Free Comic Wednesday: Solar Flare Set

We have a really unique give away today thanks to James Haick creator of a Solar Flare, out this April from Scout Comics. Tonight we are giving away the full, self published set. You get the Solar Flare Preperation guide (original self published and the Scout Comics version.) You also get issues 1-6, and the variants for issues 1-6. To top it all off, we are also giving away the Glow In the Dark variant for number 1. This is a total of 15 comics.These are pre packaged by Solar Flare Comics, and at least the Preparation guides are are signed.
I also have The Scout preparation guides, which I will be happy to give away (you cover postage).
The Rules are simple (but a little different this week):
1. Enter your name below, also, if the solar flare hit, where would you bug out to? You need both parts of the answer to qualify.
2. One entry per person.
3. Winner announced on this site and winner will have 48 hours to contact me at a later post email address.
4.Ships free in the US, Foreign winners agree to pay postage (it is heavy to so it could be expensive, but want to make sure everyone is included.)
5. No purchase necessary, but check out the Solar Flare Website, James is a good guy.
That’s it. Good Luck!
Thanks again to James Haick for sponsoring this one. Make sure to check out Solar Flare when it hits stores this April.

156 thoughts on “Free Comic Wednesday: Solar Flare Set”

  1. Chris Schultz
    I would bug out at the secret military base under the mountain only a mile away from me. No too many people know about it.

  2. Damien Kruzel
    I`d head for a electric utility company switch house. I know firsthand they have almost impenetrable structures. Battery backup power that lasts months, living quarters, ventilation systems, heating and a/c, restrooms, communication systems, and it`s fenced in to boot. Many of these are within a few miles of each other. Just need the keys and codes. .

  3. Richard Guevara
    I would bug out over to a friends place, he’s been building a survival room/garage for awhile that’s off the grid. Pretty cool.

  4. bella rossi(bellalicious)
    if the solar flare hit, i would totally bug out to the bunkers at the military base in los alamitos in northern orange county. mre’s and safety there!?

  5. John Dye. I don’t know a place where I would Bug out too. I would just go get a shovel and dig myself out of some deep (Censored). And tht would be my bug resting place.

  6. Ken McKenna. As for my bug out destination, Area 51 seems like a good choice – well, assuming I could sneak in somehow.

  7. Dwayne Thomas
    I’d take my chances on a boat. How would I get a boat? Well…there are ways.

  8. Ian Bailey ….. I would head to the mountains with my comics, but out bag and hope for the best …

  9. Eric Berg
    I would grab my dogs, bug out gear and guns and hit the north Georgia mountains since I live outside of Atlanta.

  10. Vernon Ness. I would head back up to Canada–Northwest Ontario. Lots of resources and small population.

  11. Rubin Simpson
    I would head to my fallout shelter (which is my father(s) wine cellar made from metal and bricks). Bad thing is that I would have to hunt for weapons.

  12. J. Dan Patane
    The middle school I teach at is HUGE with a lot of natural lighting and a ton of places that could be used for hiding and stashing of supplies, so that’s where I’d retreat to. Of course, the whole swipe card key less entry thing might be a problem ….

  13. John Prezioso
    I’d go back to 1955 in my Delorean, and make out like a bandit betting on sporting events with my Gray’s Sports Almanac, which would help me afford to build a spaceship to get me the hell off of this planet before the Solar Flare hits!!!

  14. Lon Levin
    I’d bug out to Montreal just because I like it up there and my friends in the Quebec burbs are well armed

  15. Brent Goodman, San Diego
    If a solar flare hit I would escape to the northwest in the woods mountains near a lake or river. Surounded by nature, animals, lots of rain weather in northwest, and the roads and buildings already built. Places like as an example Yosemite or Bend Oregon.

  16. Mike Johnson – I’d bug out deep into the sewers of New York City, tracking down the TMNT. Plead with them to tread to Northhampton through the Northeast Seaboard Sewer system, and hide out in Donatello’s bomb shelter under the farm.
    An ode to TMNT # 10 & # 11, one of the best back to back issues in all of comicdom!

  17. Miecree Cannon, and I would bug out to my friends shelter if I could make it there(about an hour away).

  18. Rob H
    I would bug out to the Nevada desert at high noon, strip down to my underoos, slap on a bunch of canola oil and get it over with!

  19. Zachery S.
    Oh man, I’d go on the assault. I’d grab up my pupper, jump in the car and Fury Road it to the end. Ride or die, baby, lets do this!! In fact, forget comics, I’m gonna start packing to get a head start!

  20. Julian Keskinyan
    I would head over to my LCS and pick up some variants on a fire sale. Great site by the way, I have been following for about two years now.

  21. A. King
    I would just go home I have got three family members that all live within walking distance, on a dirt road in the country, plus I have some “protection ” stashed at two of those houses .

  22. Jay Clue – I’m heading north to the cottage. Lots of wood to burn for heat, several apparatuses to cook on that don’t require modern fuel sources, a laker to fish in, a forest to hunt…it’s the same place I’m going when the zombie apocalypse hits. I may look for an island cottage for the zombie apocalypse though. I think I would be fine on the mainland for Solar Flare scenario.

  23. ramsnation55
    I’d have to hold it down at home. I wouldn’t be able to leave my comic collection lol.

  24. Mark Weinstock
    I’d bug out in the man cave in the basement. Plenty of comics and a stocked fridge to keep me good for awhile.

  25. Ryan Haselby
    I would pull the family into my office, which of course has all my comics in it.

  26. Noah Sherbacoff
    I would definitely “bug out” to my refrigerator. It’s pretty roomy.

  27. David Ryan
    I would bug out with my comic collection in the Linville Caverns, located in the North Carolina mountains.

  28. David Bitterbaum
    I’m not too worried about WHERE I hide-out as long as it had my friends, family, and of course my wife and our future son (as well as enough food and shelter for us all). As long as I have the folk I love with me we’ll get through the disaster. A corny answer, but an honest one!

  29. Ric Lancaster – id get to the London underground and would keep my best comics and sell the rest for fuel, entertainment, warmth and bedding. Boy gotta make a dollar !

  30. I’d bug out to the nearest Costco. Supplies for years and enough of everything to look after a heap of friends and family.

  31. Barry W.
    I’d bug out to the old smugglers caves in the cliffs above Hastings seafront, after grabbing my daughter, mum and a few boxes of my best comics (supplies and weapons be damned!) Or I’d just go to the beach and get the BEST tan ever lol
    Pre-ordered Solar Flare as soon as it was available, been really looking forward to this. Thanks for the giveaway James, splendid chap!

  32. Rienye Nyika
    I’m quite melanin-endowed. I would bask in the full glory of the flare like i’m Nuclear Man from Superman IV

  33. Brian Beck Pascoe. If a solar flare hit, Id prolly “bug out” to my buddy house well “off the grid”.

  34. Andrew Cantrell, since I already have the guns, I’d bug out to the tallest building downtown and make my presence known. I live in between Florida and Tennessee so I may prove as an asset for getting that info to where it needs to go.

  35. Chris McLean
    I’d bug out to the closest dispensary and relax while watching the show!
    (sorry about the previous name only comment, that was from my phone and I accidentally hit post too soon)

  36. Brian Massey
    No Brainer, The Idaho Panhandle/Western Montana. Why? The population density is thin, gun rights are strongly protected, and the ground is perfectly fertile for you to grow a field of your own crops and/or livestock if necessary.Also, in the event of a long-term disaster, the economy could rebuild due to a thriving logging industry, silver mines in the mountains, and a great quantity of successful farmer’s markets.

  37. Keith Arunan. I would kidnap a young woman and take her to my bunker that I’ve built on Cloverfield Lane. Then I’d run out of my bi-polar medications and get too fat to fit through the exit.

  38. Aaron Horwitz
    To the deepest, darkest hole I can find, with all the powder I can keep dry.

  39. Kevin Trent
    I’d have to bug out to: Somewhere off-world – couldn’t face living in/on an analogue world.

  40. Jean-Guy Boucher – I’d bug out in my man cave with my family, it has everything they need to know about culture! Comics for everybody! 🙂

  41. Howie Szczepanski
    I’m off to the mountains where I’ll always have the higher ground. Game to hunt, seeds to plant….beard to grow out.

  42. John T.
    I’d bug out to Gotham and see if Bruce Wayne would let me hunker down in the batcave.

  43. Shawn G.
    I would Bug Out to a secret campsite just outside of the SC fish hatchery. Fresh Water and abundant easy to catch fish.

  44. Philippe Brault
    I’d bug out in the underground garage right here at home, it’s well protected and has a fully stocked fridge!

  45. Kevin Verdine
    I would bug out in my comic man cave and lock the door!! Locking the door is the key. (3 kids to hide from. lol )

    When SHTF I’d grab my family, friends and equipment, jump in the old Ford truck and head out to our property in eastern CO. Manual pump on the well, cistern attached to the roof of home, rain water collection and dry goods all stocked…

  47. maria dc – I would bug out to to my home in the Philippines – everything there is off the grid, including the grid.

  48. Corey Sexton
    I would bug out to some cave near by and take my family and friends with me and plenty of sunscreen and tp haha

  49. Chris Harris
    I’d bug out to… ummmm … wait a minute; I live in New Brunswick, Canada … can’t get much more bugged out than that buried under all this snow!

      1. To give away that information puts me back on the grid 😉 Let’s just say you’ll be wasting your time looking for New Brunswick wandering up and down the west coast … worst 5 days I ever spent…

  50. Christopher Hellyer. I’d bug out to the Russian River Area in the Northern California. Plenty of everything needed to survive rather easily without modern technology. Did it the whole summer of 93

  51. Matt Riley
    I plan to build a panic room/shelter in my next house, also powered by wind turbine, so would end up there.

  52. Chris A. Im going to Skywalker Ranch. Gotta get a quick tour of the house and all the goodies before i die! And im pretty sure he has a bunker or something to survive in if need be !

  53. Paz N. and I’d bug out at the hills and I’d put together a Walking Dead-like team so that nobody messes with us.

  54. James Borders Jr
    Ride it out at my house in the mountains with my “Crazy Prepper” stash of food, ammo, water, and trade goods! I’m set for the technopocalypse!

  55. Daniel Hernandez.
    I’d go to my closest LCS. They would know how to properly survive that.

  56. I would bug out to mexico, my grandparents have a house there with no electricity and a bar down the street.

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