Zombie Tramp #5 Comicxposure New Year Comic Giveaway

Our friends at Comic Xposure sent us some more variants to give away. This one is strictly 18 and over.
Comic Xposure sent us copies of the Naughty and Nice Comicxposure variants for Zombie Tramp #5. One winner will receive one copy of each the Naughty and Nice variant.


Scooby Doo stickers not included.
The rules:
Enter your name in the comment section below. Also, please enter your age or a statement affirming that you are older than 18 years of age. Drawing is at random. Open to all readers. US entries will get books shipped for free. Non-US winner will be asked to chip in the difference between US postage and international (rates vary by country). Approximate prize value is $23.98.
So let’s get rolling.

96 thoughts on “Zombie Tramp #5 Comicxposure New Year Comic Giveaway”

  1. All the replies so far remind me of the early AOL days of.. Age/Sex/Location type of question people always asked when people entered a chat room.
    Don’t enter me into the contest.. just poking fun! πŸ™‚

      1. I’m moving to Jupiter, I’m only 3 years old in Jupiter years.. so I’m disqualifying myself. πŸ˜›

  2. Chris santos
    Yes I am over the age of 18, and thank you for running this giveaway!

  3. Brett Evans. I’d give almost anything to be 18 or under again! *Sigh* I’m def over.

  4. Rich DiPirro
    I was in the Marine Corps in the late ’80’s and early ’90’s – so I’m an old f@&k.
    Thanks Tony!

  5. This looks like a wonderful contest and prize. I have been collecting comics for 20 years and this comic would fit nicely with my collection. Rhonda

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