Scout Comics Announces Four New Comics for 2017 at NYCC

Scout Comics is proud to announce four exciting titles coming your way in 2017!

Written by A.C. Medina
Illustrated by Morgan Sawyer
Colored by Ross A. Campbell
Lettered by Micah Myers
Filled with deadly drag races for sport, routine mass killings called “the cleanings”, and where the common house is the size of a closet. Meet Manny, a fun loving, chop shop delivery boy, on the run and in possession of what may be humanity’s last hope. The only problem is Manny’s world is a bunker the size of California and just about everyone in it wants him dead.

Written by Mina Elwell
Illustrated by Eli Powell
Colored by Tristan Elwell
Lettered by Rob Jones
As Sam attempts to discover the real reason the people of her town are being destroyed, she becomes aware of mind-redning creatures that feed off the sanity of their victims. It’s up to her to do something about it… if she can only keep her grip on reality. Scout had exclusive preview ashcans at NYCC

Written by Ed Cho
Illustrated by Lee Cherolis
Little Guardians tells the story of two young people switched at birth and now unknowingly living each other’s lives. Subira was supposed to be the next Guardian of Yowza Village, but she was born a girl. Instead she lives a quiet life working at The Item Shop never knowing what should have been. Idem trains to be the next Guardian and tries his best to be the warrior he was never meant to be. How will the next generation survive the choices made for them as strange incidents start plaguing the village and demon attacks appear to be on the rise?

Written by James Pruett
Illustrated by Federico De Luca
Alex was only 7 when he first awakened the power that left him comatose for nearly 16 years, an evolutionary power lying dormant in all mankind, bubbling within the unconscious mind waiting and yearning to be unleashed. Finally, a young child was able to touch this untapped force and the results were catastrophic. Those that would use his ability have been awaiting Alex’s awakening. Now, that wait has ended, and the world will soon learn the true potential of mankind. But will Alex be a vanguard for the world or will he be responsible for its annihilation?

3 thoughts on “Scout Comics Announces Four New Comics for 2017 at NYCC”

  1. Looks like there is another 2 secret variants for Venom one by Bagley. 3 secret variants for the same book insanity!!!

  2. After reading the preview of Infernoct, I’m looking forward to this book. The writer was really cool as well. Check out the Con Ash Can Preview of this book if you can, good stuff.

  3. I agree. Mina is a rising new talent and is great to chat with. Be sure to look her up at her next con appearance and drop by and say hi. The art by Eli is impressive, too.

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