It’s tax day here in America, actually by the time this posts, it’s almost too late so I hope everyone paid their taxes on time or the taxeth man a cometh for you! Hopefully you all overpaid throughout last year and will use your refunds all on new comics, cause that’s what I’d do if I was getting a refund.
For me, it’s another small week. At least for indie and small publisher books. Nothing really stands out as a real spec book or winner. But there are certainly some reader books for sure hitting the store shelves.
This is already selling out online. It’s Batman #45.
Tony Daniel is back as the artist.
Batman and Catwoman are traveling in time to save Booster Gold from Booster Gold. What?
Not sure why this is gaining so much attention so soon (I wrote this on Sunday night) but hopefully Anthony finds some spoilers so we get a better idea of what’s going on in the world of Batman and Catwoman, as they continue to prepare to be miserably married. Someone needs to warn them to not get married.
The Red Goblin is here. Are these going to continue being quick flips?
Only time will tell but Red Goblin adorns the cover for Amazing Spider-Man #799 so it’s not to be missed as anything could happen.
Even though Dan Slott is writing this storyline (only a few more issues and ASM only gets even better), we should all pay attention to this new villain in Spidey’s Universe as he could play a role in years to come.
Spider-Man is kind of the like DC’s Batman when it comes to known villains. No other character has a list of villains that are as vast and known to even non comic book collectors and readers than Spider-Man has. The villains also seem to hold their weight with long term value potential with 1st appearances. Sure other titles have villains but you ask anyone on the street a villain of Spider-Man has, I’m sure they can name at least 1 or 2.
There’s not really a whole lot going on in the indie world this week.
But Infinity 8 #2 has my attention.
I just love this cover. It kind of gives me that old school vibe but in a new way.
The first issue was pretty much non existent in my neck of the woods on release day so I expect this one to even be harder to find.
So if you find one, grab it. I can’t wait to see how all these different story lines are pieced together.
Small Publisher Pick
Jeff Lemire is a top notch writer. Hands down Black Hammer is one of the best small publisher books.
So Black Hammer Age of Doom #1 is this weeks small publisher pick this week.
Picking up immediately where we left off-Lucy Weber has become the new Black Hammer and right as she’s about to reveal to our heroes how they got stuck on the farm and can escape she vanishes. Now our new Black Hammer finds herself trapped in a gritty world filled with punk rock detectives, emo gods, anthropomorphic humans, absurdist heroes, and many more weirdoes, in a mad world in which there is no escape!
If you haven’t read any of these titles and spin-offs yet, do so next chance you get. You won’t be disappointed.
Now on with the dreaded avoid pick, every writer and artist worst nightmare when it comes to selling their hard work.
First up, Action Comics #1000. Not counting the store exclusives, these are the worst covers ever if you ask me. They couldn’t do more justice for the original super hero that pretty much made comics what they are today? I think I like the Cho 40s variant the best, but I’m going to pass on these. Pick the one you like the most and leave it at one copy for the personal collection.
Next up, anything Black Mask this week (and for the most part, eternity). Seriously, there’s a Calexit #1 4th print coming out and a #2 2nd print? Just seems like a ploy for Black Mask to keep pushing their #1 out into the market without ever planning on finishing the damn series. I doubt there’s even demand for this 4th print. I know my shops won’t even bother with them. Who’s ordering this nonsense? Come on shop owners, speak up if you actually have people buying this crap?
Seriously though, Issue #1 hit stands last July 12th. It took 8 months for issue #2 to hit stands. At this rate, when this series has been released entirely, we’ll all be long dead because the Sun will have already consumed our planet.
Leave it to Black Mask to Wiebe themselves. They got another new book hitting stands as well. Go ahead, pick it up to check out. Just know that #2 will probably be out around December of this year, if you’re lucky.
Save your money, save your sanity, just don’t even bother with Black Mask.
That’s all folks.
Agree with you on the picks to avoid. I may grab one of the Superman, but I dont see them becoming anything huge. I’ve been completely avoiding Black Mask anytime I see a new #1 arrive.
Besides Black Mask putting out garbage, they’ve done absolutely nothing to fix their reputation of getting books out in a reasonable time. Its really quite sad. They should do the comic world a favor and just vanish like a fart in the car with the windows rolled down.
But how do you really feel about black mask?
Haha…. Thats likely a discussion in person. Dont want anyone at Black Mask to start crying.
Allegedly Matt Rosenberg took his next comic to Image because Black Mask can’t get a book out on time to save their life.
That’s what I figured as well when I saw his last book released under Image.
My first stop is the back issue bin for some spec books. Then batman, then amazing spiderman, then true believes ASM 300 gold cover. Not touching action 1000. Gotta take a stand against the pathetic covers and quantity of shop variants.
Yeah. My pickups will be light tomorrow. Probably looking at a $20 at most.
Haha. My time machine still works then on your avoid picks… thought I might have went to the alt verse
I know I’ve said this before, but I’ll probably never buy another Black Mask title again.
My only exception would likely be Space Riders, if Fabian decided to do another arc. He should move it to another publisher. I’m sure Scout or After Shock would gladly take that series on.
Dc should have printed a few million Action 1000’s, poly bagged them and let the world know that one of them had a golden ticket inside the comic for a original Action #1. I might have actually bought one or two if they did.
I think everyone would have bought one or two then. But an original Action Comic would be a huge purchase that ate into their profit margin.
True, but you figure about 300k (or so) for a beat to heck or restored lower/mid grade Action #1, raise the price to $10 a book and with all the volume they would probably make that investment back and then some. Not that it would ever happen… Would be kinda fun it it ever did though.
I hear you on the Black Mask topic … nothing kills a book faster than slow releases … speaking of which… Vault Comics with Donny Cates’ Reactor series … ARRRRrrrrrrrgh!! By the time the next issue comes out I’ll have to re-read Interceptor and then the first two issues of Reactor to remember the storyline… ok, ok … first world issues … deep breath … I’m better now …
I think the next issue of Reactor comes out next week, it’s listed on Midtown.
But yeah, I like Vault but I’m not liking some of their own delays in getting books out. They’re heading down that troubling path of finding themselves on the Poyo Drek list..
The Steve Rude Action 1000, is pretty.
It’s one of the better of the bunch but none of these really stood out for me. At least not enough for me to even pick a copy up. I’m sure they’ll be discounted soon enough, I don’t see my shop selling out anytime soon, especially with the $7.99 price tag it carries.
Action Comics 1000 decade sold out at Diamond and DC won’t be reprinting them!
Sold out at Diamond still doesn’t make me want to run out and get one. My local shop literally had a thousand copies I think. They had so many copies, they had to stack some on the floor cause they were taking up so much space on the new comic wall.
The Cho Variant is already selling over cover. It;s also a great read and a good long term hold imo.
Sold listings range from $5.99 to $9.99 with a few above the $9.99 mark (seems those had free shipping, so you can knock off a $3-$5 depending on how they’re shipping them). I’m still gonna pass. Like I said in my Drek, pick the cover you want, don’t go overboard on these. Maybe I’m wrong but my guess is long term hold value is decades from now, I’ll be long dead before it’s really worth the $7.99 investment.
Forbidden planet didn’t get their jock variants…delayed 10 days…I ordered the signed copy, so I wait. At least they don’t charge my card until they’re ready to ship…