Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our Picks of the Week for delivery 11/29/17:
Returning Favorites
GI Joe #246 – We know at this point that the Female Snake Eyes has appeared in the comic, and on the cover. This is her origin issue.
Beauty #17 – One of my favorite books on the market. An STD that makes you perfect, until you die a year later.
Moon Knight #189 – Off to a good start. I hope Marvel can keep a really good Moon Knight going.
Dark Ark #3 – Cullen Bunn’s awesome new book about the other Noah’s Ark. The one filled with horrible monsters.
Rick And Morty #32 – At this point, this is a book I have to pick up.
The Surprisingly Good DC Books
Mystik U #1 – A Gotham Academy style look at the DC magic characters. Looks very good.
Batman Creature Of The Night #1 – a cool, real world look, at what would happen if Bruce Wayne’s parents were murdered in the real world.
The Indy pick of the Week
Spawn #280 – We do get our first look at the new hero. Wait for the spoilers later.
Small Press Pick of the Week
Chasing Hitler #1– Alternate history tale about two soldiers who go to find Hitler’s body, and instead find a mystery and a chase. Cool looking book with small print run.
The Variant of the Week
Reactor #1 1:20 Variant – Try to get your average shop to order 20 copies of a Vault comic. Most won’t do it. Shops had to order 20 copies of the regular Reactor #1 to unlock this variant. Most shops will not get it. Couple that with it being a self-published Donny Cates book and that makes this one pretty desirable. Now, the doesn’t side is Reactor is the second volume of Interceptor which was a book that Donny Cates did before he was “Donny Cates” so there could be some draw for his fans.
The Pick of the Week
Batman Annual #2 – Kinda hard to pass up a book that is already selling for $25
before release. It has already gone to a Second Printing which will be out in January. This teams up Tom King and Lee Weeks, who had great success with the Batman Elmer Fudd one shot.
And in case you missed it, here is this week’s New Comic Spec Review Video for the week
23 thoughts on “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 11/29/17”
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I just couldnt get into Dark Ark. Just did nothing for me.
People are nuts for already paying $25 for the Batman Annual….
For real. Go tomorrow and get it for $5. Wtf.
If its still selling for $25 tomorrow morning… I’ll pick up an extra to sell to the suckers out there. 🙂
No doubt. As will I.
hm thought the new hero doesnt appear in spawn 280? more of a set up from what ive been hearing so far at least
If you miss out, wait if you really want it in the PC. I don’t think the heat will last for too long if it does heat up.
not a reader of spawn, think the character is cool. so im not looking to jump in on this one. but ive heard elsewhere that theres no hero appearance in 280. just interested to see how it all unfolds if anything
I have read the issue and she is there. Just not in costume. But we do get a name. Will have the spoiler images up after midnight.
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Ah so when we see her in costume, that will be the real winner.
im with poyo, probably best to wait for her to appear in a costume for the real winner. interesting nonetheless….unless of course she doesnt get a costume hahaha
What exactly is happening in the Batman Ann. anyway ?
They go on a date from what I know…. And there’s a new Fudd story in it as well… Honestly sounds like nothing special, just a whole lot of hyping up.
The 1:20 variant for Interceptor vol. 2 Reactor #1 was changed to an open order cover B variant.
They gotta sell them somehow…. 😉
I always get multiple copies of every issue and variant for Rick and Morty that I can find.
Smart to let the market pick the comic of the week. Sales at already higher prices are better indicators than the subjective opinions of speculators in the short term. However long term might be different..
No Fudd story in it..Cat steals the Bat car .. they fall in love … Bruce and the Cat get old together… $25 ???
As predicted, a whole lotta nothing special.
And hmm.. I guess I read the description too fast.. “Tom King reteams with his BATMAN/ELMER FUDD collaborator Lee Weeks to show us a little young love with capes and cowls”
When I skimmed it, I read it as another side story within.. My BAD people! Seriously though, I was gonna pick one up for Fudd, now there’s no reason to pick one up.
Do you mean no reason to pick it up other than to flip
By the time I get one even if I were to flip, probably be too late since all comic shops in Central Texas were delayed, most shops won’t have them out until tomorrow, some are saying it might be Friday.
Market is swamped now.. seems most are selling under $10. I’m probably not gonna even bother heading to the LCS now to pick up books, they’ll all be there next week for the 2-3 that I wanted and didn’t pre-order.
But this was expected. It has been the trend with the hot DC books. Usually it has last a little longer but this one dropped a bit quicker.
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Yeah but there’s no real reason why this one heated up in the first place. Seemed it was hyped without a real reason.