Wednesday Winner: Ravenous #1

Untitled drawing (1)
Here is an odd one for a Wednesday Winner. Ravenous #1, very small press book, is doing well on ebay. It is selling for as much as $20. You might say this book came out last week. You would be partially right, as it was released in certain stores only.
My local shop ordered 50 copies. Out of the 50 copies, they were allocated 11. None of the 11 came in. A lot of people have been looking for the book. It can be ordered cheaply from the publisher here.
Copies of Ravenous #1 on ebay.

11 thoughts on “Wednesday Winner: Ravenous #1”

    1. I was hoping to check it out myself. I knew it was going to be a small print run but I didn’t know it was only gonna show up at a hand full of comic shops. I think the boost in value is just those seeking it out, willing to spend extra to just obtain a copy.

  1. I scored a few of these (both regular and gold wolf variants) early, but from what I’ve see, the reviews have been very positive. I also got a few of those #1s from the Creature Entertainment website, which arrived this week — but they are not the same Ravenous issue #1 that has been the big winner this week. The #1 that came out last week is the new 2015 launch and has a copyright date of 2013 on the inside front cover. The #1 that’s for sale on the website has a different cover, a different story inside (with a fun cheesecake zombie pinup!), and a copyright date of 2012. I haven’t been able to find out why there are two different number 1s, with different dates, so I’m guessing that the older one is the kckstarter issue….? But — the good news is…I haven’t seen that cheaper/older issue on eBay, so it’s still probably a good opportunity for a sale. Also, would you believe that since you put the store link up, Tony — the CE store has had a message there that says “The store is closed for maintenance.” Poor timing on their part!

        1. Yup. That is the one I bought. The more I think of it the more I am sure this book had a NYCC exclusive. I know I talked to these guys. They were set up at a table with Bubba the Redneck Werewolf and some other guys. I ended up spending my Indy money at another table buying some sweet Z-Girl comics with an original sketch.
          Sent from my iPhone

      1. You are totally right about that con exclusive. I think there were two: a wolf’s head profile on white, and a black and white illo of the lead female character. Those have been selling on eBay for about $50-80. Now I remember reading somewhere that their kickstarter campaign was a drive to present the Ravenous comic at an upcoming convention. This is the comic I mentioned that they had on their site for three dollars last week (I got two):

  2. Disregard the previous post! Looks like they put the newer #1 up on the site since I had ordered the 2012 #1 a week ago (since the store was in maintenance mode, I couldn’t confirm). They are indeed selling the 2015 #1 for $5 in the store, not the older #1 that I just received this week for $3 each.

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