Welcome once again to the wonderful world of Poyo. I tell you what I like, what I think might be spec worthy and what I don’t like. You heard me. I actually tell you what to avoid. I’m sure those artists just love being thrown into that category. I wonder if I ever made it to an artists or writers hit list.. Hmmmm…
This week is a big week for DC and Marvel, not so much for the smaller guys.
So, pick up the few Mattina covers for the personal collection. There’s one for The Flash and Suicide Squad.
But the book that really caught my attention was Eternity Girl #3 by Sonny Liew.
I don’t think this will be a spec hit or gain a lot of value long term, what captures my attention for this one is just the quirky art style. It’s unique, I like unique. It’s almost got that Tim Burton type of style and feel to it.
This is that type of artwork you’d find at a local art gallery as well. That’s what makes this one really stand out to me. I haven’t read Eternity Girl but I might pick this one up just for the cover art for sure.
Marvel Pick
Pick up a copy of the new Venom series being done by Donny Cages and Ryan Stegman.
ctually pick up two copies. This is a series not be overlooked.
Donny Cates has been on fire with his new job at Marvel, introducing new characters, making Marvel hot.
But this weeks pick goes to Exiles #3 Game Cover Variant. It’s going to be hard to find. I also think it will be a solid $10 or more book for the long haul. This variant will be one of those few variants that get sought after and stays relevant for weeks, months and possibly years to come unlike a lot of variant covers.
Girl Power!
Small Publisher Pick
Just like the independents, there’s not a whole lot going on with small publishers either.
The one book that does stand out is Barrier #1 and Barrier #2 from Brian K. Vaughn and Marcos Martin.
You can’t support an artist in any better way shape or form than buying their books.
This is actually a series that was already given away for free as well, in a FCBD #1 issue along with just downloading directly from Panel Syndicate’s website with a name your own price setup.
So throw some love and support towards BKV and MM by buying their book so they keep pumping out great stuff for us to read and see, whether it’s free or has a price tag.
Now on with the dreaded avoid pick, every writer and artist worst nightmare when it comes to selling their hard work.
I’m just gonna say, if you like Spawn, great. If you like Witchblade, great. But honestly, a crossover comic between the two of them?
I just don’t like most crossovers, especially when the two titles really weren’t already part of the same universe in a sense (DC and Marvel, they’re heroes and characters are all part of the bigger picture, so crossovers sometimes work). Just seems like a cash grab if you ask me. At least it’s a mini-series. If you really want to read it, wait a while. You’ll likely find this in the dollar bin a few months from now.
Had that Exiles in my cart at Midtown last week and it sold out before I finished checkout…damn. Really wanted it just because I’m an Agent Carter fan.
I saw it, said to myself that looks awesome. I should have bought some then but didn’t even think it would sell out so fast.
That Eternity Girl cover does look like something that came out of Tim Burtons mind. It totally stands on its own as gallery art worthy, imo.
Yeah, I almost bought one for the cover but I also try to limit myself. If I bought everything that looked good, I’d be living under a bridge broke. If I really want that cover displayed somewhere, I’ll print it out on some quality paper or something.
If I can find Exiles 3 variant that’s all I see that’s good. If not I’m skipping this week also. Too many Venom #1’s for any spec. Unless we gotta wait 20 years so we can flip for double cover price. Oh well. Bring on summer
Yeah, I didn’t go crazy with Venom #1 myself but did grab a few extra that won’t break the bank for the long term holdout potential.
Good call on the Eternity Girl cover. The images inside the tv perfectly capture the feel of old, hand-drawn animation. I’m thinking of that old Mickey Mouse cartoon where he’s in the graveyard…
Now, Poyo, I need your help! I see that Ales Kot has a new comic coming out drawn by Tradd Moore. I adore Tradd Moore, but the boyKot is in effect. What do I do?!?!
If it were me, I’d stick to the boyKot. Just like Francavilla, I love his artwork but I’ve skipped out on some due to the titles or writers I wasn’t too keen on. But go with your gut feeling and buy what you like.
Appreciate the input!