I was supposed to put this up on Wednesday. Too much going on. Since we have spoken so much about ComicXposure and their variants, it is time to give one away.
Spider-Gwen #4 ComicXposure variant up for grabs.
So here is the deal. One entry per person. Enter your name in the comment section. The drawing will be Sunday night. You must read the winner post (or have someone tell you you won) and contact us within 48 hours or it goes to the next person on the list.
Shipping is free in the U.S. And foreign winners agree to pay actual shipping minus $3.
So let’s give away some comics.
113 thoughts on “Spider-Gwen #4 ComicXposure giveaway”
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Ray Niederhausen
Ashlie Lupichuk
Chris Meade
Dan Wozniak
E cOoPeR
C. P. McCoy
Dude great nickname!
A. King
Kyle “Susan Lucci” Robinson
People are getting tricky here!!! I like it.
Brett Evans
Nykolai Hrytsyk
Daniel Turtle
Jeremy Abbott
Nicholas hart
Peter M
Haha, saw this as I was boarding! Jon Shafer.
Kris Hill
Steven ottney
Miecree Cannon
Hendrick Puno
Jason Jones
Matt Lannon
David lippman
Brandon Romero
Jeff hernandez
Mike S
Tim perry
D Pounds
Kyle Lentz
Roberto m bruno
Thanks for the opportunity!
David Ryan
Richard Bondoc
Stefan Blomberg
Brian S
Louie Martinez
Steven Williamson
Brian Wedel
Mike Leff
Vito Tassielli
Daniel Santillo
Alan Hom
Tom Kelly
William Hild
Kevin M
Dave G.
John Belanger
M. Coelho
David Wilton
Dean Blumberg
Sam hensley
Todd W
Adam Pritchard
Joel Harrison
Miles Espinoza
Jason Yarborough
John Hartman
Scott Roth
Jason Zimmerman
Travis Hulce
Brian Massey
John Earney
Mike Russell
Mark McCracken
Contest Chuck LaChance
Mike Stockinger
Bill Zwissler
herman williams
Thomas Lennon
Brennan Rudderham
Tommy G
Kyle W
Giuseppe Cucuzza
Damien Kruzel
Jeff Knight
Chris Watson
Adam Smith
Daniel Hernandez
Stepan Mujukian
Dale Wieber
Travis S.
George. Dunn
Jodie Webb
Stan Tychinski
Billy Blaylock
Matt Riley
Derek Shenenberger
Kyle Ellinger
Matt Hensley!
Josh Adrianzen
Eric Miller
Chris Bennett
Roy Takata
Marcus Graves
Ricky Gray
Michael Sullivan
Patrick Ray
Julian. Thanks. (may of posted twice, don’t know what happened to the other one…)
Steven Dalton
Ed Rodriguez
Ric Lancaster
Alkis Macros
Ken Goach
Eric Berg