Star Wars Force Awakens Trailer and Theater Websites Crash. 

The new Star Wars Force Awakens trailer hit the air last night during Monday Night football and it is our first (not 15 second) look at the film including some familiar characters. 

In case you missed it, there it is. We see an aged Han, Leia, R2-D2, and possibly a glimpse at Luke. We do see Kylo Ren has Darth Vaders melted helmet and he sounds a lot like the long dead Sith.

Also, is reporting that the early ticket sales have caused websites Fandango and AMC’s websites to crash due to traffic.

Several hours ago, advanced tickets for Star Wars: The Force Awakens went on sale in America and now three major movie chains — Fandango, the Alamo Drafthouse, and AMC Theaters — are all experiencing technical difficulties due to the high demand. reported:

Fandango was most seriously affected as of this writing, with the site timing out before the home page loads when we attempted to access it. Service for ticket sellers has been spotty all over, and though many fans were eventually able to purchase tickets after several attempts, others are reporting they’ve gotten access only for these sites to crash again before finalization.

26 thoughts on “Star Wars Force Awakens Trailer and Theater Websites Crash. ”

  1. I got me some tickets for gold class, a VIP 50 seat cinema room with reclining lazy boy leather chairs and tables, theres also a drinks bar in there 😀

      1. It’s at a ‘Vue cinema’ in the UK, I did want to do 3D but they only do that in standard rooms, I like the exclusiveness of gold class when it comes to a film this big which is why I don’t mind paying the extra, plus it’s over 18’s only cus of the bar so no chances of kids ruining the experience lol

    1. Same here. Marcus Theaters baby! 3D, reclining love seats (to share w wife), bar (microbrews on tap) and pretty much any kind of food (hot and cold) or candy you want… Got me 4 tixs for the premiere!

    2. I’m with you Poyo, I’m too cheap to pay for the fancy seating. Honestly what really annoys me is the constant staff walking around and the talking. They’re taking drink orders, walking in front of you throughout the show. I found the whole experience annoying.

      1. I’ve never been the type that has to be the first to see a movie either.. I’m patient to wait. I still haven’t even seen Ant-Man which I meant to see in the theater.. probably too late now. I’ll rent for a buck at Redbox. 🙂

          1. That’s happened a few times for me, so nice to have the whole theater.

            It happened once back in my college days as well with girl I was dating.. I’ll stop there cause there wasn’t much movie watching.. 😉

  2. As excited as I am for this, I’m going to do my usual thing and wait a few weeks (for every movie I see), then go in the middle of the week, late at night so it’s mainly just me enjoying the movie without a bunch of people hooting, hollering, talking, coughing, munching on candy or popcorn so I can actually enjoy the movie.

      1. Haha.. I hate crowds in confined spaces as well.

        When we went to watch Age of Ultron, we went out of the norm and saw it the second weekend it was out. It was crowded. So when a mother and daughter ended up sitting next to me, all I heard was the mom munching on her popcorn during every quiet seen, I swear the 10 year old girl knew how to keep her mouth shut when chewing than her mom. This woman was clearly sick as well, so between popcorn munchings, she would cough, and cough.. and cough.. a few times she didn’t cough into her arm and towards my direction. I almost got the nerve to just tell her she needs to go or I’m calling a manager to make her move.

        People suck man and if you know your sick, or can’t keep your mouth shut when eating your food, stay at home and don’t ruin it for the rest of us.

        This is why I just wait until the theater is less crowded and I’m usually amongst those people who want to actually watch the movie.

        Oh, this past weekend we went to the drive in theater for Saturday movie night. They were playing Ghostbusters. A family parks next to us and proceed to talk and laugh the whole time while playing on their phones. I had to ask them once to turn off their headlights and other lights on car (every other car was turned off and dark like they’re suppose to be). I almost struck up the nerve to ask them why they even bothered spending money to come watch the movie.. they weren’t even looking at the screen.

        I might be a crumodgeon but that’s because most people suck! 😉

          1. I know you were…… I’m just ranting. But your right though. Last night at 11 PM I had to go yell at a neighbor for bass’ing up the neighborhood in his ghetto SUV in his driveway. There’s a time and place for turning up the volume in your car, the highway. People suck!

          2. Oh and the rules don’t apply when we take the kids to the movies with kids movies. Kids are allowed to be loud, most of the time I start to nod off anyways. I took the kids to see SpongeBob back during Spring Break, I go a nice 20 minute cat nap at one point during the movie. 🙂

  3. I happened to see an article that stated some theater websites were possibly selling tickets before the trailer, so I tried about two hours before and was able to score tickets with absolutely no hassle.

  4. Man. I remember camping outside all day in 1999 for tickets to see Phantom Menace. 16 years later, no thanks. I’m sure we’ll hit up a matinee during the week when everyone is still at work. Kids will be on break and I’ll be on vacation so I should be able to see it the first week with minimal hassle.

    1. Hype was at all time highs back then, I remember I couldn’t go to a shop or fast food place without seeing Phantom Menace merchandise everywhere haha I did love every minute of them days, just a shame it was all deflated by the actual film..

  5. Can’t wait for this but I’m wondering if my tactic to go see new releases will work. I go see the movies on the Friday morning of their release. The theatre isn’t packed because lots of ppl are at work or school. This has worked for Age of Ultron, Days of Future Past and a few other big releases but Force Unleashed is going to be huge. Might have to wait a few weeks and avoid all social media, lol.

  6. I’m all about seeing new movies in the am before crowds show up, I like my space and want quiet during my 2 hour vacation. But for this one movie, I gotta see it with my people!

    IMAX 3d on Friday night, reserved seats. I couldn’t get through the crashed websites in time to score Thursday tix during a reasonable start time

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