Henchgirl Ashcan Up to Crazy Price

In case you missed it last week, a reader hit me up with a photo of a comic that appeared to be a variant of Henchgirl #1. After shooting it over to Kristen Gudnuk, we found out it is a Henchgirl #1 Ashcan. If you haven’t looked at the auction lately, you should take a peek.
Henchgirl #1 Ashcan is sitting at $610 with about an hour to go. The book is limited to 150 copies and was only distributed in New York at a comic signing and also by Kristen at NYCC. If you know someone who went to the signing at Heroes Your Mom Threw Out, hit them up.
There is also a Self Published #1 up for $500. Not sure if any other copies have ever been listed.

22 thoughts on “Henchgirl Ashcan Up to Crazy Price”

  1. Expect prices for #1 basic to stay over $100 each now. I sold two more at $105 each off ebay immediately after selling another on ebay for $100.
    There hasn’t been another option announcement since the post you guys made that Mel was on top of. Once more news drops, Boom!
    This still hasn’t peaked. 😉

  2. I actually was able to pick up a regular copy signed because of the original ash can article. When the ash can article was first posted I decided to search Henchgirl #1 and a fresh buy it now listing was up for $35 signed and posted up in the past 5mins, next lowest price at the time on eBay was $80+. Would of never found it if the ash can article wasn’t posted.

    1. Because Trump! 😉
      The behind the scenes option rumors are STRONG on this. Dark Horse is about to take over, so that alone will bring more readers and more demand. The print run is sub 2.5k as well.
      Word is that it’s 100% been optioned, is in the beginning stages of pre-production but they just can’t go public yet.
      I’ll tell you now… when it does go public, $100 a copy will be cheap. Lol

  3. Something is only worth what people are willing to pay! Congrats to whoever sold this book! Glad I picked up a vf/nm regular copy for $9 roughly two months ago… thanks of course to CHU for the heads up on this series!.

      1. My personal collection is constantly on an upswing thanks to CHU!…and I’ve fond some new favorites that I normally wouldn’t have gravitated to.

  4. “Heroes Your Mom Threw Out”. And when I lived in NY, going to those events, they tended to sell-out or come close to selling-out at nearly any signing, because the shop has a lot of devoted fans who support local artists. People who couldn’t make it to the event would usually buy a copy in advance and pick it up signed after the event. I even did that a few times when I was at school in PA. But also, it will be that-much-harder to get a copy of this book from a “Heroes” regular, because they’ll be keeping it in their personal collection. You’re more likely to find a random copy someone got from Kristen elsewhere.

  5. I still can’t get over the fact that I preordered 10 copies of issue 1 from Midtown, and received 9 out of 10 books badly damaged from shipping…

    1. On the one hand, I find a lot of lower print run Indy books tend to get damaged by Diamond, especially at local shops. When so few copies are going to the shop, they end up getting mishandled when packaging them up, compared to books where stacks of copies of single books are being shipped.
      On the other hand, I rarely order from Midtown anymore because they advertise Near Mint Condition and apply separate prices for separate grades, but when they send you inferior books, they rarely do anything to make it right, other than asking You to pay Postage to ship them back, even if it’s your entire order, and entirely Midtown’s fault for ignoring the damage. Sending photos used to work in years past, but these days anytime I send them photos, no matter how clear & obvious the damage is, their customer service representatives are trained to reply saying they can’t see the damage you’re talking about, and that you’ll need to mail them in for closer inspection to verify… at your own expense.

      1. When a box of Indy comics comes through Diamond’s warehouse Marvel and DC both have a full time employee there who each kicks the unopened box of Indy comics before shipping to retailers.

      2. Lol. We already know that they collaborate behind-the-scenes, when they often have very similar summer events or storylines side-by-side, so you know they’re sharing information. They probably just go halfsies on those box-kicker mercs. Teamwork!

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