Agent Poyo's Picks of the week for 2/25/15

The Giblet Gravy Spec of the Week:
Spider-Gwen #1 (Marvel) – Duh! Buy them, buy the variants. Sell them to all the Gwemaniacs!
The Bloody Wing Mid Section Noteworthy Pick:
Fantastic Four #643 (Marvel) – Yes, like Anthony stated, things are going to happen. Expect Sleepwalker doing his thing, whatever his thing is. Who knows, he might play a larger role in this Secret Wars so pay close attention. These were likely a higher print since #642 was a nice sleeper but yes, expect this to be overshadows by Gwen.
The Drumstick Drumroll Honorable Mentions of the Week:
Suiciders #1 – Vertigo – From Lee Bermejo, this is L.A. in a future brutal post apocalyptic age. Where killing is entertainment. Sounds sort of like the 80’s movie “The Running Man” where they kill prisoners in a public execution game show. Could have potential if the story and art hold up.

18 thoughts on “Agent Poyo's Picks of the week for 2/25/15”

    1. Actually in all honesty, the Phantom is my favorite so far, the color one. It was on fire with the pre-sales and still is selling strong (most likely people who bought and are pre-selling themselves before they actually get them). If she’s as big as she’s proven, most if not all are going to be winners and this is the type of comic I think you can buy some just to hold onto. If she stays popular, these will stay in demand as more collectors discover her, etc.

    2. Just found out that the phantom has a blank sketch back cover. Will add to the awesomeness of getting them signed and graded with the additional sketch.

    1. See my followup above. I’m kind of up in the air really on a lot of the variants. None really strike me as super cool. I want more Spider-Gwen and less Gwen posing for the cover for the most part. Seems most are going for the, let’s make Gwen lovable.. I want her to look sexy and kick ass. I just hope the ongoing series is better than EOSV #2.. I thought that read was sort of predictable and boring.
      Also, I dig the hoodie but honestly, how does it stay on her head when she’s swinging around town? That’s the other thing that bugs me. Maybe she has some velcro or something on the top of her mask and on the bottom on the inside of her hoodie. 😉

      1. You have trouble believing the hoodie stays on her head, but no trouble believing a young woman can swing around the city on a spider web?! LOL

        1. Well, if one could swing around like a soider with webs, a hoodie captures air and would blow off with relative ease. 😉

      2. I agree, I didn’t like EoSV #2 at all. Out of the entire mini series #4 was the best, imo. Dark and spooky, a literal spider that kills. It was such a cool read to see Parker as a serious villain type in one universe.

    1. Keep in mind many books this week are ones that may take some time to heat up similar to Lady Killer. Due to being extremely over shadowed by Gwen.
      I’d buy as many variants as possible if you have one of those dream shops who doesn’t mark them up like crazy. Otherwise they will be lost in a sea of variants tomorrow night on ebay.

        1. Yup, totally agree as well. I also believe it’s the same reason Silk was under ordered last week. Shops were prepping for Gwen this week.

  1. So true. Here in San Diego Silk #1 sold out except for 2 places and one place sells them for cover and the other already boosted them up to $15. So I might stop by and get some for cover before they keep going up since last week I just got 2 copies cuz the shop where I get them under ordered and only the people who had them on there pull go them. Has this happened where you get your? Silk prices going up?

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