Wednesday Open Forum

Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 130th edition of the open forum!
You all watching the Iron Fist show? I am enjoying it, I know a lot of people aren’t. Defenders is coming up in August. I have been really bad about watching the Netflix shows but Iron Fist is holding my attention.
As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?
What had disappeared off the shelves?
What was sitting on the shelves?
What back issue deals did you grab?

61 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”

  1. I think the All New Wolverine 19 will be one to grab. And I’m not usually a variant player, but I’ll play on this one and see what my LCS has. It just makes sense due to the fact she’s getting a new costume.
    Also, not from this week, but did anyone check out Crime Destroyer? It features the return of the great Herb Trimpe, and is printed on old school paper instead of the modern stock. The art and story is great. There seems to be no market love yet for this. Ok, so I’m giving it a plug.

  2. I took a gamble and ordered the two Kirk variants and the torque one of all new wolverine as soon as midtown listed them last week. They sold out soon afterwards, so here’s to hoping.
    I also had some off time tonight and picked up two of the invincible iron man Dekal incentives for 10 bucks a piece. They were tucked in a box at a newbury comics that is infamous for speculators calling the night before and day of, so I thought it was funny those snuck past. I already sold one for $20. I also found a one per store of the old guard #1 for $20, and four copies of the 1st print. They also had a Cho variant of captain marvel for $5 and a couple of other incentives that I picked up on clearance. Hooray.
    Other than that, I just have my subs to pick up in the morning.

    1. I ordered a couple of the Torque 1:25 too. MelV is right, the sky is the limit with Laura.

    2. My shops still have stacks of Old Guard #1’s available.. I keep walking past them too.. 🙂

  3. Hey, Tony. What do you attribute to all the new traffic? Are you advertising more? Or is this part of a bubble?

    1. No. I do. I advertising. It’s all word of mouth. The new traffic is from a bunch of different message boards that linked over to the Cgc story. I have a bunch of places that link to my stories and traffic comes over. I do post to twitter and Facebook. Facebook is a huge driver of traffic since people share the stories.

      1. Great news that your traffic has increased—it’s very well deserved….great folks on here, lots of humor and very, very little sniping. Congrats!

      2. Great to hear! More comics readers are always a good thing, more CHU readers is even better!!

  4. I’m thinking of picking up those All-New Wolverine #19 variants. The question is do I wanna sit on them for my PC or try and flip them as they seem to be sold out everywhere. All-New Wolverine is one of the few marvel comics I still have on my pull list.

    1. It came out late on April fools actually. And a lot of people didn’t wanna believe it was real at first haha

      1. I’m driven by finding that McNugget sauce. I want that ‘Mulan’ McNugget Sauce. … That’s my series arc, Morty. If it takes nine seasons, I want that McNugget Szechuan sauce!!
        97 years Rick and Morty!!! 9 more seasons!!!

        1. McDonalds did do an Asian McNugget sauce and gave out chop sticks years ago when karate Kid 2 or 3 was in theaters.

  5. Oh and hey Anthony, I haven’t gotten a chance to get to my email but I got the Han Solo comic in the other night. Just wanna say thanks again!

    1. If you’re going to flip it either do it now or wait until the han solo movie comes out. I noticed the heat is dying off lately. I expect it to come back closer to the release of the movie.

      1. I’m holding onto the Han Solo comic. Think that’s gonna stay in my PC. I’ll probably gift it to my nephew once his birthday rolls around. He’s a HUGE Star Wars fan.
        The comic I’m debating on flipping is the All New Wolverine Cover C variant.

      2. Good call. I sold a few and made my money. I have one for the PC and I’m hoping can score a few more.

  6. So what did you guys think of the season finale for TWD on Sunday? I thought it was pretty good.

    1. Im glad to hear you enjoyed it. I have not been enjoying the show at all this season. In fact, Im done with it. I suppose we will see, I have quit once before (after season 4) and came back at the end of last year to see Jesus and Negan. I think Negans character has been handled very poorly by the writers, JDM has been a decent Negan, I thought he would be great, but something about his portrayal is just wrong to me. Maybe its the censorship. I think Negans humour and charm are lost with out his potty mouth quips and such, and his physique and look dont match what I think Negan should be, IMO. To old lookin maybe (Im 38, so I need tread lightly with that comment, lol). I want people to love the show so the comic stays hot. Having said that, I think the comic is still pull list gold. I am still enjoying the sh!t out of the comic book, but I really dont want to lose Andrea. Shes a tough SOB. Ive avoided the spoilers in anticipation of tomorrows issue.

    2. It was just ok. Like most of the last two seasons.
      I posted on Instagram with parallels to the comics and mentioned that season seven should be better.
      Then “fearless fred kennedy” (Teuton, fourth planet, a pitiful human lizard issue, teletoon at night and 102.1) commented that I’m stupid like the guys who keep going back to crazy ex girlfriends. I’m going to grill him on that one next time I run into him. I blue lanterned his ass and said if never give up hope.

      1. Man I love crazy ex-girlfriends, they are so unpredictable and make life interesting. Now excuse me while I take this Phillips head screw driver out of my shoulder blade thanks to one of my crazy ex’s

    3. I’m glad they’re finally starting the war because it was getting a little old seeing the groups acting so weak. In the end I kind of feel like this whole season was a throwaway since nothing really happened. They took a whole season to build up to the war. I still enjoyed my time with the series, but i feel like the buildup has gone on long enough at this point.

      1. Yeah. I want carnage too. Loved seeing the scene with the coffin though. Hated seeing her go but it was a good death.

        1. Definitely ready for some blood. I’m curious how they try to end Negan. Follow the books or go ahead and kill him so the TV audience gets their payoff.

      2. It does drag on horribly long. At this rate how long is the war going to last……4 seasons?

  7. Waiting for me at the LCS today:
    Harley Quinn #17 (Cover B Frank Cho)
    Black Cloud #1
    Star Wars #30 (Cover B John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant)
    Star Wars Rogue One Adaptation #1 (Of 6)(Cover E Mike Mayhew Star Wars 40th Anniversary Variant)
    True Believers Giant-Size X-Men #1
    True Believers X-Men #1
    Rock Candy Mountain #1 (Cover A Kyle Starks)
    Sovereigns #0 (Cover A Stephen Segovia)
    Eleanor And The Egret #1 (Cover A Sam Kieth)

    1. So Newbury Comics had a buy one get one free so I added
      Captain America 15
      Harley Quinn 17 A cover
      Extremity #2
      Kim Reaper #1
      Rogue 1 #1 Action Figure Variant

  8. So I’ve been on cloud nine lately. The missus has been encouraging me to get the collectables I’ve had my eye on before the mortgage kicks in! I’ve gotten a ton of new stuff lately!
    Plus, the Disney store near me has the die cast star wars figures buy one get one free and be games has been having random pops on sale for 6.99! Also grabbed some more marvel legends figured for $12 at giant tiger. Nice.
    This week I am getting:
    Green lanterns
    Justice league
    Star wars
    Uncanny avengers
    Walking dead
    The true believers books

    1. I love getting Pops on sale. My local shop just ran a buy 2 get one free sale. I picked up a few. It’s gotten to the point where I’m waiting to buy any Pop until I can find a sale on them.

  9. Picking up this week:
    Motor Girl 5 (Terry Moore work is a no-brainer)
    Eleanor & the Egret 1 (Sam Kieth art, not Sam Keith art; hoping this is better than the Hollows)
    Harley Quinn 17 (Cho cover)
    Love & Rockets 2
    Invader Zim 18 (new movie coming?)
    In the mail:
    Swamp Thing 9 signed by Bernie (I’ve been wanting one of these for at least a year but did not pull the trigger until now, so I had to settle for a fine copy. I wear a shirt with this cover. I did get a Bernie signed HC copy of Creepy Presents Bernie Wrightson for cover price from CBLDF a couple of months ago. After he passed, they raised the price to $100 and sold out immediately.)
    Harley’s Little Black Book 6 Bisley cover (I ordered this at least a year ago prior to knowing what the final cover would be. Only found one place online that was pre-selling and its copies went quickly. Seems like the cover is pretty polarizing, but I have been watching bids on eBay currently at $75. I enjoyed the art and the read.)
    Saga 7 Ghost variant Paul Pope cover (Slowly rising, it looks to be consistently moving now for about $50.)
    Roc Upchurch full color Mary Jane original art (I’m a fan of Roc’s work on Rat Queens and have been eyeing picking up some of his original art. Not a huge fan of MJ, but could not pass this up as it ended up costing me only 20% of what he charges for a similar commission. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to display it as it is a bit revealing. I am guessing that the seller commissioned Roc for the piece and was not expecting it to be so risque.)

    1. Drunk Wooky got me an old Batman book signed by Wrightson done in Utah a few months back. After he signed it he was admitted to the hospital. Not saying it was the last con signed book by Wrightson, but dang close.

  10. Got very lucky and picked up a Batman Adventures 12, which just got added to the wall of my LCS, for a very good price (half of what it would be on eBay) plus my discount. Oh and I bought a ASM 300 9.6 CBCS on a whim a couple days ago. Everything else I got sort of pales to those.

    1. Both of those books you referred to are flashes in the pan and wastes of money. You need to focus on this weeks My Little Pony which includes a death of a pony. (Joking on both parts.) Now I see why your name is Luq! Great pick ups.

      1. Lol I was going to say that this doesn’t sound like a Tony response, but then I finished and Lol’d. So glad I read to the end!

        1. I never disparage anyone. I do have a wicked jealous streak in me and am very jealous of Luq’s fortune this past week. Good for him for the pick ups. Both as investments and collection pieces.

  11. I made out well at the local comic swap I mentioned in earlier forums. Table was $35. Show was 8 hours. Most vendors were clearing out the dreck in their collections at 4/$1. I sold my Runaways 1, a Marvel Team Up 141 signed by Mignola, and a set of Seven to Eternity books among others. Sold a short box of $1 books. Cleared $600. Using the money to pay for my recent LASIK.

    1. Dang. I might have been interested in that Mignola signed book, love that guy. I showed him my Dark Horse Tattoo a few years ago at Baltimore comic con and walked away with an Abe Sapien sketch.

      1. I was able to let that go because I have a copy of Comic Reader 183, his first published work, signed, a copy of the Amazing Screw On Head HC signed, and a Hellboy in Hell poster signed by both Mignola and Perlman.

  12. My LCS sells me variants for cover so I’m flipping:
    -Royals-Bianchi cover
    -X-Men Gold Premiere cover
    -All-New Wolverine 19 Kirk cover
    for the personal collection:
    -Star Wars #30; reg and action figure
    -Rogue One #1, all covers (can’t wait for the non-movie content rumored to be in this adaptation!)
    -Extremity #2 (bring on that issue #2 slump Image!)
    -All-New Wolverine #19 (wondering if Venomrine starts here).

    1. It could. I know there is some sort of Alien referred to in All New Wolverine 19solicitation: “An alien ship! A dying passenger! Two words uttered that will forever change WOLVERINE’s life – starting a non-stop race against a deadly transformative disease, a battle in a quarantined city and a mysterious villain with a target on her head”

    1. Now. If it turns out not be be him then the books will be worthless. How many copies do you own? If it is more than one I would say sure go for it and break even. That way anything left is free money and you will not lose even if you are selling them for a penny later.

  13. Hard to keep track of everything I pick up online sometimes..for this coming week I have coming in:
    Batman #20 reg
    Black Cloud #1
    Captain America #15 dell otto x2
    Colossi #1
    All-New Wolverine #19 (reg) x2
    Harley – Cho cover
    Hatchet #0 Rated R cover x2
    Riverdale #1 Cover A
    Star Wars Rogue One Adaptation #1 Cover A
    Star Wars Rogue One Adaptation #1 Cover B Variant JTC action figure
    Walking Dead #166
    Just a heads up: Went to do pre-orders on Midtown a bit ago for next week, already noticed quick sell outs of the Vampirella #2 virgin cosplay cover and Heathen #3 reg and variant covers, as well as the special Seven 2 Eternity variant.

    1. I pre-ordered my Seven to Eternity variant. Heathen 3 is going to be a beast. Very interesting about the Cosplay Vampirella though.
      Sent from my iPhone

    2. It took about 10 minutes for seven to eternity to sell out. It took about 15 mins for the heathen variant to sell out. I had one (heathen) in my cart and it sold out when I went to checkout! Annoying.

    3. I was able to snag Seven to Eternity Foil, both Vampirella cosplay covers and both Heathen covers before they sold out online at Midtown. 🙂

  14. Picked up the following books this week:
    Star Wars: Rogue One (Action Figure variant)
    Stars Wars #25 (Action figure variant-very close likeness to General Veers, great job!)
    Bad Rock Candy Mountain-variant cover-who doesn’t love hobos?
    Harley-Cho variant
    Walking Dead
    Cool finds this week:
    Action 976 (Gary Frank variant)-2 copies cover price
    Action 976 Cover A-2 copies cover price
    Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #1 first print-stopped by a store out of town and this was on the rack for cover
    Batgirl #7 Manapul variant-cover price same store
    Old Guard gold one per store variant-$15
    For the movie poster enthusiasts out there:
    Kill Bill Volume #1 Teaser one sheet
    Despicable Me #3 Advance and Teaser for my 6 year old son.
    Good hunting everyone!

  15. Pickups today…..
    H.Q. #17 a and b
    Superman #20a and b
    Rouge One #1a and act. fig.
    Extremity #2 last one on the shelf
    TWD #166

  16. LCS
    The Assignment 3 Reis cvr
    Motor Girl 5
    They’re Not Like Us 15
    Harley Quinn 17 var
    Batman 20 reg
    Walking Dead 166
    Amerikarate #1 Cover A Regular Devin Roth Cover Back in stock @ Midtown
    Avengers Vol 6 #5 Cover A Regular Alex Ross Cover
    Batman #417 KGBeast!
    Big Trouble In Little China Escape From New York #6 Cover B Variant Ryan Browne Subscription Cover
    Bullseye #2 Cover A Regular Dave Johnson Cover
    Cinema Purgatorio #8 Cover D Code Pru Cover
    Clone Conspiracy Omega Cover B Variant Adi Granov Cover
    Comic Shop News #1556
    Crossed Badlands #27 Reg Cvr Finished my run
    Crossed Badlands #28 Reg Cvr
    Dollface St Patricks Day Special Cover A Regular Dan Mendoza Cover
    Dregs #2
    Everafter From The Pages Of Fables #7 Cover A Regular Tula Lotay Cover
    Ghost Rider Vol 7 #4 Cover A Regular Felipe Smith Cover Since it’s ending, I’m getting the last two
    Giant Days #24
    Godkiller Walk Among Us #7
    Grimm Fairy Tales Vol 2 #3 Cover C Juan Carlos Ruiz
    Hawkeye Vol 5 #4
    Monsters Unleashed #4 Cover C Variant Francesco Francavilla 1950s Movie Poster Cover
    Moon Knight Vol 8 #12
    Nailbiter #30
    Paper Girls #12
    Riverdale One Shot Cover B Variant Derek Charm Cover
    Savage Things #1
    Shade The Changing Girl #6 Cover B Variant Marley Zarcone Cover
    Solar Flare #1 NEXT WEEK
    Star Wars Vol 4 #29 Cover B Variant Kevin Wada Star Wars 40th Anniversary Cover
    Superman Vol 5 #18 Cover B Variant Gary Frank Cover (Superman Reborn Part 1)
    Unholy #2 Cover D Stunning Cover
    X-Files Deviations 2017 One Shot Cover A Regular Cat Staggs Cover
    X-Files Vol 3 #11 Cover A Regular Menton3 Cover
    Flipped through Black Cloud but wasn’t feeling it. Has anyone read it?

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