What’s up CHU, Mel V back with another great week of comics and variants. Variants do carry risk, some go up, some go down, but as long as you are buying art that you like, you can’t go wrong.
Here is what I am feeling this week!
Super Impressive wallet busting week for variants ..This edition goes out to CHU reader ELVI ..Your wallet will hate you tomorrow lol
Niobe She Is Life #2 Cover B Incentive Retailer Appreciation Variant Cover– Diamond Mix up will cause this book to explode in the after market, you might be lucky to snag these HUNT. Don’t forget to support CHU and grab a Comicsheatingup.net/Hoknes Comics Variant
A-Force Vol 2 #3 Cover D Incentive Mark Brooks Variant Cover– Absolutely beautiful cover, I showed my wife this cover (Who hates comics yet loves the art lol) and she said “Damn this cover is dope, I want one” So now I gotta go hording …This is my “How many people ordered that many of…”Variant of the week”. A 1:25 meaning it could possibly have a low print run
Army Of Darkness Furious Road #1 Cover H Incentive Francesco Francavilla Virgin Cover– This one has a lot going for it, you got Ash in the setting of Academy Award winning Mad Max, Francavilla on Art, plus a VIRGIN cover. Makes for a great T-Shirt. 1:25 ratio so the print runs should also be pretty small.
Avengers Standoff Assault On Pleasant Hill Alpha #1 Cover C Variant Jay Fosgitt Party Color Cover -These things have been selling like hotcakes during the week. Gwenpool on the cover makes this highly sought after, already sold out at Midtown. Was told that this one also was under ordered
Batman Beyond Vol 5 #10 Cover B Variant Dustin Nguyen Cover– Dustin Nguyen appears twice on Mel’s Variants of the week this week ,I know i’m late on the Dustin bandwagon but this guy is simply amazing with his art. I loved his work since the Legend of Wonder Woman cover he put out a couple of months ago. This Batman Beyond cover will be talked about for years, surprised its at cover price as its better than a lot of high priced variants I seen with a Superman vs Batman theme.
Deadpool Vol 5 #8 Cover D Variant Annie Wu Women Of Power Cover– These Women of Power cover variants look pretty darn good. This one here is a no brainer, Deadpool 2099 is hot right now and is only going to get hotter, great cover
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (BOOM Studios) #1 Cover A Regular Jamal Campbell Cover– Damnnnnnnnnnnn CAMPBELL BACK AT IT WITH THE GREAT REGULAR COVER (In my Damn Danial voice.) Seriously if you guys are not on the Jamal Campbell bandwagon yet get, on it. Look at the detail in his work. I said it once and I will say it again, this artist is destined for greatness… fantastic cover
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (BOOM Studios) #1 Cover F Incentive Goni Montes Zord Virgin Variant Cover– Power Ranger Zord makes his 1st appearance on a high priced variant. The Power Ranger brand is red hot right now and I think this cover is going to do well in the aftermarket
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (BOOM Studios) #1 Cover H Incentive Dustin Nguyen Virgin Variant Cover– The other Nguyen variant, this is a high priced big boy variant. I’m thinking about shelling out the $100 ($89 on TFAW) for it. It looks that darn good
Spider-Man Vol 2 #2 Cover C Incentive J Scott Campbell Captain America 75th Anniversary Variant Cover-Amazing Amazing cover. Not sure why Spider Man is not on the cover with Captain American, but that does not take away from how great this cover looks .
Spider-Man Vol 2 #2 Cover A Regular Sara Pichelli Cover– I debated on putting this cover on because I already had 1 regular cover and this is supposed to be for variants only, but look at this lovely work by Miss Pichelli , how could you turn this down at your LCS
WHEW What a week this is going to be ….Enjoy and let me know how your week went in the comments below
21 thoughts on “Mel V.’s Variant picks of the week for delivery 3/2/16”
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Oh yes, I am going to gobble up all of the STANDOFF Gwenpoodle variants that I can so I can sell them all to Elvi! 😉
Poyo, don’t lie. You have your little Gwenpool stash at home and you’d be hard-pressed to sell ANY of it. I know how you roll!
I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I see none of these variants tomorrow, lol. I’ll report back after I’ve hit the shops in the morning.
Neither shop got them I visited. One shop did have the sketch variant at $80.. I should of picked it up for you Elvi. 🙂
Oh man, that was a BARGIN! The one shop I saw it at had it for $110! 80 was steal, I tell you!
I showed some restraint. I did manage to get the Campbell Spider-Man which was at the top of my list. Also picked up the Brooks and Cho A-Force, Randolph Spider-Man, the Batman Beyond and a few copies of the Deadpool 2099 cover. The only Power Rangers I bought was the regular Campbell because I got a “Party Kit” for free! Woo hoo!!
I did pick up some Litho’s of the STANDOFF Gwenpoodle though.. already sold one. 🙂
I bought a third eye and picked up the third eye variant for the give away. I got a free party variant and a party kit as well
My lcs was shorter the party variants.
Of COURSE you did… lol
Heck yeah….. Litho’s were free… people willing to pay $4 for them equals score.
They tried to limit me to 2 gwenpoodles..silly mortals lol
also street fight Chun li variant 1:20 looks awesome..missed it this week ..if ya can find it be sure to get one…rarest variant today was virgin evil dead mad max …1 store out of 8 ….stay tuned
I got a pretty good relationship with my LCS cause I’m there every day during lunch. They didn’t get any copies of the Gwenpool color variant instead they got 1 sketch variant copy which they reserved for me at $30 price range. The day got even sweeter because the owner threw in the Niobe Retailer Variant for FREE!!!
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A Force Brooks variant starting to gain steam…A death happens in this issue
Yeah but it’s Marvel, how long will they be “dead”? 😉
I planned to get up good and early Wednesday to hit the sure fire can’t miss LCS for this week’s variants but after a long Tuesday night at the bar, and a 7AM blood sugar episode, it didn’t happen.
Went there around 4PM today for the hell of it and the Spider-Man #2 JSC was still sitting there for $20, the A-Force roller derby for $10 plus the Squirrel Girl Cho variant for $10.
Very weird but for once the late bird got the worm 🙂
Glad you are feeling better and that being late paid off.
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