Cruzzer's Rose City Comic Con Cosplay Gallery and Glitterbomb #1 RCCC Variant Giveaway

Gabriel Cruz, aka Cruzzer, was at Rose City Comic Con last weekend and provided the following massive Cosplay Gallery. He is also providing our second Free Comic Wednesday book this week: Glitterbomb #1 Rose City Comic Con Variant.
Cruzzer won the Blank Harley #1 a few weeks back and as a pay it forward, is giving away the Glitterbomb #1 (good Karma brother.)
For the giveaway, the same rules as always applies, No Purchase Necessary, winner drawn at random, one entry per person, but this time to be eligible, in addition to leaving your name, tell us what you are reading and why, pick your favorite current reader (mine is Beauty, just love the concept.)
So check out the gallery and enter the giveaway in the comment section. (That is Cruzzer with GwenPool)
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72 thoughts on “Cruzzer's Rose City Comic Con Cosplay Gallery and Glitterbomb #1 RCCC Variant Giveaway”

  1. Alana, Flash Rebirth and just got a new JTHM hardcover signed by Jhonen Vasquez that I’ve been rereading the Johnny series with

  2. Andre Lynch. I am currently reading the newest Moon Knight. I chose Moon Knight because I love the unreliable narrator. If reality is all perception than is he right? Is he wrong? You can’t be sure.
    I grew up in a house with severe mental illness and I’ve seen that look of fear and confusion in person. Moon Knight is one of the few characters I’ve read that has an actual disorder. I’m sure there are more but I’m just now starting my comic adventures.
    This was my first Con and I cannot wait for the next. So glad I could be a participant this year!

  3. Thanks cruzzer
    Tony Southammavong
    The fix (my winner) – only book that made me literally lol and my wife and I raise beagles
    Lazarus – just caught with series. Love a bad ass woman lead
    Superman rebirth – loved this Jon Kent story
    Detective comic rebirth – better then the batman book
    Animosity – I’m a dog lover and the first issue was intense (haven read 2 yet)
    Other books but none stands out like the above

  4. Philippe Brault
    Deadly Class: favorite series, cant wait for the next arc and hope the tv show lives up to the comic!
    Other great reads: birthright, old man logan, the fix, renato jones, superman, detective comics and so many others!!

  5. E Cooper.
    Lots of good books to choose from… Right now Drifter is at the top of my list. That Star Wars/Mad Max/Western feel is one of my favorites. I’m also enjoying The Fix, Superman, and Amazing Spider-Man amongst so many others.

  6. John Dye
    Nice pics Im enjoying the pic of Silk and Poison Ivy…Hubba Hubba…Uh…Anyway.
    Currently I am reading Black Hammer – Second issue was the Origin of Golden Gal. Just love this out of wack superhero team which I can’t get enough. I can def see this as a Movie or even a cartoon. Awesome writing and Art.
    Animosity issue 2 – Blew me away, dont want to spoil the story – Just great story and superb artwork.
    Tons more have my attention – Darth Vader, Star Wars (epic stormtrooper cover), Glitterbomb for sure, who can’t resist the Walking Dead Variant covers? Loving this years Indie comics.

  7. Louie Martinez
    Lazarus – great world building and references at the end of each book. Would make a great series.
    Great pics Cruzzer! Love the psylocke cosplay

  8. Rob H
    “Once our Land” hard cover graphic novel. Just got a week or so ago and finally got around to reading it! Was looking forward to it for a while! Outside of that Flash Re-birth has been fun.

  9. Ryan Marron
    Vision – stunning artwork and story. The best thing to come from Marvel in years, I think it will be a legendary run when finished.

  10. Kirk Lange
    Animosity-Great basis for a story. Love smart animals that want to kill us. Lol.
    Nailbiter-How can you not like it!

  11. Doug Standish
    Thanks for putting the book up! My go to reads have/always will be Saga and Walking Dead. Great story, great characters, ’nuff said!

  12. Paper Girls – I don’t even make it out of my LCS parking lot before I gotta crack open that book and see what new twists ans turns there are.
    Also, really digging The Fix like everybody else. Managed to grab ahold of a lot of the reprints, too.
    I would really like to get into Animosity, but, could not get any copies of the book before they sold out. (snuffle, snuffle)

  13. Brett Evans. I’m currently reading a Kickstarter called “Prospects” by Maxwell Majernik. He’s a Pittsburgh boy, like me. I gave it a shot to support my local comic scene & ended up loving it.

  14. Al Wurst
    Paper Girls
    The Fix
    Walking Dead
    Deadly Class
    Saga – because BKV is a genius and because it started this new love for comics.

  15. Brian Beck Pascoe
    Im still loving Southern Bastards. Great characterization coupled with an interesting plot makes for great books, and Jason Aaron seems to know this.

  16. Matt Riley
    Hellboy – Mignola tells a great unique story
    Walking Dead – no explanation neesed, but great character driven survival book

  17. At the risk of sounding repetitive, the fix is my fav now. It was the first book I sent in to be graded (9.8 thankfully). The book is over the top and comical in a way you don’t really see any more, and I get the feeling Roy is not a reliable narrator. Plus underground high stakes battlebot gambling

  18. Dan Piercy
    Current fav: Hillbilly – art is complex, yet accessible and I love the mix of applachia with mysticism.
    I read a ton of titles each week here’s a few I finished in the last seven days:
    Kill or be Killed – Just finished second issue. I really like the Brubaker/Phillips synergy. Don’t like the price tag of this book.
    Briggs Land – Brian Wood just picks interesting stuff to make comics about; this title is excellent.
    Hadrian’s Wall – in for issue 2.
    Battlestar Galactica from Dynamite – love me some BSG. They do a great job capturing the spirit of the series, but the art leaves a lot to be desired.
    Suicide Squad – pretty good.
    Doom Patrol – loved the play on the Warhol/VU banana cover, decent read.
    Spread – pretty excellent, wish Kyle Strahm would return as the regular artist.
    Wonder Woman – I didn’t like this at first, but the last couple of issues have been stellar.

  19. Thanks Cruzzer and CHU!
    Miecree Cannon
    The Walking Dead
    Paper Girls
    Sex Criminals
    The Flash
    Black Hammer

  20. Mike Leamy
    I’m reading all of the Star Wars titles because I live and breathe Star Wars.
    Also into a few others, Satellite Falling is an interesting one..

  21. Logan F
    Glitterbomb (was not expecting this at all!)
    Black Monday Murders
    Kill or be Killed
    Black Hammer
    and I’m finally reading Vision, love it so far!

  22. Logan F
    Glitterbomb (was not expecting this at all!)
    Black Monday Murders
    Kill or be Killed
    Black Hammer
    and I’m finally reading Vision, love it so far!

  23. Vernon Wiggins
    the fix. My. Favorite title in a long time. Manifest destiny. Been reading it since the begging. Deadly class and anything remender is doing.

  24. J. Coleman
    Good pics everyone.
    I’ll shine a light on Public Relations.
    It’s so irreverent and clever, I smile the whole time I read it.

  25. John Radke
    Currently reading:
    Black Hammer
    The Fix
    Kill or Be Killed
    Briggs Land
    Detective Comics
    Walking Dead- My current favorite. Can’t beat the great storytelling.
    Managed to get the last copy of Animosity #2 at a LCS. Definitely intrigued with this one.
    SOA: Redwood Original
    Thin – interested in where this one is going
    Lots of others that I am testing to see if they pull me in like the titles above.

  26. Gabriel Guerra
    Animosity, Lazarus, The Fix, Briggs Land, Saga, Walking Dead, Spread, Monstress

  27. Kendall Rhodes
    I I’m getting ready to read klaus. The final issue came out a few weeks back and now I can start reading. I like to wait until a mini series is all out or a good chunk of a reg series is out before I start reading that way I don’t get left at a cliff hanger.

  28. John Bush
    Nowhere Men – Easily my favorite comic of the last few years
    Providence – Love me some Alan Moore!
    Circuit Breaker
    Strange Attractors
    Dept H
    Exodus the Life After

  29. John Oppliger
    Although it’s presently on hiatus, Monstress remains my top pick current ongoing series.
    Other monthly reads include:
    Paper Girls
    Sex Criminals
    Black Hammer
    Blood & Dust
    Aliens: Defiance

  30. John E
    Right now the first one at the top of my stack is All-Star Batman. I also like King’s run and ‘Tec, but Snyder is the one who got me back into comics in a big way.

  31. Dan Wozniak
    Manifest Destiny – unique story that is outstanding
    Walking Dead – self-explanatory
    Fables (Everafter) – picking up from previous Fables books…first book was good and see where the rest take series

    1. Reading walking dead. Been a fan since issue 1
      Beauty. Great story
      The fix. Hilarious and well written

  32. Glenn K.
    Reading Animosity – love the artwork and incredible storyline. Also, catching up on Deadly Class – great reading and keeping me coming back for more.

  33. Eric Hann Jr.
    I’m currently reading just about everything but I would have to say Black Science by Rick Remender and Matteo Scalera is one I really look forward to each month. Pretty much anything they do together or individually is a must for me. Two of the very best in the industry today!

  34. William Bazrouk
    Currently reading Spiderman/Deadpool..because, it has two of the best…need I say more.

  35. A. King
    Titles I’m reading……
    Manifest Destiny
    Night Trap
    Paper Girls
    The Woods
    Rick and Morty
    East of West this is my favorite at the moment

  36. Animosity as it has unlimited potential if done right and Spiderman Deadpool—who doesn’t love Kelly and McGuiness—the guys who made Deadpool famous in the first place!

  37. Demonic, The Fix, Black Monday Murders, Black Hammer, Kill or be Killed and MANY more, I read these cause I love all different styles of writing and art. Hickman is my favorite conspiracy/puzzle style stories but Brubaker/Phillips is my favorite duo. These guys just know how to do what they do when they do it! Kraig Peterson

  38. Currently reading Snotgirl because it’s funny and I’m liking the current build up of the story.
    Monstress because each issue keeps me on the edge of my seat
    Glitterbomb is shaping up to be a good series. Love the build up the first issue presented.

  39. Chris Bennett
    Paper Girls
    Black Hammer and a bunch more. But the best and my fave…
    Vision its the best book Marvel has done in years.

  40. I’ve been reading DC Bombshells. I love the new take on the women of DC giving them the focus they deserve.

  41. Superman, because I’m a dad and I totally get the responsibility of raising a child with good morals and ethics.

  42. Chris Brooks
    Favorite comic currently is Revival! Have enjoyed this story throughout it’s run and it is sadly coming to an end.

  43. Barry Wiggett, posting as degreesofseparation1968. Agree with the Snotgirl post, funny as H. E. double hockey sticks and also with all the fashion, blogging, died hair, friend dramas etc, remind me of my niece!
    Thanks for the pay it forward Cruzzer, top man!

  44. Derek Shenenberger
    I’m reading:
    Micronauts from IDW: One of my favorite comics and toys as a kid. Anything to make me feel younger again!
    Star Wars: Umm, because it’s STAR WARS.
    Saga: Due to peer pressure. lol

  45. Mark Weinstock
    Enjoy The Vision, love the family storyline.
    Thank You Cruzzer for your generosity.

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