Zazie Beetz cast as Domino in Deadpool 2

Word came out last night that Atlanta actress, Zazie Beatz, has been cast in the role of Domino in the Deadpool 2 movie.

Copies of X-Force #11 started moving well again with prices up to $20 raw according to Recently Closed Auctions.
So what do you think about the casting? Feel free to chime in in the comments below.

41 thoughts on “Zazie Beetz cast as Domino in Deadpool 2”

  1. New Mutants #11 to me is more long term than short term now. There were quite a few printed with seemingly a lot remaining in bins in high grade until early news of her being involved with movies started turning up a couple of years ago. If someone didn’t get on the train when this issue was just a few bucks $15 to $20 isn’t much to spend on it for a ungraded NM. “IF” Domino gains mainstream popularity after the movie is released this book could still turn out to be somewhat pricey but that “could” take years. I can certainly see a bit of a spike past the $20 price point it is moving at now when Deadpool 2 is released. Not a massive one though and it may not last long. Really depends on how much of her we see in the movie, if she will be in other films and if she is likeable or not. Right now, for a quick flip and worthwhile gain I think that boat sailed a while ago. Again, worth picking up one if you don’t have it yet.

    1. I actually picked a few copies just because a couple months ago. But I can see the sales going up a bit if, like you said she gains more popularity/if they do go in the direction of making an X-Force movie with her in it. But again all we have are rumors about the X-Force movie is in he plans, but we all know how fickle Hollywood can be with movies and how long they can take to even come out.

    1. Yeah, but not like you’re paying $300 and hoping it keeps going up. There was a time when Batman Adventures #12 was sitting around at $30…. that being said I doubt this book will have that kind of popularity, but you never know! When the movie comes out it should be worth more than what you paid though. If she is in other “X” movies it will go up slowly and steadily.

  2. Sweet, looks like those two X-Force #11 I found at Half Price Books about a year ago are gonna pay off… I paid $2 each for them and they’re both in at least 9.6 condition… 🙂

    1. X-Force 11 is considered the first full appearance and CGC labels it as 1st appearance of (real) Domino.

        1. Something like that… Think it’s a very brief appearance. I don’t own #8 so I can’t verify.

      1. I do own a X-Force #8 (I have the whole series till about issue #30, from my childhood, all bagged and boarded and minty fresh), and just went through it. Now, I cant remember this story arc but I know Copycat was portraying Domino in those earlier issues, and I do not know when the ‘real’ Domino shoes up at some point, presumably issue #11, and this is considered her 1st, as Poyo stated. In issue #8, Domino is throughout the entire issue fighting alongside Cable and some others. She has several lines of dialogue and is in like 10-15 panels. I am assuming that this Domino is Copycat and I can not see any where else in that issue where the ‘real’ Domino makes an appearance or cameo.

        1. I believe that is the exact explanation… The Domino in X-Force 8 is Copycat…..

      2. I just flipped through issues #8 – #11. Domino, in any form, is on the cover of issues #4, #8, #9 & #11. With the words ‘Domino Revealed…’ on the cover of issue #11. Also noted that Rictor is in issue #10 along with Deadpool and Domino seems to be all of the books. Without sitting down and actually reading all the dialogue, I couldnt discern where the ‘;real’ Domino starts. The Domino in issue #11 does seem to have a darker look to her than we see her in the earlier issues and she is confronted by Deadpool in some sort of Control Center. Before you see her in issue #11, Deadpool kills some people and goes looking for Domino, he finds her in said control center and they fight. At no point did i see a reveal, or that copycat was ever domino. Perhaps I need to look in issues #12+ to find out about the Copycat Domino reveal. It seems confusing.

      3. Having said that, the Domino in issue #11 seems to be isolated in this control center, and Deadpool knew where to find her. From the dialogoe I did read, it seems that Domino and Deadpool were dating and on a secret mission together, and things went sour for Deadpool and thats when he went looking for her. Perhaps because they were dating, Deadpool knew where the ‘real’ Domino could be found, and that first confrontation with Deadpool in issue #11, is the 1st appearance of the real Domino, as Deadpool knew where to find her because of their relationship. Domino does not interact with any other characters in this issue. Where as in the earlier issues, she is in the middle of things as part of a team of soldiers fighting with Cable.

    2. X-Force 11 is a 1 page cameo, X-Force 8 is a 4 or 5 page flashback story from like 15 years in the past, see Overstreet priceguide.

      1. I understand. I am going by CGC, comic vine, and to be honest, eBay closed sales. Issue 8 seems to be more of a value but at the moment though.

      2. Overstreet? People still read those? Price guides that are printed are pretty much out of date by the time the ink dries in these types of markets. 😉
        The word on the street though is all the previous issues were Copycat, not Domino, the real Domino that is.

      3. Now that Im sober. I went and checked out those issues again. The issue #11 fight with Deadpool is Vanessa Carlysle (Copycat). Deadpool refers to her by name after he beats her. At the end of the issue (which I missed last night), the last 2 panels of the book show the real Domino hung up in chains in some dungeon. She appears in 2 panels, one in the shadows as her captors are discussing her and the big reveal in the last panel has a big full colour panel of Domino. No words spoken. Still, I can not find any cameo in issue #8.

      1. Oh yeah. One of my favorite newer shows. Too bad season 2 isn’t until 2018. Due to earn playing lando in the next star wars movie.

  3. #8 is a flashback story and it’s the first real Domino. She is in the entire storyline.
    #11 reveals that the current Domino is an imposter. It shows the real Domino in just a couple panels.
    The “market” is currently opting for #11 but only because these speculators don’t take the time to actually read the comics they’re selling.

  4. #8 is a flashback story and it’s the first real Domino. She is in the entire storyline.
    #11 reveals that the current Domino is an imposter. It shows the real Domino in just a couple panels.
    The “market” is currently opting for #11 but only because speculators don’t take the time to actually read the comics they’re selling. 11 does have the benefit of a Deadpool cover, though.

    1. No, I think some or most do but with out strange concept of determining first appearances, I’d imagine most don’t consider a “flashback” as a legitimate 1st appearance, more like a cameo.
      The same is applied with the first appearance of Wolverine, Winter Soldier, Jesus (Walking Dead) and many others, there’s always debates amongst collectors. What constitutes a 1st appearance? Is it words have to be spoken, full detailed image of the character? Not a flashback but in present time? It’s never clear and the secondary market seems to push what book most will seek. Who cares if it’s #8 or #11 at this point, clearly most are willing to pay more for #11 over #8. That’s the spec market for ya!

      1. Poyo, if you read #11, she’s only in a couple panels. That’s a cameo.
        She is on about 75% of the pages of #8, with plenty of action and dialogue. Why does it matter if it’s set in the past?

        1. That’s exactly what I’m saying… There will always be a debate. If you ask me, a full art page of character where they’re not out of focus or in the background is a full appearance in my opinion…. A cameo is when the focus in the panel is not on them, etc. Also she might be in 75% of #8 but most of those pages are of Copycat, not the real Domino. It’s only the flash back sequence that is considered the real Domino.

        2. But it was later determined the character in issue 8 was Copycat who was “body morphed” (her power) into looking like Domino

          1. So unless the creators confirm the flash back… There might be a good chance it was Copycat in the flash back as well, posing as Domino for all we know…. 😉

  5. How are the 1st appearances of Weasel and Negasonic Teenage Warhead doing?
    Sell quick to the dopes who think they’ll get rich from investing in a massively overprinted book

    1. Cable #3, 1st Weasel, doesn’t go for much. A couple of bucks. Not sure about Negasonic.

    2. I sold mine at the height. Domino is one of those characters that should get more respect though. I am more on the lines of “back issue raider” than “online buyer” for these books. Turn them over for profit.

  6. Got in early about 2 years ago,found 10 copies NM for 1.00 each! 6 copies of those are news stand as well..Holding til right when trailer shows Domino…then list them..

    1. I think holding for the trailers the best strategy these will dip back down after a day or two of the news but will go back up when they see her in costume and make up

    2. I’ve been combing all the shops I go to for the last 18 months for these early X-Force issues. I haven’t found 1. All the useless issues are there. But none of the early Deadpool or Domino appearances.

      1. Yeah, I think most likely got cleaned out long ago.. if you have Half Price books other other used book stores that resell comics, those are great places to search. That’s where you find all the old X-Force and other millions of copies printed that people dump off in hopes to make a few bucks cleaning out their closets.

      2. I live close to Toronto, Canada. Toronto is a pretty decent comic city. Toronto area is home to roughly 6 million people and roughly 25 comic shops, at least. A good friend of mine, who is a writer and avid reader of novels, recently moved to the hipster area of the city. He has told me about all these old book stores he knows of, that have old comics for cheap. I really need to get down there and check these out. It’s such a big city though, I typically don’t venture into the heart as there seem to be a lot of speculators. I do better in the shops that are out of the big city. I’ve had dreams of stumbling on a NYX #3 in one of those old book shops. Lol

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