I posted the story that some shops did not get Imperium #7 in their weekly Diamond Delivery earlier this week. A helpful retailer to the west of me provided an answer to what happened.
it’s a regional shipping issue.
east coast stores served out of OLIVE BRANCH are getting their’s next week; I did get my UPS DIRECT Re-Order (I upped orders on it after I saw your post this weekend ;)) — but, the actual initials (i.e new comic shipment ones)
anyways, this isn’t super uncommon, basically: Valiant’s printers did not get this or BLOODSHOT REBORN to certain distro centers (not sure if Plattsburg which services most of Canada and NY and that region was affected, ditto w/ West Coast), but Olive Branch (the one that services DMV down through to TN — was affected.
So there you go.
Glad my area got them.. cause I’m on vacation next week.
I didn’t make it out to any stores this week so I’m not sure of the situation here. I do have 4 copies coming for MTC though.