Wednesday Open Forum



Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.

The 62nd edition of the open forum!

What are your pick ups?
What about back issue raids?
What was sold out at your store?
What was sitting one the shelves in piles?

Or anything else you want to talk about, here is where to do it!

33 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”

  1. Picked up this week:
    Descender 8
    Axcend 3
    Seven Percent 4
    Huck 2
    Superzero 1 variant
    Klaus 2
    Goddamned 2
    Tokyo Ghost 4
    Spderman 1.1

  2. It’s a smaller week for me.

    Batman 66 #30
    Batman Europa #2
    Justice League #46
    Judge Dredd #1
    Autumnlands #8
    Beauty #5
    Descender #8
    Goddamned #2
    Tokyo Ghost #4
    Darth Vader Annual #1
    Thor #2
    Silk #2
    Klaus #2
    ExMortis #2

      1. Poyo, Those Marvel books come out fast and steady! 95% of my books are all creator owned and you learn patience with those. I add a Marvel title to my pull and it seems like the next chapter is in there every other week.

      2. Well, some dodge Marvel (We know Tony.. we all know.. ) but Marvel still has a few things going for them which keeps me on board:

        1. They have some of the better writers. Most of the indie writers I love also write for Marvel. Jason Aaron, Gillen, Soule, Spencer, Lemire.. etc. So if they can pump out a comic twice a month and keep me entertained, I’m down. I give indies huge credit with their originality, stories and art but sometimes the long spans between books does put a damper on continuing to buy them. That’s their only downfall for the most part with me.
        2. Their art is usually spot on (When you have that much money, it’s easy to pump out comics when you have a whole team doing the finishing touches and you don’t have one artist doing it all by themselves – which don’t get me wrong, an artist who can sketch, pen, color from start to finish gets mad props).
        3. Everyone knows Marvel Characters, they do some of the best superhero movies nowadays. So staying in tune with their stories gives you some likely inside info of what’s going on in the movies they’re going to start pumping out.
        4. With #3 mentioned, that means movie/show appearances make 1st appearance comics hot, so while indies can fetch dollars when they get opted or made into shows/movies, Marvel seems to cast a shadow on most of the others. When they have a book that goes hot, it seems to stay hot longer. Walking Dead is the only indie that just seems to stay hot since it’s one of the hottest shows. As long as AMC keeps airing Walking Dead, attracting new viewers, creating new fans, the comics will only go up in value. There are others but for the most part, Indie comics can easily go flat as quickly as they went up in value upon news about a show or film.

        1. 1. Yea, the best creators already pumping out some of the best original creations for other companies
          2. Um. Charles Soules SheHulk had the best writing and the worst art.
          Can’t argue with 3 or 4. I gave up on Marvel when DC originally launched the hold the line at $2.99 campaign. Marvel books are crazy priced versus other companies.
          Do remember, I grew up a Marvel Kid. I think I have just moved past superhero stories for the most part. Books like Invincible give me my monthly dose. I don’t fault anyone for reading anything though. Books sell because they have an audience that relates to the stories and characters.

          1. I didn’t say all the art was top notch. But yeah, She-Hulk was pretty bad artwork. So was Princess Leia surprisingly.

            Not all DC books are $2.99 all the time, I think DC has broken their promise at times. But do consider that almost every Marvel book comes with Digital Redemption code.. when DC does these in the bags, they bump the prices to $4.99 just for the print + digital version.

            Even seems most Image books are now carrying the $3.50 or $3.99 price tag as well. It’s people like BKV and Kirkman that can keep theirs at $2.99 since they print 50k+ each issue.

          2. Oh and…

            5. Don’t argue with the Super Secret Agent Chicken… he’ll spread his bird disease he’s getting over to you. 😉

  3. Small week here too. LoL

    All new inhumans
    Justice league
    Darth Vader annual
    Tech jacket
    Mighty thor
    Uncanny inhumans
    I hate fairyland
    We are Robin (for the Robin wars)
    Harley Quinn poly bag

  4. Deadpool #3: I’m such a patsy. I’m collecting the Koblish cover cartoons

    Deadpool Tres Punto Uno: Years from now, a rumor in Deadpool Film #6 will make this skyrocket momentarily as the first appearance of Masacre. I’ll be there that day.

    Howard the Duck #1 Second Printing Howard Lim Sketch: I’ve got one coming for the PC. I remember when sketch variants used to be second printing variants. sigh. If my LCS has cover copies I’ll buyt hem and flip them immediately.

    Autumnlands #8: #7 really started to pick up the pace of the story here. More world-building, but the world is gaining depth. Love this series.

    All New Inhumans #2.

    Uncanny Inhumans #3

    Mighty Thor #2

    Tokyo Ghost #4: Awesome concept. I sympathize every day.

    Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #2: I need to rebalance my pull with less Marvel; more Valiant. The art and writing is absurdly good.

    Klaus #2: ‘Tis the season.

      1. Yeah, that one and Self Storage are my favorites from 451 as well.

        I hate to say it but I think Sunflower #1 fell flat.. I bought #2 anyways and it just got worse for me. It really lacks substance, it’s got zero character building, it’s very choppy in the story, it’s unrealistic and seems rushed. It’s too bad, I was digging the art but I’m not buying #3 or beyond.. just isn’t doing it for me.

  5. I hate Fairyland #3 is my fave this week. It’s the only current comic that I look forward to from one month to the next. It’s so much fun!

  6. The Beauty #5
    The Tithe #7: I’m still liking this story and curious where the next arc will lead.
    The Goddamned #2: Jason Aaron and creator owned is can’t miss these days.
    Death Head #5: I’m glad this is ending at issue 6. I felt duped with this one as my occult murder mystery comic turned into a cheesy story about a kid ghost.

    I’ve been loving nailbiter but had been trade waiting it. I’m jumping to monthly and the last 3 issues (since the 3rd trade) are supposed to be waiting for me at my LCS today. I’m looking forward to getting caught up on the series.

    I think I’m dropping Deadpool.

  7. It was a hefty week, dollar-wise, this week mainly because of double covers and variants:

    All-New X-Men #2
    Amazing Spider-Man 1.1 (regular + 1:25 variant)
    Autumnlands #8
    Beauty #5
    Darth Vader Annual #1
    Deadpool Tres Punto Uno #3.1 (time to break out Google Translate!)
    Harley Quinn #23 (ALL covers to this one.)
    Justice League #46
    Klaus #2
    Mighty Thor #2
    Ms Marvel #2 (JSC ’92 variant)
    Silk #2 (All 4 covers)
    Tokyo Ghost (both covers)
    Wayward #12
    Web-Warriors #2
    The Wicked + The Divine #17 (both covers)

    Back issue pick-up – Deadpool #33 variant – 1st appearance of Deadpool’s daughter. Got it for cover to store away for a rainy day.

    I have one LCS that’s doing a “Buy 2 Get 1 Free” sale so that saved me $20. The other is offering $10 in store credit for spending $50 or more (to be used in January). So in total I saved about $30 this week.

  8. Slow week in general. I’m running out of space, so trying to limit myself to: first few issues of a volume, top artists, a mind blowing story arc or keys only. Picked up:

    1. JL #46 – Darkseid war continues.
    2. Lucifer #1 – Reboot of the Vertigo series
    3. Ms Marvel #2 Marvel 92 JSC – Its Campbell and should hold its value
    4. Silk #2 – Didn’t like any of the variant covers, so just regular
    5. Squadron Supreme #1 Hip-Hop – No one really dies in a comic book but still
    6. Ivar, Timewalker #12 – Last issue and baton passes to new Timewalker

  9. Was I the only one who didn’t know deadpool was entirely in Spanish? I don’t speak with word of it. Good thing for Google translate! Just held my iPad over each page and it was mostly understandable.

  10. Picks for this week are;

    Harley Quinn #23 ( for the wife)
    Teen titans go #13 ( for my kids)
    Deadpool #3.1
    Silk #2 ( for the wife)
    Beauty #5 ( last issue was great. I loved the part where the girl is talking on the phone and on the next panel there is a red dot on the phone and you turn the page and BLAM! Her face is shot off. So yeah gotta get this one lol)

    Batman adventures Killer croc with doll face AF ( for the wife’s collection)

    1. Beauty is such a great book. Issue 5 was the first thing I read. But yes. The part with the girl on the telephone’s head getting blown away was awesome. Wait until you see the last panel of issue 5

      Sent from my iPhone


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