Creature Entertainment Casting for Movie Adaptaion of The Gun 2

Creature Entertainment is casting for a film adaptation for their comic The Gun 2Edit. A casting call was put out and they will be casting for characters on 7/16. 
The Gun 2 is the story of an enchanted gun that brings bad luck to those that use it.

43 thoughts on “Creature Entertainment Casting for Movie Adaptaion of The Gun 2”

      1. I would go for Norman, but I would have to shave my head. Unfortunately I’m not ready for that and to fly to Miami.

    1. Yes. The first issue was already used in a very low budget short. This one will be more financed and higher budget

  1. Krighton, look at the casting call, it only says ”The Gun” not sure why CHU says 2 :/
    Love this site, I snagged a copy of Gun #1 real quick for 4$ :p

      1. I was looking at the sheet where it says: Project Title: The Gun (An Original Creature Entertainment Graphic Novel)
        My mystake ๐Ÿ™‚
        But The Gun #1 would still be the book to buy I’m guessing, right?

        1. I would look at issue 1 and 2. The script they are filming comes from the story in issue 2. This is a book I have been reading anyway so I look forward to what they do with it.

      2. The synopsisis intriguing, I’d love to read it, you know if they have a TP?

    1. Ok cool, I’ll try and find one on ebay or something since Creature Entertainement doesnt ship to Canada :/

  2. I contributed to the Kickstarter campaign, donated a one of the highest levels that included both issues plus signed items. THEY HAVE NEVER SENT OUT REWARDS. All I’ve received are delay notices and excuses, I’ve none too happy with Creature Entertainment, trying to figure out how they are going to pull off a movie when they can’t even ship out a few comics competently….

      1. Same here. I contributed to the Kickstarter campaign for THE GUN #2 but so far have only received the delay emails. I heard they sent out most but not all yet…

        1. I do know people are getting their stuff. Let me see if I can get you its in contact with them.
          Sent from my iPhone

      1. I just contact them again through the campaign portal… Hopefully Juan gets back to me, I really want these…..

    1. I received all.of my rewards, and awesome extras, about 2 weeks ago, maybe 3 weeks.

  3. I’m on the same boat. I was able to get the Gun #2 through their site and other Comic shops, but nothing from the Kickstarter campaign. I just get notification about delays and still waiting like everyone else on my pledge to arrive.

      1. Juan usually responds fairly quickly to his emails. I received my Rewards a couple weeks ago. There were some delays, but honestly Kickstart isn’t a store, it’s a funding site. so if you choose to fund someones project, don’t expect things in return.

  4. Havn’t get my rewards either. First time I tried to support a Kickstarter project and don’t really feel to do it again at the moment:-(

  5. In case it’s helpful to know … I’ve dealt with Juan and Creature Entertainment before (on both Ravenous and The Gun) — and they really are awesome. Even though they tend to run late on things (they’re a very small operation), they always come through and they really try to make up for things if they’re late with getting what they owe you. So I don’t mind being patient. And it’s great to support this small comic company.

  6. I recently met members of Creature entertainment at a recent con I went to. I was so excited to meet them. I’m a huge fan of The Gun comic series and Tommy. Both series are fantastic. The Gun seems fitting for TV/Movie but Tommy is also unique as well. I told the guys that I contributed to their Kickstarter some time ago, but I hadn’t received any updates in a while. The guys were so thankful for the contribution and very apologetic for the delay. They gave me about 2-3 free comics on the spot and a nice art print. I told them they didn’t need to give me anything because I really just wanted to support the great work they were doing. They were so nice and even did a little sketch for my daughter for free. The next week I got my Kickstarter gifts in the mail. The Kickstarter stuff is definitely being delivered. Hopefully everyone gets their gifts soon as well.

  7. Yeah! I messaged Juan through my Kickstarter account. Waiting to hear back and see what’s up?

    1. Out of curiosity, have you heard back from Juan? I wrote about the Kickstarter rewards a couple times and still haven’t heard back, sadly…

      1. I’ll take my previous reply back. I just got back from vacation and had a stack of boxes to open up. I did get my kickstarter items with some extra goodies. So yes! I heard back from Juan LOL. I hope you got yours too.

  8. They fulfilled my Kickstarter at MegaCon this year. Hooked me up with The gun 1 and 2 regular cover, variant, a cool print, and 2 B&W variant. All signed. Juan insisted and even ran me around to like 3 different booths to get the whole creative teams signatures with CGC for 1 and 2. Really cool experience, good group of people. I’m sure they’ll get everyone’s rewards out.

  9. Sounds great Anthony, guess patience is key here, havn’t give up yet ๐Ÿ˜€

  10. Don’t know if anyone will ever read this update, but my stuff came today and they even sent a nice little bonus so I am very happy with Creature:-)

  11. Besides the signed print versions of The Gun 1 & 2 plus a signed “cover print” they also added the “Daniela Larez-variant” (signed) and Tommy Cereal Killer #1. Very nice! Just posted a pic on my Instagram if you want to see the set. Username: “horrorcomican” ๐Ÿ˜€

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