Tfaw Hot 20 comics for 11/30/14

What makes these the hottest comics? Besides being best sellers, these are also typically the ones our customers are talking about. Check them out to see what all the buzz is about!
I usually run the list once a week just to show what is selling well on-line. Granted, this is just one retailer, but you can bet that other stores are experiencing the same thing.
1. Spider-Woman #1
2. Thor #2
3. Deathstroke #2
4. Multiversity Pax Americana #1
5. Deathstroke #1
6. All New Captain America #1
7. Humans #1
8. Wytches #2
9. ODYC #1
10. Amazing Spider-Man #10
11. Walking Dead #134
12. Amazing Spider-Man #9
13. Batman #36
14. Trees #7
15. ElfQuest: The Final Quest #6
16. New Suicide Squad #4
17. Fade Out #3
18. Multiversity The Just #1
19. Big Trouble In Little China #6
20. Serenity: Leaves on the Wind #6 (Dan Dos Santos cover)