Comiconart Artist Spotlight: Alberto Alburquerque

Welcome to the latest edition of our Artist Spotlight, where you’ll have a chance to get to know our talented artists a little bit more in depth. Our artist spotlight is shining this month on the newest artist to join CCA… Alberto Alburquerque!
Alberto is illustrator and co-creator of the immensely popular LETTER 44 (Oni Press).
Here are a few questions we asked Alberto:
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How did you get into art?
I started reading comic books when I was a kid (5-6 years old) and I had a very clear idea from the very beginning that i wanted to draw them.Then, I took a year of painting with my mother and brothers and never stopped drawing. My mom was very supportive and my father jumped in a bit later on.
Are you formally trained or self-taught?
I trained for a couple of years in a couple of private schools specialized in illustration, animation and comic book art. I say private because education in Spain is mostly public, but I didn’t major in fine arts in college. After a couple of years solely dedicated to train in these schools, I enrolled in public college to major in English language and literature, as a plan B, just in case I couldn’t make it as an artist (and in case of making it, it was also good for my communication skills with editors, readers, interviewers…)
What inspires your art style?
I have a ton of favorite artists from every big comic big comic book market there is (USA, Europe, Japan). I also love movies and Disney influenced me a lot for a time some years ago. I like video games, but I don’t have much time to play, although art in them is usually pretty amazing. Also, lately I’ve started painting traditionally so I’m getting familiar with many painters I didn’t know before. Probably learning color is changing my way of thinking too, but I’m not the best one to judge…I’m to close to myself to see clearly, haha.
Who is your favorite character to draw?
I have too many! From the all-time favorites I’d say Wolverine and Conan, with Batman as a close third. From LETTER 44 I really enjoy the whole cast, but Manesh may be one of the most fun thanks to that great ‘stache!
Who was your favorite comic book character as a kid?
The same I like to draw. Wolverine, Conan, Batman. Spider-Man was really fun too.
What is the most unique thing you’ve drawn for yourself or for someone else?
This is a tough one. I loved drawing a short story (9 pages) about a period in the 60’s when Algeria became independent from France. A small kid emigrating to Paris from the war in Algiers and then undergoing cop brutality in a protest along the Seine. It was tough to draw, but fun at the same time and it allowed me to travel to Algiers for a small convention where I met a lot of good friends.
What was the moment you knew you were officially a professional artist?
Probably after having worked for some time in advertising in one of my schools and after having published three books in the French market. Then, I signed with Soleil Ed. and became a full-time artist getting paid every ten pages, a decent salary. I was 24 at the time.
What are your current and upcoming projects?
Right now I’m the regular artist on Oni Press’ LETTER 44, teaming up with superstar writer Charles Soule. Also, I’m almost done with another book for the French market with Glenat Ed. titled INCA. I’m taking the series in book 2, and if it works, I’ll keep drawing it for some more time. The rare free time I get after all that (LETTER 44 is a monthly series and INCA is only 46 pages, but with a different approach to storytelling, background, etc.) I spend doing commissions and some paintings. I also go out at night with friends, but don’t tell anybody, haha!
What is currently playing on your mp3/CD/other music playing device?
I like working while listening to podcast and talk radio, mostly from stand-up comedians. Music-wise, I love rap music, but I’m trying to open my ears to new stuff (for me, new music includes things like Rolling Stones, Metallica or B.B. King).
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All of Alberto’s available artwork from LETTER 44 will be up on the website next week. Also, Alberto will be available for commission requests!
Thanks for looking,
Court Gebeau

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