Wednesday Open Forum

Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 190th edition of the open forum!
As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?
What had disappeared off the shelves?
What was sitting on the shelves?
What back issue deals did you grab?

77 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”

    1. Do they even do peanuts anymore? Every flight I’ve taken in the past decade seems they hand out pretzels instead, due to all the weenies with peanut allergies.. yeah, ya’ll heard me, weenies! 😛

  1. I made a deal to buy a BA12 9.6 CGC this past week. Ill be picking it up in the next week or two. Im excited. Its a high end modern book Ive wanted for my collection since day 1. I think Im going for a Tec880 next.

    1. Regardless of any political differences we may have BA #12 is one for the ages. Since Suicide Squad has come and gone that book has gone down in price a little from its highest. If Harley gets a film with the Joker…If Birds of Prey is a reality and if they make a Suicide Squad 2 that book has the potential to skyrocket. Even with its high price now is probably the best time to make a purchase because there is a chance that today’s prices will seem like a steal not too long from now! Anyone who doesn’t have one now should think about making the plunge soon. Like, very soon!

      1. I agree with your sentiments. It was now or never for me on this book, and as I said, I have always wanted this book in my PC. A 7.5 and a 9.6 showed up at an LCS about 3 weeks ago. I eyed it for 2 Wednesdays and decided to make an offer last Wednesday if it was still there. It was. I offered $700 US, he wanted $750. I would have haggled more, but I didnt have cash in hand, but I wanted the book off of the shop wall so others wouldnt buy it. My offer was accepted. I gave him half and am dropping off a payment this week and next at which time she comes home with me. Its old case CGC too, which is tougher graded from what Ive learned.

      2. And the best part is, when it bouls down to it, the book will be 100% paid for with profits from flipping. I sold 2 AvSM9s for the a nice chunk, listed a convention exclusive BA12, and a bunch of smaller flips. Thats how you CHU it.

      3. That’s how you CHU it!! Dude patent that. I like it. Anthony you should say this at the end of each video.

    2. Speaking of a Tec880 i picked one up like two weeks ago for $5. Had to drive about a 2 hour round trip but was well worth it!

  2. Ive been selling a few sets of Isola #1 this week for double cover. Anyone know why people are seeking this book out?

  3. With rumors of Birds of Prey maybe becoming a reality on the silver screen I have bought into Justice League #75 and the Huntress #1 just in case. Still nothing but rumors but I can see Black Canary for sure (if the movie rumors are true) since she has always been associated with Birds of Prey. Huntress may be a long shot but a cheap one at that for her first appearance (Huntress #1 1989). IF they do make this move I just hope it is good.

    1. Have a super high grade Justice League #75 got from Amazon a couple years back was listed like new for cheap with a stock photo I was skeptical but the risk paid off.

  4. Have you guys seen the new Halloween trailer yet? It looks great, I can’t wait to see it. So far I have only picked up one Ducktales design variant online.

    1. Im a big Mike Myers fan. Very much looking forward to this flick. Glad to see the Queen of Scream back in the franchise.

  5. What I’m after this week:
    Babyteeth #11–Donny Cates baby anti-Christ story has been overall solid. This is begging to be adapted for the big-screen or a television series (Netflix, perhaps).
    Exiles #4–I’m a sucker for alternate-reality tales.
    Jungle Fantasy: Secrets #0–Guilty pleasure read.
    Magic Order #1–I’m burnt-out on Millar, so I may pass on this.
    Michael Cray #8–This Wildstorm tie-in is really good.
    Mister Miracle #9–Tom King’s Batman has been, “Meh,” for me, but his 12-issue series always impress.
    Plastic Man #1–Gail Simone is writing this, so it should be good.
    Thor #1–I’ll give the first issue a chance.
    Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #33–A dependably entertaining series.
    Zinnober #1–I actually had a chance to read the first issue in advance and posted a glowing review on my blog. This is worth seeking-out for sure as Tony recommended to everyone.
    There we go!

    1. I read the first 2 issues of Gail Simones Domino series, and it was not for me. I wont say it was bad, but it definitely was not written for me.

    2. I pray for the day Babyteeth gets picked up have the #1 lenticular and the #2 glow in the dark I think it was limited to 50 copies.

  6. Has anyone tried state of decay 2 yet? Just gave it a shot last night for an hour or so. If you enjoyed the first one, you’ll probably like this one. Just a bigger, more polished version of the game. So far so good!
    This week I am grabbing:
    A Walk Through Hell #2
    Batgirl vs Riddler #1
    Bloodshot Salvation #10
    Deadpool Assassin #1
    Detective Comics #982
    I Hate Fairyland #19
    Mister Miracle #9
    Oblivion Song #4
    Spectacular Spider-Man #305
    Spider-man/Deadpool #34
    Darth Vader #17
    Suicide Squad #43 – Mattina Variant
    The Flash #48 – Mattina Variant
    Man of Steel #3
    Thor #1
    Venom #2
    Be careful out there today kids, it’s Wednesday the 13th!! Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn!

      1. Xbox exclusive game. Zombie survival horror.
        You have to establish a base, supplies (food, building materials, medicine, gas), find group members, add to and upgrade your base etc., Keep your equipment maintained, etc.
        When someone dies, they’re gone for good. As members get hurt they need to be healed and will be out of commission for a while, they need to sleep etc. So you switch between members of your group. All have different strengtha and weaknesses. It’s pretty fun. Can be unforgiving at times!

    1. I havent played the SOD series yet, but I picked up my Fallout 4 game and am currently playing that again. I got excited after seeing that Bethesda is already coming out with a completely new Fallout game only 2 years after the release of Fallout 4. Fallout 76, as it is being called, looks crazy huge. 4x the size of Fallout 4, and 4 is crazy big. Being released on November 14, 2018. YES! In fact, I am heading to the wasteland right now.

        1. It is multi player, but I dont play online. There is a full single player story too, thats what has me pumped. I dont play a lot of vids these days, but there is a select few franchises which still put a smile on my face. Fallout 4 was my 1st play in that franchise, and I really enjoyed it.

        1. I watched the Bethesda Game developers/directors launch from E3. He stated that although it is an online game, that it will feature a deep and rich single player story mode, just as in all of the previous Fallout titles. Im taking him at his word for now.
          Its going to be interesting to see how they handle online players using VATS. Surely the game cant slow down for every player on the map whenever one of them enters VATS.

      1. Good point. That will be interesting for sure.
        I’m a little disappointed there will be that many people in the online component. I initially read it was going to like borderlands. Small group of people playing the story based on who is hosting. I liked that seamless single/multiplayer style.

        1. Fallout 4 is really fun. Its set in Boston and the big settlement in the game is called Diamond City, ‘The Great Green Jewel’. Diamond City is Fenway Park and the Green Jewel is the Green Monster. I loved that about the game.

      2. Fallout is a great game franchise to get into, but I will warn you, it’s consuming! You can easily log over 100 hours in a fallout game.
        Skip fallout 1 and 2, they’re old bird’s eye view games. Good for the time but don’t really hold up today. Unless that’s your kind of thing.
        Fallout 3, fallout Jew Vegas and fallout 4 are the ones to play. If just one though, go with fallout 4. Newest and most features.

      3. Each game takes place in different real post apocalyptic city in the US and they all feature real and recognizable local landmarks. Pretty fun.

  7. Picking up:
    Plasticman 1
    I Hate Fairlyland 19
    Monstress 17
    Invader Zim 31
    Plasticman 1 coming out this week reminds me of the time I was talking to Aaron Lopresti about his time on Plas when Howard Chaykin interrupted me to trash-talk about Jim Steranko.
    I did OK at the comic swap this past weekend. Again, it is hard to sell high-end books when people near you are selling their books for a quarter or fill a bag for $20.
    What did sell:
    Early Venom
    Early Carnage
    Low priced, early Thanos
    Adam Hughes, including my Dr. Strange variant
    Squirrel Girl 1st appearance
    Ms. Marvel variants
    TMNT/Flaming Carrot crossover set
    A Portland Pickles baseball bobblehead (with season tickets, we get multiple bobbleheads)
    What did NOT sell:
    CBCS 6.5 verified Bernie signed Swamp Thing 11
    Any slabbed books (HOS 92, BA 12, NYX 3) since this swap is geared towards cheaper, raw books
    Marvel Now Point 1 1st and 2nd print (I had some lowball offers of $5 apiece)
    Logan’s Run with 1st Thanos solo story since everyone seemed to have copies for sale
    Sets of books even priced below cover since it is cheaper to buy the TPB.

      1. I have a CBCS 9.8 & a CBCS 9.6 BA12 and a CBCS 9.8 NYX3. I tend to go with GoCollect’s fair market value for pricing. The 9.8 BA12 is a little higher just because I would prefer to sell the 9.6 first. Although, comparing the 9.6 and the 9.8, I can’t tell them apart.

  8. Pick ups this week were:
    Darth Vader #17
    A Walk Through Hell #2 (loved the first issue and this will be the first book I read tonight)
    Venom #2 (Sam Keith variant for $25-expensive but I really love this cover as someone that watched the Maxx on MTV, remember those days?)
    Babyteeth #11 (this series went through a stretch where is was ho-hum but is really starting to get more exciting)
    Wonder Woman (Frison variant of course)
    Deadpool (Sienkiewicz variant homage to Elektra Assassin for $4)
    Was looking for Zinnober, but none to be found at any shop that I stopped at. One of my guilty pleasure movies is Reign of Fire with an awesome over the top performance by McConoughey. I’ll have to try to get one online of cover B.
    Spec pick ups this week:
    Hungry Ghost #1, #2 (all for cover and all sold within a couple of hours of putting them online, although I do feel a little dirty for listing them)
    Amazing Spiderman #651 Tron variant ($17-didn’t realize what this Mark Brooks cover could go for)
    Star Wars Thrawn #6 (Albuquerque 1:25 for $7)
    Good hunting everyone.

  9. It’s not out for a little bit but I’m really digging the cover for Weapon H 6. It reminds me a little of that classic captain america annual 8 cover.

  10. Books of the week so far seem to be Marvel Rising Alpha 1 Lee Variant and Zinnober 1. Both are ghosts.
    Also managed to pick up a Ward Thor and Keith Venom at decent prices. This is a good week so far.

    1. I totally agree with the Marvel Rising Alpha 1:25. Grabbed 3 at cover and sold 2 for about $100 with shipping. CHU’d the hell out of that! But now I’m wondering if they are so sought after maybe it’s got some long term spec…

      1. Nope. I bet some shops went lighter on #2 after issue 1. I know Cates is popular right now but most of my shops don’t seem to go heavy on Venom books, the demand is just not there compared to their other titles.

  11. Only things for me today were……
    ASM #800 2nd
    Oblivion Song #3 2nd
    And one more Ducktales design variant.

  12. Venom #2 and Immortal Men #3 today. That’s it. Wanted Tech 982, but B cover nowhere tom e foind, so I’ll wait.
    Had to grab Immortal Men with TBWLs on th cover!

  13. What’s the best way to find out ahead of time when a comic has a 1 per store variant. I miss out on them constantly.

    1. Get buddy buddy with your LCS. I believe that stores dont know about any promo 1 per stores until they receive an invoice from Diamond for shipping. I do not think there is a lot of advance notice on any 1 per stores.

        1. I think Ashcans are a complete unknown until stores open up their diamond boxes. I think the Ashcans come in with all the swag and posters that Diamond gives to the retail

      1. Just be a loyal customer and spend every week. Eventually you get some recognition and can get the perks. I have a standing order for all ashcans, one per store or otherwise and I usually have first right of refusal for other one per store comics. There’s a few comics that other regulars have a thing for and they get those, but most go to me. I don’t always take them, but I at least get the chance.

      2. Most all freebies like ashcans and what not, are disclosed on the Diamond Invoice email, which is sent to the Retailer a week or so before the shipment .. these, of course, are designed to give customers a taste of what’s what .. I lay them on the counter with a Post It that says “Check it Out / Available for Pre-Order” .. after a week or two, they get a bit ragged .. not much collectability left .. I’ll give them away if anyone wants it at that point ..
        The spirit of the Ashcan is to promote .. I simply abide by that and always have ..

        1. I’d run a shop like you do Uncle Willie. Promo material is to promote more business not just for the publishers but for the local shop. What better way to get collectors and readers to be intrigued by a new book…. Let them all have a chance at viewing and reading the promo material. Kudos to you… Its too bad your shop isnt in Austin, I’d probably be a loyal customer.

    2. Spend lots of money at your local shop.. Date someone who works there. Bribe them by stalking them and digging up dirt on them.. I actually don’t recommend any of these, please don’t listen to the chicken.. EVER! 🙂

  14. Suicide Squad B cover was out, but other than that, I landed all the books that I wanted:
    FLASH #48 VAR ED
    MAN OF STEEL #3 (OF 6)
    STELLAR #1
    DEAD HAND #3
    VENOM #2

  15. Detective Comics #982 reg.
    Flash 48 variant
    Hawkman 1 variant
    Immortal Men #3
    Suicide Squad variant
    Thor #1
    Titans Special #1
    Venom #2 reg.
    Weeknd presents Starboy #1
    Zinnober #1 cover B

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