Thanks to Brian Springman for info on this one.
DC Rebirth has been on fire lately, DC books burning up the charts, new comic sales, secondary market sales, and just general interest. New Super Man #1 out this Wednesday will be no different.
It has been an odd road too. The tale begins with Superman Batman #32, which both CGC and PGX are listing as the first appearance of Keenan Kong, the Chinese Superman. We ran a story a while back, partially based on information we got from a retailer, who got it from a DC rep, as well as collaborating info from Bleeding Cool, that Superman Batman #32
was not the first appearance of Keenan Kong. Follow that up with a continuing story where DC tweeted out that Superman Batman #32
was the first appearance.
Flash forward to this weekend, Keenan Kong’s Twitter account shows this tweet New Super Man #1 is where he will get his start.
Looks like Keenan’s Twitter account is also about 4 years old. Interesting.
Not to mention the writer, Gene Luen Yang, had this on his twitter account:
Of course the solicitation for New Super Man #1 says “Rising from the ashes of The Final Days of Superman.” Superman (New 52) didn’t die until after Superman Batman #32.
One thing we are sure of, New Superman #2 features the first appearance of The Batman and Wonder Woman of China.
28 thoughts on “One to Watch: New Super Man #1”
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I located a small preview of the New Super-Man #1 which shows Kenan Kong before he becomes the new superhero…..and he’s a Bully! Though only a few pages are displayed, it’s enough to introduce a Chinese villain called “Blue Condor”.
I saw that same one.
Preordered 10 of them a couple days ago. 5 of Both covers
As well as Ironman #12
Kenan is not in bs 32….I’ve checked and rechecked so new superman 1 should explode as the 1st app of Kenan and new superman. May take awhile to convince cgc or it may be instant,you apparent on 7/13
Instant,you=instantly apparent
You know it’s funny, grading companies have been wrong before. I have said, as shown in the previous links, it is not him in BS 32. I am wondering how it will play out with the labels in the future.
if you have a stack of these sitting at CGC you’d certainly be pretty desperate at this point for 7/13 to turn out differently than what’s now expected.
Thankfully I do not have a stack sitting there. I wonder how long it would take for a company like CGC to make a label change if it turns out conclusively that the character in BS 32 was something or someone completely different.
Another preview showing how Kenan becomes the New Super-Man:
Well whatever happens after will confirm or dispute bs 32
Looks like bleeding cool ran a story today with previews from CBR. Confirmed that New Superman 1 is first appearance of Keenan Kong. So the discussion goes, who flew off in BS 32? Could the writer have been cheeky in his tweet to you confirming that Keenan Kong’s First appearance is New Superman 1 (maybe the issue is in a flashback) and who we see fly off is Chinese Superman? Or could that character devolve into a Chinese Bizarro (again I apologize for the term “Chinese” it is not meant to be derogatory)
Could be a flashback comic…..yeah its not kenan because hes now new superman….so with an issue of just the hulk for the first time and no banner would cgc note 1st app bruce banner….regradless they need to change their label
I panic sold my BS 32s yesterday. Don’t care what happens. No regrets.
honestly i’m so confused now I don’t know which way it will fall…only things I know for sure are 1st app of Kenan Kong (non super) is New Superman 1 and 1st cameo of New Batman, Wonder woman is in New Superman 1. BS 32 has worth I just don’t know for sure if that’s New Superman at the end of the comic or not (even though Yang said it wasn’t Kenan doesn’t mean it wasn’t a mutated Kenan and so is no longer Kenan).
I can say this. It is sold out at TFAW now and expect them to cut orders at Midtown.
Just received a shipping notification from Midtown with tracking for 25&25 of covers A&B. I’m sure they have many, many more of these than the recently released Uncanny Inhumans #11 where many of us experienced order cancellations. Once again, my order was made before the “1-per customer” limit restrictions.
I got shipping notification for Uncanny Inhumans 11, ordered 5 earch…ended up getting 1 each from Midtown.
Make that order status as “Processed” and not shipped yet. Still promising!
This doesn’t seem good for anybody going forward. If you bought a bunch of B/S #32 and didn’t flip, you’re stuck. Maybe something relevant still happened there that will come to light in the future. (Somebody else’s first app.) But DC didn’t exactly help this situation. There were/was employee(s) who used social media to say it was, then people who read the comic came to conclusions it wasn’t. Then CGC starts labeling and DC doesn’t correct them or come clean? That will not be good, and should leave a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. It also makes a HUGE point that these artists and writers should probably not be divulging ANYTHING work related on a social platform. Warner Bros and Disney probably need to step up and start watching their employees accounts or come up with a better “sensitive material” non disclosure policy.
Red herrings and mistakes happen, and the secondary market corrects but it seems that this was a bit misleading as information actually came from a source from within. There’s a big difference between a “was he/wasn’t he?” Playful banter/spec and a “hey did you guys catch that sneaky 1st appearance of…”
Not ranting (as I’m not affected by this), just saying what some may be thinking, and wondering how it’s good for anyone post social instant media/breaking news crap storm we live in today.
Saying those with Batman Superman #32 still are stuck is absolutely untrue.
Batman Superman #32 could very well be 1st appearance of New Super-Man (not as Kenan Kong, but still New Super-Man). It would also be the 1st appearance of the scientist that took Kenan Kong in and helped turn him into New Super-Man.
Plus it has a small print run, all things considered.
Batman Superman #32 still sells, as we speak, for an easy 13-16 per copy. And this is after people are now panic selling.
Those panic selling may regret it. Just a heads up.
I do all my buying selling and trading in a panic. Really messes with the people at the grocery store, shoe store, and bank.
I didn’t really mean they were “stuck”…. I meant we don’t know yet what the final word or relevance on that issue is except that right now it’s not kong. I’m with you that this could still develop into something, but I would expect the prices to fall a bit when the word gets out.
Comichron Final June #’s are up. DC rebirth took 13 of the top 20 spots. Runs were probably as expected. The “big heroes” brought in 100k+.
Flash #1 was 100,392
GL #1 84,910
Green Arrow #1 was the lowest at 69,833.
A couple rebirth #1’s finished low
Aquaman rebirth #1 68k
Titans rebirth #1 72
We’re the run #’s as you expected? Do you guys think that the August issue runs could be higher (Harley #1)?
Most certainly. For Harley, the variants will be distributed through Diamond and you can expect a base of variants at 150,000 alone. There are close to 50 color variants at a minimum of 3,000 copies each. Legacy is closer to 6,000 I think. So simple math says before the regular A and B covers alone that is about 150,000 copies. Look at 250,000 to 300,000 copies for Harley 1
Sent from my iPhone
Looks like 1st app batman wonder woman is new superman 1
that is correct. At least a one page cameo
This sounds so snarky even though it isn’t supposed to, but I avoid all the confusion about this through a foolproof method I call, “Not reading DC much anymore.” That said, I’m hopeful anyone who picked up the Batman VS Superman comic that was thought to have the first appearance unloaded their copies before this mess began (I sold the two I got to a chum).