Action Comics #52 Spoilers

I got a couple of pages emailed to me of Action Comics #52. I have hidden them in the spoiler image so only click if you want to see. I was told we would get more info on the continuing Saga of the “Chinese Superman” this week.
Spoiler Page 1
Spoiler Page 2
So, we are living in pre-crisis time it looks like. For those keeping score at home… Flaming Superman, Pre-52 Superman, New 52 Superman, Chinese Superman (God I hate saying that but it is the description that has seemed to stick) one of them is the pretender. It could be Pre-52 Superman or could be Chinese Superman. Action Comics #52 is red hot right now and selling out all over the place.

28 thoughts on “Action Comics #52 Spoilers”

      1. How about a book about a Lesbian Eskimo Midget Left-Handed Ninja Albino? If anyone could pull it off, DC could!
        10 internet points if anyone gets this reference…

        1. I was pen pals with Joe Jack Talcum. I hung out and went porn shopping with the Milkmen when I saw them at the 9:30 club in DC when I was in high school. They are from Philly so they played in DC a lot.

  1. I bet I can come up woth a couple Superman names for DC..
    Absolutely kidding.
    Action is all over the place IMHO
    Train-wreck continuity. Confusing as hell to me, a savvy long term reader.
    DC’s marketing of this entire storyline has bern Embarrasing.

      1. Yeah, as much as I loved Superman as a kid, I could never really get into his comics though. The only DC character I really enjoyed and still enjoy is Batman, both as a kid and adult.

      2. Same here. I’ve continued to follow Batman all along, but anything else I can’t commit to long-term because DC’s lack of continuity always irritates me. Even within a small run of a single series, they can’t keep their continuity straight. They either just decide to change some things without explanation, or they are literally paying no attention to continuity and don’t even notice that anything changed from one storyline to the next. Didio touts that “telling a good story comes first”, but there are ways to tell a Good Story AND still find a way to keep it in line with what came before. And I’m not talking about Elseworlds & Earth-2’s & the Multiverse, I’m talking about how within a single series, even in the New52, they can butcher continuity.

  2. Flaming Superman was in Batman Superman #32 along with whoever that was that was released from the tube. So what would be the spec in Action Comics #52 since Flaming Superman already appeared?

      1. I went through the entire issue this afternoon and that tubed Superman from Batman Superman was nowhere in Action Comics 52. Flaming superman was in Batman Superman 32 and is on more pages of Action Comics 52 than is shown in the spoiler pic above.

  3. I stopped reading Superman back in issue 10, but collected till issue 13. The story was just boring but I love Superman. Freaked DC. Why do they have to ruin such a great character? And yes I am still getting the Superman Rebirth and #1 lol. I am a sucker for Superman books.

  4. Flaming Superman was in Superman 51, so even if Flaming Superman became important in any way, Superman 51 would be the grab for him, not Batman Superman 32 or Action Comics 52.

  5. So where have the pre 52 heroes been all this time….I guess we find out in rebirth. So superman Lois and Clark was actually a story about pre 52 superman ?

      1. My guess is they’ll show up on a seperate dimension or such and the pre & nu heroes will “merge” in some goofy way, allowing the DC writers to pick & choose elements of both realities for the future. Except for Superman. Or Batman. Or whichever movie they’re selling. Or anyone else they feel like screwing with based on editorial whim of the day. Thus insuring a similar cloisterfack in a few years, followed by more Re-something.
        DC Comics- planning for the future!!

  6. These are selling for cover or less and will only get worse going forward. This is silly nonsense. Not this article here, the comics and “spec” stuff going on around it. Not worth buying unless you are reading this convoluted story line.

  7. there isnt anything special about this issue in any way, why is this a “spec” ? this seems like the same hype that was built around Batman #40 months ago, rememebr how it would be marked as a must have for years to come and how the combo pack was THE comic to have ? and look where the prices are now, stop speculating on every single comic for every tiny reason

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