Up and Coming Small Press: Magnetic-Press

Whats up CHU, Mel V here. This great opportunity that Anthony has given me with comicsheatingup.net has allowed me to seek and find new and upcoming books and talent that I can see having a major impact going forward, so once in a while I will be doing small write ups about up and coming studios and artists and writers etc. So with my 1st edition I’d like to showcase Magnetic-Press.

Founded by Mike Kennedy and Wes Harris, Magnetic Press focuses on premium graphic novels from a wide range of international talent. Magnetic-Press made its debut at last year’s SDCC. In the first year they have released 12 graphic novels , 1 comic book miniseries (Poet Anderson: The Dream Walker with Tom Delonge), 2 art books, and one tabletop card game (Bengal’s World of Cassyno), not to mention various prints, deluxe editions, t-shirts, and another limited print run deck of cards

The Quality of their Graphic Novels is outstanding. I started reading the 160 page, beautifully drawn Luminae written and drawn by Bengal who also did the art for 2 more of their books Naja and Meka. It’s about a sisterhood of six young warriors are tasked with protecting the mysterious Luminae, a holy creature of light in exile from those forces of Darkness that would decimate humanity. Each chosen for their individual strengths, powers, and force of will, they serve their duty in tales most believe to be merely legend. When one of their sisters disappears after a surprise attack by otherworldly creatures, the others know it is the sign of a superior evil soon to arrive and a looming danger for the saint under their protection! I was blown away with how the book gave an old school RPG feel with the story line. Bengal really nails the action and setting with his art, his action sequences are drawn without flaw.

What drawn me to this company was the slate of books coming in the next few months all the way into 2016 http://www.magnetic-press.com/magnetic-press-announces-first-slate-of-new-titles/

As you can see they have some interesting books coming out. There is something for everybody which is another reason I’m excited about this company’s prospect and two books that definitely peeked my interest.

Illustrated by Joel Jurion and written by Antoine Ozenam
Teenager Angel Tomassini has been hiding a dark and scary secret: when threatened he involuntarily turns into a violent and vicious Weretiger. He doesn’t know why, how, or what to do, because when he transforms, he loses control and people end up badly hurt. As if this isn’t enough for a kid to deal with, Angel is slowly learning his father is one of the biggest organized crime leaders in the city. And are there more like him? Are there… different creatures too?


Also looking forward to SIDE-KICKED
Written by Russell Brettholtz and illustrated by Miguel Mendonca
The first title from the newly-announced partnership imprint Darby Pop! Richard is having a bad week. He has a secret alter-ego: Phantasm, sidekick to Mr. Marvelous (Chicago’s most beloved super-hero) who has never lets him forget his “lesser” place as a sidekick. Richard compares notes with his sidekick colleagues, and comes to realize that all of his sidekick friends are systematically disrespected by the heroes they work with, ignored by the media, and taken wholly for granted by society. How much can these five endure before they decide that enough is enough? And what then? A slightly-irreverent, sarcastic look at life behind the masks.

Most of their material is in Graphic novel form, but they should be making the transition to Monthly issues in the near future

One thought on “Up and Coming Small Press: Magnetic-Press”

  1. Yeah my wife likes this company as well since she is reading poet Anderson. She says it’s a good book. Haven’t read it myself though. Might pre order klaw. Looks intresting.

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