Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 132nd edition of the open forum!
Well, last week turned out to be another interesting week with some good flips. Solar Flare #1 and Heathen #3
rules the roost. Hoping to see another week like last!
As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?
What had disappeared off the shelves?
What was sitting on the shelves?
What back issue deals did you grab?
101 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”
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Books I’m picking up/pre-ordered:
Batman #21 Lenticular & International
Batwoman #2 cover B Jones
Harley Quinn #18 cover B Cho
Superman #21 cover A
God Country #1 4th print
God Country #2 3rd print
God Country #4 cover A&B
Plastic #1 cover A
Redneck #1
Monsters Unleashed #1 Barberi 1:50
Ms. Marvel #17 cover B Kubert Resurrxion
Nick Fury #1 Land 1:25
Royals #2 Granov 1:25
U.S. Avengers #5 cover B Ramos Resurrxion
World Reader #1 + Torque 1:10
Ninjak #26 Lotay 1:50
Failsafe #1
Did anyone see that Korg the kornan was announced to be in Thor: Ragnarok. Might want to keep and eye on incredible hulk volume 3 issue 93. As it is his first appearance as Korg.
I saw that they were doing animation tests for him and the insect guy whose name escapes me
That guy is “Meik”…I think that’s how its name is spelled…. Its first appearance is in Hulk #92 which is already pricey but may have even more room to grow as they show more of the movie!
If they are putting Korg in, and I am glad they are Hulk #93 “could” jump to a $20 book. Right now they are as low as $6…plus shipping. Really depends if they give him a big enough roll.
Oops…role not roll….. unless they are paying the animation in large quantities of bready food products.
Korg’s first appearance is Journey #83 same as Thor
Yeah, this is where things can get a bit convoluted. I don’t think he was named in JIM #83, but in the Planet Hulk story line I believe he mentioned meeting Thor or something like that. Need to go back and re-read a bunch of all this. If that’s the case I was reading online that same group of Korans from #83 are seen again in a later Thor… issue. #255. I don’t have that issue, so I can’t be sure. It will be interesting to see how CGC and CBCS will list him. Will it be JIM #83 or where he was first named as with Hulk #93…unless he was indeed named in JIM #83…Had a completely destroyed copy of #83 back in the early 90’s…sold it to put toward other keys so I will need to pick up a reprint….not that I would read the original if I still had it due to how insane prices have gotten…Does anyone remember when it was still relatively affordable to buy beat up silver age keys and actually read them???
Yea I think it should be hulk #93. First time he was introduced as Korg.
Just checked a cgc hulk #93 and the label lists Korg as first appearance in this issue
According to the Wikipedia.. “Created by Greg Pak and Carlo Pagulayan, Korg was inspired by Thor’s origin story[1] and was later retconned in The Incredible Hulk #94 into one of the stone creatures that fought Thor in Journey into Mystery #83 released in 1963.”
Journey is gonna be out of reach for most people but Incredible Hulk #93 and #94 are gonna be the ones to likely grab for most.. Won’t see much heat on Journey but could see it on the Hulk issues.
So Incredible Hulk 93 shows a great deal of Korg and only Korg as named by him in the book:

While Journey Into Mystery #83 refers to them as the Stone Men and there were quite a few of them that Thor battles, most of the scenes showed 2-3 of them..
I suppose the best bet for those who don’t have them already would be to get both Hulk #93 & 94…..Oh, and a first print JiM #83 just to be on the safe side.
Im sure I will pick up a bit, headed out to Chicago for C2E2 this week – Wish me luck!
Good Luck
Had a few nice dollar bin pickups this past weekend. Bought a collection of about 20 Wonder Woman issues with J.G. Jones covers all signed by Jones. Also got a bunch of Invincible back issues, and a nice run of X-23 issues.
Getting The Button issues this week all covers. Hoping it doesn’t turn out the Button is just a WalMart sticker that got stuck on Alfred’s shoe when he stopped to buy cheezits.
Also the Cho Harley, Plastic #1, Redneck #1, & the God Countrys.
Chez-its rule my house. My kids are addicted to those yummy squares.
It’s a slippery slope. It starts off relatively harmless but the next thing you know they’re sneaking into their momma’s room, while she’s sleeping, and taking 5, 10 maybe 20 dollars from her purse, running on down to 3rd Street, catching the D Bus downtown, and meeting a Latin American fellow name Martinez. And we all know that Martinez’s stuff is the bomb!
White Cheddar Cheez-its are the DEVIL!
That’s my youngest son’s favorite. We have “orange Cheezits which are the regular (I like the ones they sell now that are “well done”) and yellow cheezits which are the white cheddar. We go though boxes of them.
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Yeah, my kids love them…. I try my best to avoid them… Or I’ll eat them all….
Try the Hot & Spicy cheez-its…you may never go back to anything else. Even my 3 young kids are addicted to them.
Oh I have.
Pretty quiet week here. Had a nice four day weekend filled with food and Napa and legion. Man that was a weird show. Good. But weird. I feel like every third episode or so they tossed in a conversation that essentially explained what had been going on. I look forward to season two.
This week I am getting:
All star Batman – francavilla
Back to the future
Batman – lenticular
Green lanterns
I hate fairyland
Invincible – Gwenvincible if possible/real – Its real right?!?!
Justice league
Secret empire
Sex criminals – regular and xxx
Super sons – Nguyen
Wild storm – lee
Probably plastic if they have it. Sounds too sexy to pass up.
Naps. Not Napa. That’s cabbage.
Yes. The Gwenvincible cover is real.
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Thanks, I was pretty certain but when I went to pre order it my shop couldn’t find it in the system. Then, my online honey hole didn’t have it posted either. I was really starting to think I drank the Kool aid for a second there.
Was it only the retailer summit version? That’s all I’m finding and would explain why my shop can’t find it.
That’s all I saw too. Very strange.
This weeks pickups….
Batgirl #1 new 52 movie news. $15
Vampire tales #2 1st Santana paid $12 free shipping
Power Pack #18 Thor #341 1st Kurse from Thor 2 film. Dollar each
Daredevil #232 1st Nuke from Jessica Jones show 2 bucks
New Mutants #8 1st Magma $1
New Mutants #29 1st Guido “Strongman” $1
Amazing Spider-Man #340 1st Femmefatale $1
Web of Spider-Man #86 1st Demogoblin $1
Avengers #326 1st Rage $1
Fury of Firestorm #19 1st Kaitlin Snow cover price
Totally Awesome Hulk #3 1st Kid Kaiju cover price
Xmen #305 1st Phalanax $1
Ultimate x #1 1st Jimmy $15
That’s an awesome price on that Vampire Tales
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I went to a real small shop yesterday, that I visit every so often. I was looking for a specific recent book, Awesome Hulk #3. The shop keep informed me that another LCS owner (whos establishment I also frequent, but is a good 40-50 miles away), came in on the weekend and cleared out his back issue bins of spec books, and that particular book. I thought that was pretty cheeky. Whats the communities thoughts on one LCS owner spec’ing at another LCS? Ill Tell you one thing, its not good for me. That means two LCSs i visit wont have any spec books in the bins, and the one who is buying everything, sells at ebay prices. I am curious to see tomorrow if my LCS, where I have my subs, has the issue im looking for. He is located right in the middle of the two LCS’ mentioned above. Or did the one owner hit up every shop within 50 miles?
I don’t mind LCS working together on orders or floating each other copies of New books they can sell to their customers at cover. But clearing out all the potentially hot spec books out of another store is kind of shady.
I really don’t see a difference between you going into a lcs to buy a spec book and someone else going into a lcs to buy the same spec book. Sounds like you are both intending on selling the same book and the other person got there first and they just happen to own a comic book store. Makes sense to me that this person would look to buy spec books at other stores. Awesome Hulk 3 is not new but I really don’t think that makes a difference.
Picking up this week:
Shaolin Cowboy 1 (maybe both covers)
Descender 21 (dropped the series once, thinking about dropping it again, but the art is too good and it reminds me of Moonshadow, movie news would be good right about now)
God Country 4 (haven’t read 1-3 yet)
I Hate Fairyland 12 (always the NSW cover and maybe the Southern Bastards cover too)
Low 17 Powell cover (maybe both covers, one of my favorite series right now)
Monstress 11
S Criminals 18 both covers (maybe if I don’t spell out the word, my post won’t get dumped into Tony’s spam folder)
Venom 6
Dark Crystal 2 (Takeda cover)
Harley 18 Cho cover
Orc Stain 1 CGC 9.8 (I have faith the next issues will come out eventually)
Sex sex sexy sexy sex criminals. Testing for spam (and dancing around while I am singing it)
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Looks like it didn’t ban me.
You’re special. 🙂
Hmmm, the spam filter isn’t working? I got some things to say before it gets turned back on again! Hide your kids CHU!
Video please!
It must not like the cut of your gib because I say sex around here all the time.
One time I even had it myself!
Lol. It must be how you say sex that the system picks up on. Your definition of sex may be vastly different than the community standards.
Lol it may just be considering I’ve claimed to have had it.
Personal collection:
Batman 21 (lenticular and international);
Redneck 1 (1 copy to keep next to my ashcan);
Poe Dameron 13 (regular cover, 40th anniversary covers are eh to me );
Venom 6 (have some Mattinas and Kirkhams coming in, but i want a reader);
Quick Flip pick ups:
Secret Empire #0 Rod Reis cover (no interest at all in this dung fire of an event. Much interest in other peoples’ interest);
Royals 2 Granov cover (the classic issue 2 incentive variant under order scenario!);
X-Men Gold (anti-semitic edition!) (these things are churning within hours of listing on the daily at $11.99);
Longterm holds:
Flashpoint back issues;
Redneck (2 or 3 copies as a market watch);
Ultimate X 1 (just interested to see if my LCS has any)
DrunkWookie, on a side note, did you see the John Oliver show this week with the video clip of the French politician referring to Larry Skywalker that that weird bear?
Ah yes, Larry Skywalker. Luke’s lesser known, slacker half-brother.
We don’t talk about Larry ever since he was legally compelled to place himself on the intergalactic sex offender registry.
Lol. Larry was working at Reliable Used Land Speeders last they mentioned him.
I was inconsolable with laughter. My wife gave up on watching the rest of the show until my fit of hysteria ended. Little known DrunkWooky fact #1138: I was actually born in Bristol, England. My family’s long continental history makes me particularly susceptible to jokes about the French.
Reliable used land speeder had a wack wavy inflatable arm flailing tube-droid last time i cruised by.
Yeah. They used to have the red one but I understand some drunk teen Jawas stole it as a prank one night. They have the blue one out there now.
2x Redneck
god country 4 + 4th print 1
Lady death
Nick fury
Batman 21 2 covers
Batman – lenticular and international covers
Batgirl 2 – Jones cover
Plastic – too weird to pass up
Sill trying to track down the Star Wars Celebration Funko pops that were unleashed last week.
What funk pop? Where I can I see the list?
Yes, I need to know more about these….
Here is the full list.
I just googled it since I missed the announcement on these. I need the Rey on a speeder Pop.
I keep checking Walmart in hopes they do a restocked, Rey disappeared fast. I was able to score a qui gon at target
My local Walmart never gets them in. I did check three targets in my area and all of them blew out the Qui Gon’s early. (Probably employees buying to resell)
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What was “face value” on the Rey pop? I’ll be checking my local Walmart also. I’m still kicking myself for passing on the leia, Jabba set that was a Walmart exclusive. I saw it, didn’t buy it, regretted it immediately and went back to the store the next day and it was sold out.
Rey was $40 retail. surprised there isn’t more on ebay. Normally I would say wait for the drop but not sure what to think since there isn’t many out there on the secondary market
That’s a little pricey for a normal ride Pop isn’t? At least at face value?
The next Stat Was box has a Luke in Land Speeder (possibly sold to him by his half brother Larry Skywalker at Dependable Used Land Speeders).
I saw this and I’m super excited about it. This is another homerun for the Star Wars box. I still think this is easily the best box out there.
Get on West coast Avengers 46, New Warriors 3rd series #1, New warriors 3rd series #4, Thor 411, 412, Amazing Spider-Man annual 22, and of course Squirrel Girl new info on cast of New Warriors out!
Thanks Alana.
I picked up the New Warriors a while back solely for them being early Skottie Young. Until now, they were in my read pile.
Pretty good day at the lcs
Redneck #1 x 3
Plastic #1a
Asm #654 2nd print for 7.00
Secret avengers #23 7.00 as well
Incredible hulk #93
Uncanny xmen #493 2nd print
My lcs only had 1 Harley 18 Cho cover, 2 Venom 6, and 0 World Reader 1 variants on the shelf when it opened. It did have a pretty large stack of Redneck 1. I picked up the new issue of Mirror (Emma Rios) and a Venom 9 with an awesome Sam Kieth Wolverine vs Venom cover.
Cloak and Dagger trailer up.
I saw. Will post soon.
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After the earlier mention of Star Wars celebration Pops I decided to check the May spoiler for Smugglers bounty….I’m super pumped for it. Another home run and another reason why this is the best subscription box on the market.
Batman #21(lenticular cover)
Daredevil #19(Resurrxion cover)
Failsafe #1
Harley Quinn #18(Cho cover)
HookJaw #1
Ms. Marvel #17(Ressurxion cover)
Nick Fury #1
Redneck #1
Plastic #1
Secret Empire #0
The Shaolin Cowboy #1(Frank Miller cover)
White #4
Oh yeah.. God Country #4(Zaffino cover) a cool series!
Was able to hit a few stores today
Pickups are:
Batman #21 all covers
God Country #1 4th print
God Country #4
Great Lakes Avengers #1 (Heard it was a good read)
Plastic #1 cover B
Redneck #1 x4… From the sounds of it I may have done well with this one.
Venom #6
Also, because I am a sucker for silver and bronze I did pick up Defenders #27 &28 in higher grade just as the news broke that Stallone will play Starhawk. No great deal on them but got them before the prices spiked with the news. I don’t see these being huge but why not!
Only one shop for me today……
Superman #21a and b
H.Q. #18b
Cave Carson #7a and b
Redneck #1
Godshaper #1c
Going to be checking out some more shops tomorrow.
Pick-ups for me included:
* Redneck 1
* God Country 4
* Black Hammer 8
* Doctor Strange 19
* Batman 21 (Lenticular cover)
… on the fence about World Reader and Fail Safe; however, my wallet (or lack thereof) made the decision for me. Did Nam Wolf come out this week? I thought it was but maybe it was delayed or I misunderstood… meh.
Gotta say though… Donny Cates knows how to spin a great yarn … Redneck is an impressive start to a new series from a reading perspective… as well as from a spec perspective. WOW! And, my returning favourite, Black Hammer… issue #8 just adds to the layers of questions… if you are not reading this comic you really should consider it.
Namwolf was bumped to next Wednesday…
Yeah … did a bit more digging as well after posting, but thanks for helping keep me sane.
picked up more comics this week than I expected. Guess my pull list comics all decided to come out the same week. Which is nice, but man I really need to catch up on reading. I’m a few weeks behind already lol. But I picked up
Harley Quinn #18 cover b
God Country #4
Monstress #11 (I’m so behind on this. I’ve only read up to #7 but I keep picking up the new issues)
Supersons #3 (Sad to see the price is back up to 3.99 as opposed to 2.99)
Doctor Strange 19 (I’m missing 17 and I forgot YET AGAIN to pick it up so I can read 18 and now 19)
Redneck #1 (got 3 copies but my LCS has a pretty big stack left of them. So if they start heating up more I’ll come back and pick up the rest.
Plastic #1 (April fools variant)
Batman 21 (The lenticular cover cuz it’s cool and then International cover as well)
I’ll be watching how Redneck does on the bay. If it blows up, I definitely gotta go back to my LCS and clean them out.
Oh and I forgot to mention I was super bummed out my LCS didn’t get any cover Bs of Ms. Marvel #17. I know it’s doing well on eBay, but I just want one for my PC cuz that cover is sweet.
I found a shop today that had 15-20 of the Ms. Marvel #17 Ressurrxion cover. I bought 8 and found another 2 at other shops. It has been good to me. Everyone in my area seemed to be going Redneck and was overlooking that Sweet X23 variant cover.
My LCS did not get the X-23 cover in because they order so many copies of books it’s hard to go 125%. Some shops order 4 of a book then they only order 5. My LCS orders 100 copies and will sell 80 it makes no sense for them to order 125
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Seriously that cover is sweet
If you want, Sean, I’ll hook you up with a copy for a good deal. Just let me know, here, And we will work something out.
Hey Jay I’d be interested in that. Went looking around other shops today and no one seemed to have the Ms. Marvel 17 cover b. They either sold out or didn’t get any in.
Looks like redneck sold out everywhere too, except my LCS…..who is now selling it for $10 a piece.
I couldn’t find them either drove me nuts
I had a good day at the shops today. My pick k ups were:
God Country #1, 4th
God Country #4, A&B
Ms. Marvel #17, RssxnVar. x10 (managed to sell 4 already and have already almost doubled my investment)
X-23 #10 (2010)
Plastic #1, A,B&C
Redneck #1 x5 (have sold 1)
Moon Knight #13
Batman #21, lent.x1 & Intl x2
All Star Bats #9, Jock Cover
Venom #6
Harley #18, B x3
XMen Gold #1, antisemitic version $7
Black Hammer #5-#9, looking to read this series, need issues 2-4 now.
Awesome Hulk #3 x5
Worst XMan Ever #3 x2
Harley’s Black Book #6, 1:25. $45
All New Wolvie #19, KRS Artgerm x3 (1 to keep, 2 to flip)
My order of Ultimate X #1s are on their way as well, the order included a 2nd print, a 3rd print, a Villians variant and another variant (not sure which one) – this order is coming from Westfield comics?, and I got the link from the CHU article about Jimmy, that Tony posted a month or two ago. Each book was $4. Thanks, CHU!
Sex Criminals 18 xxx cvr
Batman 21 3D cvr
Redneck 1
God Country 4 a
World Reader 1 a
Harley Quinn 18 b
All-New All-Different Marvel Reading Chronology #1 – FREE – Limit 1 Per Customer
All-Star Batman #8 Cover C Variant Francesco Francavilla Cover
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #25 Cover A Regular Alex Ross Cover
American Gods Shadows #1 Cover C Variat Dave McKean Cover
Archie Vol 2 #18 Cover C Variant Robert Hack Cover
Black Panther World Of Wakanda #5 Cover A Regular Afua Richardson Cover
Captain America Sam Wilson #20
Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #6 Cover B Variant Brendan McCarthy Cover
Comic Shop News #1558
Daredevil Vol 5 #18
Darkness Visible #2 Cover B Variant Dave Kendall Subscription Cover
Dead Inside #4
Deadpool vs Punisher #1 Cover F Regular Declan Shalvey Cover Signed By Fred Van Lente (Limit 1 Per Customer) @ Midtown
Death Be Damned #2
Eclipse #5
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Grimm Tales Of Terror Vol 3 #3 Cover C Cris Delara
Horizon #9
I Hate Fairyland #11 Cover B Variant Skottie Young F*ck Fairyland Cover
Imagine Agents #1 Cover A 1st Ptg Regular Khary Randolph Cover Found one!
Jeff Steinberg Champion Of Earth #6
Kill Or Be Killed #7
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #17
Monsters Unleashed #5 Cover B Variant Superlog Cover
Namwolf #1 Cover A Regular Logan Faerber Cover NEXT WEEK
Powerpuff Girls #24
Red Sonja Vol 7 #3 Cover E Variant Mel Rubi Subscription Cover
Secret Empire Previews Spotlight – FREE – Limit 1 Per Customer
Smoketown #2 NEXT WEEK
Spider-Man Vol 2 #14 (Sitting In A Tree Part 5)
Super Sons #2 Cover B Variant Dustin Nguyen Cover
Superman Vol 5 #19 Cover B Variant Gary Frank Cover (Superman Reborn Part 3)
Trinity Vol 2 #7 Cover B Variant Bill Sienkiewicz Cover
Vampirella Vol 7 #1 Cover C Variant Joseph Michael Linsner Cover
Venom Vol 3 #5 Cover A Regular Gerardo Sandoval Cover
Wild Storm #2 Cover A Regular Jon Davis-Hunt Cover
Wonder Woman 75th Anniversary Special #1 Cover D Regular Jim Lee Cover Signed By Gail Simone (Limit 1)
World Of Krypton Vol 2 #1
World Of Krypton Vol 2 #2
World Of Krypton Vol 2 #3
World Of Krypton Vol 2 #4
Zombie Tramp Vol 2 #33 Cover A Regular Dan Mendoza Cover
Big Trouble in Little China Escape From New York (2016) 4B
Book of Ants (1998) 1
Critical Hit (2014 Black Mask) 3
Critical Hit (2014 Black Mask) 4
IvX (2016 Marvel) Inhumans vs. X-Men 6B
Nancy in Hell (2010 Image) 1 Old El Torres series
Nancy in Hell (2010 Image) 2
Nancy in Hell (2010 Image) 3
Nancy in Hell (2010 Image) 4
Public Relations (2015 Devil’s Due) 13
Suicide Squad (2016) 13B
Tales from the Crypt (2016 Super Genius) 2
Thousand Deaths of Baron Von Donut (2004) 1
Victims (1988) 3
Winterworld (1984) 1
If I ever become poor I’m gonna ask that you adopt me….. You have money and tons of reading entertainment 😉
Yeah, I need to cut a lot things, but NEW things keep coming out!
Great week for new comics and books to flip!
New books:
Redneck #1 X 4 copies with 2 already sold for $10.99 each
Plastic #1 (Cover A and B)-just read it and very cool concept and story
Steve Rogers Captain America #15 Dell Otto variant (starting to sell on Ebay for $10-$16 each)
God Country #4 Cover A
Books to Flip:
Ultimate X #1 $2.25
Ultimate X #1 Sabretooth cover $6
Action #976 Gary Frank for cover X 2
Books for PC:
Dark Knight Hardcover (1986) Signed and Numbered by Frank Miller. Have wanted one of these since they came out when I was in high school and finally pulled the trigger.
Grendel War Child Signed and Numbered by Matt Wagner. One of my favorite Grendel stories and limited to only 1000!
Good hunting everyone.
The Cap’n America #15 isn’t a variant. It’s the regular cover.
I need to restock the Action Comics 976. They have been an ok seller for me. I have been selling X-Men gold at $11.99 (thanks Drunk Wooky) the past couple of days too.
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JayClue thanks for the information on the Cap #15. Is this really hot because of the cover art or storyline? Does this lead into Secret Empire? I normally don’t read Marvel except for Star Wars.
By the way, got my Star Wars Rogue One Krennic action figure variant in the mail this week. Thanks so much for the information CHU! Looks awesome and I definitely would have missed out without the tip.
A little mix of both I think. Tony ran the spoiler for that issue here on CHU. Red Skull falls to his death in the issue while fighting Cap. There was some spec that with Red Skull Dead, Cap takes over as Red Skull and this would potentially bring the original old man Logan story into the Marvel timeline, as in the OML story, Red Skull is seen wearing captain Americas outfit. so….
Did anyone open their Sex Criminals 18 NSW to look at the cover? It is an homage to Akira, but all I can see is a naked Squirrel Girl. Finally got around to opening the bags for 16-18, The Staples cover is as good as all of her covers.
No. I dropped off Sex Criminals a while ago. Need to look for it now.
My Wednesday pickups this week…I find it hard to get my comments in timely…
All Star Batman B
Aquaman B
Batman Lenticular x3 + International x1
Batwoman A
Harley Quinn B
Justice League A
Nightwing B
Super Sons A + B
Superman A
Trinity B
Cap America
Doc Strange
Invincible Iron Man
Monsters Unleashed (RB Silva variant)
Moon Knight
Nick Fury (Greg Land variant x2)
Royals (Adi Granov variant)
Poe Dameron
Black Hammer
Curse Words B
God Country A + B
Plastic A
Redneck x 4
World Reader (Elizabeth Torque variant x2)
– My regular LCS only got one of the Ms. Marvel Resurrxion variants and it was already set aside for another customer. My alternate LCS got none. Neither store got the U.S. Avengers Resurrxion variant.
– I don’t think either store ordered sufficient copies of the Batman lenticular cover…it appeared to be on the verge of selling out. I questioned my reg. LCS why they ordered so many copies of Secret Empire (2 large stacks) and so few Batman (less than 10 when I left)…they blamed it on the earlier ordering date DC required for the lenticular cover…didn’t make sense to me…missed opportunity for them.
– I also think both stores underordered Redneck…sure to be a Wed. sell-out for them.
– My regular LCS expected Venom to sell-out as well even though there were a decent amount of copies.
– My 10 year old son loves Superman and Super Sons…they have really helped get him interested in the comic world…nice to be able to share that with him…maybe Teen Titans next.
– I took a chance on buying World Reader…nice variant cover…hopefully the story is good.