Poyo's Picks for October 12, 2016

So NYCC was a blast. It was nice meeting people and hanging with Anthony and Tyson from ToyBoxOne. Met Mel as well, but with the crowds and such, we all sort of went our own way at times. Shout out to Larry as well from Larry’s Comics, great pleasure to finally meet you in person.
A huge thanks to Anthony though for hooking us up with hotel reservations, con connections and that uber ride back to the airport on the way out of the city on Sunday, back to our regularly scheduled programmed lives.
Since I survived the weekend, let’s talk about comics some more shall we? It’s a huge week this week and there is just literally tons of good stuff hitting the shelves. So I’m going to change it up again. I’m going to stick with my DC and Marvel Picks, but then I’m going to make sure there’s always an Indie pick, which will hopefully be my main focus. Yes, out of the dozens of comics I pick up each week, I’m going to narrow it down to just one pick I think you should either read, keep or flip. Sometimes I might think it will be a quick flip. Sometimes it might just be something you hold onto for a long time. So let’s move on.
Lost Boys #1 (Vertigo) – I’m going out on a limb with this pick. I loved the Lost Boys movie as a kid and it’s just something you don’t redo or touch. But, I’m gonna give this one a chance. I hope it does well and it does the original movie justice as it picks up where it left off, with a whole new vampire story.
Marvel Pick
Clone Conspiracy #1 (Marvel) – Yeah, I know. I’m not big on Slott right now but a new major storyline for Spidey means it can introduce new characters, new plots and twists in our favorite wall crawlers life, etc. So this is my pick of the week, could be a hit, could be a dud. Slott claims everyone should pay attention but he’s also said that in the past and nothing ever really came out of it. Regardless if it does well or not, the primary regular cover is done by Dell Otto. Even if you have no interest in reading this, pick it up for Dell Otto’s cover art, which is always fantastic.
Honorable Marvel Mention
Mosaic #1 (Marvel) – It’s a new hero and book from Marvel, coming out of the pages in Uncanny Inhumans, which his first appearance is still an easy flip if you can find them. Having his own series with such little introduction, could be a hit, could be a dud. With that in mind, holding onto his 1st Appearance with Uncanny InHumans #11 could turn out to be a big winner if people like and enjoy this new series. On a side note, Marvel did say they had big plans for Mosaic in the upcoming Inhumans/X-Men cross over. I heard an interesting theory on this. Rumor has it that Marvel is building towards their own “Kingdom Come” story, Mosaic could be the center point of this.
Indie Pick
Hard Case Crime Peepland #1 (Titan Comics) – Somehow I managed to fail in snagging a copy to review at NYCC. But the description sounds awesome. I love crime drama and this one sounds like it’s right up my alley. It’s my indie pick of the week. I’m not really expecting this one to heat up, if it does, it’ll simmer down a bit after the hype. If it ever leads to a movie or show, then expect some more value to come out of it as I can’t recall many Titan books getting super hot. I tend to enjoy their stories and art. Do look at the NYCC Variant as it is easily approachable price but not many listed on eBay.
NYCC Flip Winner
Now something special this week, my NYCC winner of the week. Everyone knows I’m not the biggest Mark Millar fan but yes, his new book is the clear winner out of New York Comic Con. I think more people are flocking to this book because Capullo is the artist and you can’t go wrong with a limited exclusive cover from Capullo. So the NYCC easiest flip winner was Reborn #1 Sketch Variant (Image). It was limited to one book per day but the ones I listed sold very quickly at a very reasonable rate. So yes, if you can find these for cheap, you can likely sell’em at a nice profit. Or perhaps hold onto them, if the book takes off, this would be the one to own. Well, maybe that McFarlane cover will be a nice one to own but you know… meh, I’m sticking to the NYCC exclusive, which I believe was limited to 400 copies total, maybe 500. I’ll have to check on that one.
Enjoy new comic book day everyone..

8 thoughts on “Poyo's Picks for October 12, 2016”

  1. I ‘bit” on Slott’s social media outcry to bump numbers…I bought a shitload.
    The story is incredibly generic. Killer art.
    Clones return. With a twist.

  2. I’m grabbing the Lost Boys too. I think this will work because it’s not a big screen movie sequel 20 years too late. The characters will be as we remember them. I don’t know that it will be highly sought after, but it could be a fun read.

  3. great meeting&hanging out with you . reborn will be book of the week. the macfarine n.y.c.c. &blank variants will have legs. spiderman &clones bad flash bck dude . tmnt #63 and I will try lost boys #1 between this and the new show maybe a hit blind adam out

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