DC Announces New "Wizard Style" DC Direct  Currents Magazine at Retailer Summit

Much like Image Comics does with Image Plus, DC will be starting their own preview magazine called DC Direct Currents. 
The book was mentioned to be a Wizard Style Magazine because several former Wizard Magazine employees.

The magazine will be available to retailers, and made available to customers in return.
As a spec tool this will be cool just to see the new and upcoming titles. In addition new characters could be featured and people do love first appearances in Preview magazines.

8 thoughts on “DC Announces New "Wizard Style" DC Direct  Currents Magazine at Retailer Summit”

  1. As long as it stays free I’m good with us. I hate the Image catalogs bait and switch. I really feel like if you buy previews you should get access to the whole catalog. I’ve always been fine with how Marvel does it. Image still includes pretty much what they used to in the catalog proper so i’m mostly still ok with how they’re handling things (the bait and switch left a bad taste in my mouth). I don’t want a day when the catalog is split into 4 or 5 books and we’re paying for each section of the catalog.
    So long rant…and I’m not even really mad at anything yet. Welcome to this edition of FIrst World Problems.

  2. I’m just amazed how in this era of more and more print magazines going out of business that this is occurring. We have the successful launch of, “Image Plus,” and now this quarterly, “Direct Currents.” A big part of me wonders how much of a drop-off we will see in people picking-up the Image magazine once the Negan story wraps AND considering it isn’t free anymore as of somewhat recently, but it is still impressive to see this occur whilst magazines in general tend to be suffering as a business.

    1. That’s a great observation and something I hadn’t considered. Really comics in print form is kind of an anomoly these days. I’d be shocked if Image can keep their momentem going. IF and that’s a big IF, if Image plus actually starts turning a profit for speculators then I could it hanging around for quite awhile. Personally, I don’t think it’s going to amount to anything.

  3. Image plus is a good magazine, cuz their are some many Walking Dead characters that they can do back stories on, not just Negan. As far as DC goes, if it’s free I will get it if not then I will wait for first appearances on comic format.

  4. Speaking of first appearance in Previews, what are some first appearances in previews that are of value? I have a stack of them in my office and haven’t gotten the courage to thrash/recycle them yet.

    1. I vaguely recall an article on Bleeding Cool or somewhere about someone trying to sell the issue of Previews that solicited the debut of, “The Walking Dead,” for 100 smackers. No clue if it actually sold for that though.

      1. Yes. It probably did. Previews appearances and other little non comic book “first appearances” have become sell-worthy. Even ads count now. It’s crazy.

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