What up CHU!?! Shawn B., the One Year Later Investigator, back with another One Year Later round up, where we take a look at some of the comics that Anthony, Mel and Poyo specced on one year ago. Their specs turn out to be quick flips, slow burns, straight up misses, straight up winners and on and on. Sometimes they spec with their hearts out of their passion for comics. Sometimes they spec based on data. And sometimes they spec based off the word on the street. Either way, all their specs appeal to a few or many collectors whether it is due to them having similar taste in writing or art, or just an opportunity for a collector to flip a book and make money to “support their habit”. So, this is our weekly chance to look back at how some of our buys from a year ago are doing today.
Uncanny Avengers #13 Adam Hughes Captain America 75th Anniversary Variant Cover – Mel Pick
Original Value: $50 Current Value: $70
Most buyers are able to get these expensive ratio variants for far less than what’s considered the original value upon release, which makes this one a clear winner to me. Adam Hughes. CAP 75th. Winner.
Image + #5 – Anthony Pick
Original Value: $0-2 Current Value: $3-4
Not sure about everyone else but my LCS still hands these out for free. Part 5 of “Here’s Negan”. Can’t
go wrong with anything TWD. Personally, I think these are slow burns that will continue to slowly climb.
The Killer Inside Me #1 – Anthony Pick & Poyo Pick
Original Value: $4 Current Value: $6-7
Copies for sale range from $6-15. The Hack Variant is going for a couple bucks more.
Near Misses
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe #1 Incentive Kevin Eastman Variant Cover – Mel Pick
Original Value: $25 Current Value: $25 Still available at on line retailers.
Put this in Near Misses because it is still a TMNT #1 Eastman Variant and there is always potential there.
Amazing Spider-Man #17 – Poyo Pick
Original Value: $4 Current Value: $4 Still available at on line retailers.
Female Electro. Not much of a hit yet but who knows.
La Muerta: Last Rites #1 Variant Alex Ronald Grindhouse Cover – Mel Pick
Original Value: $8 Current Value: $8 Still available at on line retailers.
In fairness Mel did say this one was more for his PC. I agree that this is a bad ass cover.
Skip To The End #1 – Anthony Pick
Original Value: $4 Current Value: $4 Still available at on line retailers.
I jumped on this one but hung onto it. Pretty sure there was a small amount of heat right after release but fizzled away pretty quickly.
Unspecced Winners
DC Comics Bombshells Annual #1
Original Value: $5 Current Value: $7
Halloween Vampire Batgirl?
Predator vs Judge Dredd vs Aliens #2 Variant Glenn Fabry Sketch Cover
Original Value: $4 Current Value: $9
This series in general is seeing a little bit of heat.
11 thoughts on “One Year Later: Spec Review for 8/31/16”
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Love these articles. Keep up the great work!
I guess most of these are long term holds. Adam Hughes is incredible!!!!!
I always appreciate your hard work Shawn, but I have to call “The Killer Inside Me” valuations into question. Those books are almost unsellable. Full sets sell for $10….and yes, 1 copy of #1A sold for a whopping $2.99. The $6.00 price range you are referencing might be from the sale of the actual book that contained issues 1-5. Unless I am missing something (always possible dammit) I think this should be transferred to the “Miss” column…..
Jeez I’m not sure what happened but I have to agree with you. I must have not had a filter on when I thought I did. Thanks for pointing it out.
First of all, it’s already bad enough when Shawn points out how wrong my picks were… now you come along.. Geez!
The Killer Inside Me was a great read though..
HA! It was a great read and would have had more steam if it wasn’t based on that 50’s book—that awful movie probably doesn’t help either.
Yeah it was. I don’t regret buying it.
What’s the differences between the near misses and the misses? They all are still worth their original value……
Near Misses for me reflect that there is still usually heavy sales activity on the issue and it could still have future potential imho.
Always look forward to this article,. good stuff.
Good work. Lucky for me I only spec’ed on Image+ #5.