  2. My intended pickups for this week (today):
    Strain #4 (Duh!)
    Terminator #11 (2nd to last issue in this Final Battle series)
    Winterworld #4 (Might be getting dropped, I’ll find out when I skim it at the store as I’m just not feeling the direction it’s going)
    Revival #25 (Still going and it’s picking up more)
    Thief of Thieves #25 (Andy Diggle is doing a better job than Kirkman in my opinion)
    ASM #10 (Spider-Man, Spider-Man.. so many freaking Spider-Men.. )
    Avengers #38 (Hickman + Avengers Junkie = Buy)
    Black Widow #12 (Underrated. Art is cool, stories are great.)
    GOTG #21 (Guardians junkie)
    Magneto #12 (Recently picked up, now hooked.. Magneto going around killing people = good times)
    Moon Knight #9 (Long time Moon Knight fan and the story + art is awesome)
    New Avengers #26 (Again, junkie for Avengers and Hickman)
    Punisher #12 (Long time Punisher fan, story has been good thus far)
    X-O Manowar #30 (I love X-O but not sure how much longer I’m gonna hang on, story direction is losing my interest)
    Princess Ugg #5 (Art is cool, story is cool. Mostly picking these up for the kids as well so they can read later)
    It’s my big Marvel week, last week was mostly Image titles. I just recently picked up Magneto so it’s now on the pull list for sure, good story.

  3. Very cold morning in Gotham ..the lines were extra packed at the one of my Wednesday spots for comics..Spider Woman #1 booty variant(as i like to call it)was $75 highest i seen so other lcs mom and pop store had em for 15 ..picked up several hughes wonder woman .and GOTG ..Venom Groot ..looks like something ..Surprised the Strain was low on orders..Lego Harley was flying off the shelves ..also picked up the cool Sergio Aragones Avengers cover.light week this week

    1. Strain is surprisingly very low with each arc. Most of the time it seems they under the 10k mark. I’m not complaining, gonna make them harder to find when the demand goes up as the show gains popularity (fingers crossed).
      I’ve been passing on the Lego variants, they’re cute but I’m already tired of them.
      I might pick up Spider Woman, probably pass on the variants and the booty one. I don’t fall for the sex variants to squeeze out my hard earned dollars! (Unless I know I can flip’em quickly and that’s hard to do when you’re taking a break on selling). 🙂

      1. lol i took 2 weeks off im ready to get back in the swing of things this spider woman is the perfect thing to get me back on the wagon..gonna part ways with some of my pop vinyls also .also my Thor Hastings variants came in unscathed whewwww.should be a decent $$ week…that Venom Groot..could have legs in the long run..he looks bad ass ..but so did venom wolverine and they really didnt do anything with that

  4. my Wytches #1 thought bubble and NYCC variants literally just got here as i was about to type 😀 , probably gonna grab spider-woman , Guardians for sure, #1Intersect , #115Invincible and #1Sinergy

  5. Not a big week for me…
    (Godkiller #2) Picked up both covers and was a little surprised at how few there were, maybe 5 left.
    (13 Coins #2) I bought the only copy they had outside of a couple subscription boxes.
    (Zero #12) My local has carried about 5 issues since issue 6 or so, the best $2.99 I spend there.
    I grabbed a couple (Godkiller #1) phantoms and a couple (Tooth and Claw #1) display stand logo variants to round out my haul.
    I’m passing on (Inhumans #8) for now, my local probably had 60 of them, apparently everyone got their orders doubled for free. The first appearance of this artifact, be it the key to Marvel’s “creative” strategy regarding Fox’s mutant deal or not, doesn’t really grab me. I am liking the Agents of Shield tv arc quite a lot but the show hasn’t seemed to drive related comic prices to date. If it picks up heat maybe I’ll reconsider.

    1. My local shop had a Ton of Inhumans, too. They usually order tight on that, so there’s only 6-8 copies on the shelf, but yesterday there were over 30 on the shelf. So Marvel doubling orders sounds like it really did happen everywhere. I’ve been reading Inhuman all along, so I picked it up. As far as getting extras, since so many retailers have extra copies & likely will not sell out of it, I’m sure a month or so from now you’ll see them online being burned-off at a low price. That would be the time to buy extras.

  6. Going to pick up:
    GotG – Venom symbiote origin? Yes please 🙂
    Sensation #4 – Adam Hughes WW cover? Double yep!!!
    ASM #10 – Please sir, can I have some more? Spider-persons that is!
    Harley #12 is out this week? And no one has mentioned it? Cray cray (there is a 99.9% chance that I never type that again)

    1. Harley Quinn is always entertaining. I loved the part in the last issue, where amnesiac Power Girl asks Harley if a piece of her costume is missing, Harley asks why, and PG is like “Well, there’s this big hole here like there should be a symbol or emblem right here…”. I also like the way Amanda Conner plays up the characterization that Harley is bisexual, but oblivious to it. Her non-relationship with Poison Ivy in the Old52 was always interesting, when writers included it.
      Personally, I’ve been advance-ordering a ton of extra copies of the Variants, and just a few of the regulars, plus picking it up for myself at the LCS.

  7. Pretty light week for once. To the point I thought I forgot stuff.
    GOTG #21
    Deadly Class #9
    Inhuman #8
    WW Hughes
    Batman ’66 Lost Episode (I had to get it once I imagined what Two-Face would be like in the show.)
    Harley #12 Lego Cover (Gonna make little couple packs with the Joker Lego Cover for all the shippers out there)
    Also a couple of books I’m waiting for from eBay.
    Damn, that’s Atkins diet light now that I look at it.

  8. Best week in awhile picked up the spider-woman 1 in 50 variant for $40 flipped it on ebay for $88 sold in under an hour lol

      1. Yeah, I know! It may bounce up in value, but I dont think it will go that much higher. If it does, I still made out, No anger here. The ass getting covered by the logo will probably deter some of the people who wanted it. I had three guys email me about that actualy because it was as stock photo, before the logo was on it.

      1. I’ve been to the one in Midtown like 3 times since they opened this morning and saw none. They have it listed in their releases for next week. Anyone have evidence of them actually being on the shelves? I know they are available for purchase on the site.

  9. Here’s todays pickups!
    Amazing Spider-Man #10
    Epochalypse #1
    Guardians of the Galaxy #21
    Harley Quinn #12 Lego variant
    Inhuman #8 (whatup Larry!)
    Intersect #1
    Rot & Ruin #3 (awesome cover!)
    Sensation Comics feat Wonder Woman #4 (beautiful cover!)
    Sinergy #1
    Spider-Woman #1
    Wonder Woman #36
    older stuff….
    Batman #417 (thanks again Anthony!)
    The Infinity Wars #1-6 complete set
    New Mutants #100
    X-Factor #5

      1. … if you’re Midtown… but the average retailer doesn’t get to order a ton. My local shop only gets 1-2 copies of those Rocket & Groot Variants, and only on the books they order heavy on. I was told that the only reason Midtown gets an insane amount of Skottie Young Variants and things like the Rocket & Groot Variants is because they are the dispatcher of Marvel’s subscriptions, so that commingles with Midtown’s own inventory and gives them the ability to order heavy on all orderable Variants. It depends on the cover, but I’ve noticed on some of them they are fairly worthless until Midtown sells out of them, then the price elsewhere starts creeping up. Some of those Rocket & Groot Variants are really well done. I love the one for Spider-Woman this week, modeled after her first appearance in Marvel Spotlight#32, lol. And last week’s Spider-Verse cover, with Rocket marrying Aunt May!

      2. wow, didn’t know that. I just assumed they were like the DC variants since they were cover price. good info to know.

  10. Another “ouch” week for me, but I refrained from getting too many variants:
    Amazing Spider-Man #10
    Avengers #38
    Avengers World #15
    Axis #6
    Black Widow #12
    Daredevil #10
    Deadpool #37
    Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #3 (I had to order this one from my shop because they sold out the first time)
    Fantastic Four #13
    Guardians of the Galaxy #21
    Harley Quinn #12 (reg + Lego variant)
    Inhuman #8 (for the ‘why not?’ factor)
    Justice League #36 (Lego variant)
    Moon Knight #9
    New Avengers #26
    Powers Bureau #12
    Sensation Comics #4 (again, ‘why not?’)
    Spider-Woman #1
    Uncanny X-Men #28
    Wonder Woman #36 (I really like Finch’s artwork)
    Wytches #2 (picked up 2 more retailer variants)
    Also got X-Force #11 and Suicide Squad #6 (2011) for a good deal. Sadly, I also needed some bags and boards so add another $20 to my tab for the week.

  11. Big week for me. I picked up
    ASM #10
    Harley quinn #12 &( lego ×2)
    Sensational comics WW #4
    Inhuman #8 ×3
    Intersect #1
    GOTG #21×2
    Bobs burgers #4
    Angry birds #6
    Spider-woman #1. Couldn’t get the Manara variant they wanted $100 for it.
    Others that I picked up
    Detective comics #649
    Batman # 517-520
    Batman the killing joke 1st print
    DC legends #1-6
    Suicide squad #1&2 1st series 1987
    Batman annual #2 ×2

    1. Manara variant was 99.99 pre order at TFAW. Hundred isn’t terrible, it sells for more than that on eBay, but only by 20-30.

  12. For this week:
    13 Coins
    Bob’s Burgers
    Epocalypse (and got the promo poster)
    Godkiller (1 cover so far)
    Intersect (both covers)
    Rot and Run (both covers)
    Zombie Tramp
    Batman Annual #2
    Still considering, but didn’t buy today:
    Jim Henson Witches
    Last Born

  13. Update on the local guy’s offerings:
    Amazing Spider-man # 203 205 206 218 219 253 255 260 268 278 284-288 295 296 301-320 322-325 388 390 392 393 406 414 429 441 (starts over at one) 1-19 23 24 26-28 30-58 ( back to original numbers) 500-544 557 575 583 590 593-655
    Annuals 10-17, 23, 36 & 37
    Not sure what those might be worth…

    1. Also, Superman # 392 398 399 401 415 423 starts over at one 1-8 10-22 27 52 53 57 58 60 63-66 71 73-83 87 88 92 93 95 96 101-115 117 118 123-142 148 149 151-183 185-226 back to original numbering 650-705 707 708 annual 1, 5, 13
      Giant size 2011
      Secret files 2004
      Superman forever

      1. Superman man of steel
        1-6 mini series
        2 3 9 17-29 32 35-37 39-44 47 48 52-59 61-69 71-80 83-89 91-94 106-109 113 114 119 120 127
        Annual 2
        Secret files 2005
        Death of superman unopened
        Superman confidential 1-5, 11
        All star superman 1-12

      2. Looks like you have the first appearances of Doomsday in the Man of Steel set (17-19). ASM 301-320 is the McFarlane run which is pretty desirable. Also, the 9/11 tribute issue is there (ASM 36). Depending on what he’s asking, these might be worth it.

        1. So far, everything I’ve seen has been tip-top condition, bagged/boarded and taped. He’s asking $225 for ASM and $275 for all the Superman…

      3. Yeah, depending on condition and if they are 1st, 2nd and 3rd…. printings, those Superman MOS #17 and #18 can fetch some nice dollars. #17 is first cameo and #18 is first full appearance.

      4. By my quick math, there are 219 issues of ASM in all. At $225 that’s only about $1 per book. The McFarlane run averages about $10-20 a book. Not a bad deal IMO.

      5. Thanks everyone for helping me out with this stuff… I’ll have to think about it… seems like a lot of work to flip for not a lot of gain… I was hoping he’d have #300… Searching ebay for price+shipping lowest first is a little depressing (even on the McFarlane run)

  14. on another note, big shout out to agentpoyo for sending me a copy of Wytches #2 Austin comics variant. This guy packs like a champ!

  15. Stopped by a local shop today and somehow stumbled upon two Rasputin #1 Ra-Ra Variants. they had those two and just one issue of Cover A. Score!

  16. i think this godkiller by black mask comic will be huge
    does anyone have multiple copies of any cover of 1
    it has a very low print run
    when the tv series comes out this will be a hit
    jump aboard now
    i only got 1 copy of number 1 the c cover
    the ben temple smith cover of number 1 was at local comic shop the other day
    will get it next time i am there
    so hot here today in aus
    close to 100 f
    40 degrees

  17. anthony do you have any milo manara marvel comic covers
    that dude can draw a sexy gal
    his comics are too expense for me
    that inhuman 1 milo variant might be worth getting but
    $100 is a bit steep for me but

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