Here is a “find it cheap in the back issues” and flip scenerio. Or you could hold it until the Deadpool movie. X-Force #19 has popped up in value recently due to the casting of Morena Baccarinas in the Deadpool Movie.
Most people are spec-ing that Morena will be playing Copycat aka Vanessa Carlyse. X-Force #19 is the first appearance of Copycat in her true form. Copycat first appeared in the hugely popular New Mutants #98
, which is now priced out of many people’s range. So this is a fairly cheap way to get in on it.
X-Force #19 is selling in the $10-25 range depending on condition but there are copies starting for less.
13 thoughts on “X-Force #19 One to watch”
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Picked up 18 & 19 for 6 bucks a while back. Must refrain from selling until the movie. The temptation…it’s strong…
i am going picking this week at my honey hole. I know these are there
Quick, someone get surveillance on this man so we can find his honey hole! 😉
I’m glad I picked up 4 of these from my LCS’s dollar bin a couple days ago. They had 6 others but they were in poor condition.
Man, I think I’m getting “speculation fatigue.” I hit 3 shops this weekend and didn’t find much of anything. It’s getting harder to keep up with all this stuff. I may have to take a break for a while from the hunt and enjoy reading what everyone else has found.
Has Copycat been confirmed?
Still worth it at the $10 mark even though it’s not a first appearance?
Check your local shops as everyone who has back issues has a ton of these and probably cheap.
Im going against the Grain here ..Ive been telling Tony that I think it will be Anastasia, the cover girl for Deadpool #46, lets go with why …with the right hair Morena Baccarin is almost a dead ringer..She is also a deadpool love interest..her story arc provides a great base for a movie.Copy Cat is has blue does another Fox property (Mystique) No sense of wasting make up to do Copy cat when you have a beauty who is a dead ringer for a deadpool rival/love interest.Just my thoughts..its a low rick high reward spec..Copies on ebay roughly around 7-10 bucks
Going to try to run that tonight.
lol low risk** lol @low rick ..Tony did u see my pics on this months lootcrate?
yeah mel I am going to put them up tonight