This has been a fabulous week so far. Not only am I writing this on vacation (Anthony told me I had to or he was going to slash my salary in half. What’s half of zero?) but all the news out from SDCC has been great news for the comic book industry.
Movie and TV deals are being announced left and right. So let’s just cut to the chase. But first, one of the many views from the past week for me.
This was taken on our drive back from Hana near Ho’okipa Beach Park.
Rift Gets Optioned
Out of all of the news options, this one I like the most so far. Loved the story and concept and it pretty much had movie or TV show written all over it from the get go.
With a small print run compared to most books, this one has a chance of a bell curve potential I think. With that, I mean its going to go up in value but will likely drop back down. So grab copies if you find them, there’s just not that many out there. It’s a small gamble for sure.
News that Alpha has been cast for the Walking Dead. This is things I like only because I hope we see a slight bump in value for these first appearances, including Beta’s first appearance. There’s a good chance if they’ve cast Alpha, we’ll see Beta along as well.
Mr. & Mrs. Who Cares?
Maybe I’m in the minority but I can really care less about Rogue and Gambit getting married. I can also care less about their own title series.
I’m willing to bet this title won’t last long. Are they really the hottest couple in the Marvel Universe?
Ashley Witter
Anyone notice Ashley Witter’s cover art? I intended to mention something a few weeks back on her last Doctor Aphra cover but this weeks cover is just as good I think.
I’m really digging her latest art style she’s bringing to the comic shelves. It’s very eye catching and the details she puts in her covers are amazing. If you don’t recall, she’s done art for Squarriors. For me, it just seems her art is getting better over time.
Even if you’re not reading Doctor Aphra, grab Witter’s covers just for the covers I say.
That’s all the love and hate I have this week. Lot’s more love than hate, it’s hard to hate anything when you’re on vacation.
Good posting Poyo—agree with it all. Enjoy your time off!!
Thanks. Vacations rock. I’m gonna need a vacation of just rest when this one ends.
Several weeks ago I had Adi Granov and Ashley Witter each do me a commission of Chun Li, I was more happy with Witter’s work than Granov’s.. and for the price I paid for.. I got more for my bucks too.. It is what it is..
I like Adi as well but Witter certainly has my attention now of an artist to watch.
I hate to do this but Poyo, the phrase is “I couldn’t care less”. The way you’ve put it, it means you care some about Rogue and Gambit, and you still have room left to care less about them.
That being said, i couldnt care less about them either!
If I were writing Rogue and Gambit I would kill them in the first issue and end the book as a one shot.
To be honest, I tend to shorten “could” as “can” cause I’m just a lazy typer at times. But they’re right in that article I linked, I meant “couldnt care less” by typing “I can care less”…..
What I would really love to see Marvel doing, is a Fantomex-Gambit team up! We have seen them during the Civil War II fighting each other in X-Men 2-3, we saw them briefly in Astonishing X-Men talking about debts owed, other then that, let me hanging. I believe those two can really do some real damage together. I love Gambit, but a Gambit and Rogue in a book, I really do not know about, unless it’s like a Mr. and Mrs. Smith book, I don’t see it working though in the Marvel Universe.
For sure. I just dislike the whole romance things in super hero comics.
This is one reason I’m glad Bendis is gone from Marvel, has anyone read the descriptions of Action Comics? Seems he’s just focused on Superman’s love life and relationship with Lois rather than Superman being a badass.. I know we can’t always get rid of the romance or hookups but when it’s the primary talking point in a story or movie, I just lose interest.